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BOOK 1: JAYDEN'S JOURNEY staring at him. It appeared to be some sort of hideous creature. It was hard for Jayden to make out what it was, but as he gazed at.
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As those five black men stood in the White House, I wonder what it must have felt like. These men had been fighting for the liberation of millions and had waited for this moment, only to be told that once they were granted their freedom, they were going to be asked to leave the country of their birth. So Lincoln ends the meeting, and one of the men tells him that they will go back and consider his proposal. No hurry at all. Beneath its side lie the bones of our fathers. Here we were born, and here we will die.

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By choosing to stay, black people were saying, this is our country. And in the years that followed, after the Civil War ends, a very short period called Reconstruction began. You see the formerly enslaved pushing their white allies in Congress to start to change our founding documents and to actually resolve those contradictions that were baked in. They do this through getting amendments passed. And, of course, amendments are the way that we change our Constitution. So, of course, the very first amendment that they have to pass is the 13th Amendment, which abolishes the institution of slavery.

They pass the 14th Amendment, and the 14th Amendment guarantees that all of the enslaved people will finally be citizens of the country of their birth. It also ensures for the first time that the laws cannot treat people differently based on their race. This is called the equal protection clause, and this clause will be used again and again, really all the way up until now, to guarantee that all Americans are treated as equal citizens. The 15th Amendment guaranteed the right to vote no matter what your race is.

The only reason we saw all of these gains in the South was because there were federal troops there, and those federal troops were holding back the violence of white Southerners who were not interested in seeing these gains. This all changes with the presidential election of It was a contested election, and Rutherford B. Hayes is the Republican candidate. And remember, back then it was Republicans who were the progressive party, and they were the party of Lincoln that was working to pass all of this progressive legislation.

But Rutherford B. Hayes really wants to win this election, and so he makes a deal with the Democrats in Congress that if they give him their electoral votes, he will withdraw the federal troops from the South and end Reconstruction. So he makes the deal, and the troops leave, and we immediately see white Southerners implement a campaign to force black people back into the position that they had been in before Reconstruction. The suppression of black life over the next five decades would be so devastating that it would come to be known as the Great Nadir, the second slavery.

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Colored people is free. We ought to be awful thankful. The day of days for America and her allies. Crowds before the White House await the announcement. I have received this afternoon a message from the Japanese government which specifies the unconditional surrender of Japan. Reporters rush out to relay the news to an anxious world and touch off celebrations throughout the country. Joy is unconfined. But he is a black man who is returning to the Jim Crow South. The whole trouble with this integration business is it probably will end up with mixing socially.

Well, I think their aim is mixed marriages and becoming equal with the whites. Good morning. This is Orson Welles speaking. I, Isaac Woodard Jr. I was honorably discharged on February 12, He stopped. I asked him if he had time to wait for me until I had a chance to go the restroom. He cursed and said no. When he cursed me, I cursed him back. When the bus got to —. The bus driver gets upset with him. They have a little bit of an argument.

He goes to the bathroom, runs back to the bus, and the bus keeps going. But then, a few miles down the road, the bus stops, and the bus driver gets off the bus, and then calls and tells Woodard that he needs to get off the bus as well. So Woodard gets off the bus, and before he can even utter a word —. When the bus got to Aiken, he got off and went and got the police. The policeman struck me with a billy across my head and told me to shut up.

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I figured he was trying to make me resist. I did not resist against him.

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He asked me, was I discharged, and I told him yes. When I said yes, that is when he started beating me with a billy, hitting me across the top of the head. After that, I grabbed his billy and wrung it out of his hand. After I dropped the billy, the second policeman held his gun on me while the other one was beating me.

Episode 1: The Fight for a True Democracy

And the blows keep coming, and they keep coming, to the point that Woodard loses consciousness. Woodard is still wearing his crisp Army uniform.

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He was beaten so severely by that police officer that he would never see again. World War II had done exactly what many white people had feared, that once black people were allowed to fight in the military, and when they traveled abroad and they experienced what it was like not to live under a system of racial apartheid, that it would be much harder to control them when they came back.

Black men in their uniforms were seen as being unduly proud. So these men who had served their country, who had come home proudly wearing the uniform to show their service for their country, would find that this actually made them a target of some of the most severe violence.

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But what was unusual was what happened after. They take photographs of him. We have people coming in from all over the country. Why is it that some people seem to be able to read a book once and remember every detail of it for life, while others struggle to recall even the title a few days after putting down a book?

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