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Sacred Texts Islam. THE ALCHEMY OF HAPPINESS. BY AL GHAZZALI. CLAUD FIELD, translator [b. , d. ]. []. Title Page · Contents · Editorial Note.
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He preferred stories, metaphors, or allegories in the manner of Emerson who said, "Whoever thinks intently will find an image more or less luminous rise in his mind. Here is one such image that he summons luminously into our minds: the story of the Chinese and Greek artists. The painters of the two nations immediately applied themselves with diligence to their work.

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The Chinese sought and obtained of the king every day a great quantity of colors, but the Greeks not the least particle. Both worked in profound silence, until the Chinese with a clangor of cymbals and of trumpets, announced the end of their labors. Immediately the king, with his courtiers, hastened to their temple, and there stood amazed at the wonderful splendour of the Chinese painting and the exquisite beauty of the colors.

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But meanwhile the Greeks, who had not sought to adorn the walls with paints, but labored rather to erase every color, drew aside the veil which concealed their work. Then, wonderful to tell, the manifold variety of the Chinese colors was seen still more delicately and beautifully reflected from the walls of the Grecian temple, as it stood illuminated by the rays of the midday sun. Ghazzali understands the heart is not just a piece of meat through which our blood flows in the center of our chest.

By "heart" I do not mean the piece of flesh situated in the left of our bodies, but that which uses all the other faculties as its instruments and servants. In truth it does not belong to the visible world, but to the invisible, and has come into this world as a traveler visits a foreign country for the sake of merchandise, and will presently return to its native land.

It is the knowledge of this entity and its attributes which is the key to the knowledge of God. The heart is much more than materialistic science would have us believe -- rightly understood, it is our window into the spiritual world. The physicist and the astronomer provide explanations for events in the world like the ant in this next simile by Ghazzali:. If you only see the world of phenomena your explanations must necessarily stop at the boundaries of phenomena. You mistake the servants of the lowest rank of the king for the king. In this next passage, Ghazzali talks about "the First Cause" of illness.

This is often overlooked by folks when an illness or disease comes upon them. Instead of looking for the first cause, they instead focus on "combating the disease" -- not realizing that the One they are really fighting is the One who brought the disease upon them to help them remember what they came to Earth to do. It does not occur to them that what has really happened is this: that the Almighty has a concern for the welfare of that man, and has therefore commanded His servants, the planets or the elements, to produce such a condition in him that he may turn away from the world to his Maker.

The knowledge of this fact is a lustrous pearl from the ocean of inspirational knowledge, to which all other forms of knowledge are as islands, in the sea. People no longer keep camels, at least not those reading these words, so you may not think the words of admonition in the next passage apply to you. You may own a Maxima or a BMW, however, and spent a lot of your income paying for it and its upkeep. I heard a story about a young professional who crashed his new BMW and was thrown from the wreckage.

The State Policeman came up to him and noticed that his left arm had been torn off in the crash. The man was holding the stub of his left arm and crying inconsolably and mumbling about something he had lost. As the policeman got closer, he heard the man saying, "My Rolex! My Rolex!

The alchemy of happiness: how to achieve sustainable pleasure

They have fallen into the same mistake as the pilgrim to Mecca, mentioned above, who, forgetting the object of his pilgrimage and himself, should spend his whole time in feeding and adorning his camel. Unless a man maintains the strictest watch he is certain to be fascinated and entangled by the world, which, as the Prophet said, is "a more potent sorcerer than Harut and Marut.

Like the man with his camel, worldly things appear at first as a convenience, but too soon they can grow to occupy all of a person's time and energy. The things of the world are like the ugly hag who dresses up in beautiful gowns and jewelry and veils her face. She seduces men to be her husband and then kills them.

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Luxury products of all stripes are presented to us in an appealing way, with ostensibly beaming faces of men and women staring us from billboards and television screens everywhere. We are still in the pursuit of happiness, moving from one destination to another, flicking through TV channels, frolicking on the beaches, hanging around on social media, hoping from websites to websites, but hardly finding real pleasure anywhere we go. The true and lasting happiness still eludes us. This means that you are seeking pleasure in the most unlikely of places. Most of those things you seek pleasure from are not capable of exuding enduring happiness, therefore the pleasure you derive from them are not lasting.

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Since they are momentary in nature and bound to perish, their beauty and attraction are fleeting. None of them can please you forever, as the moment their pomp and splendour dwindle, you will start feeling boredom.

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Simply scratch the surface of their veneer, and you can feel the boredom underneath. It is ridiculous to seek happiness in something that will perish. A true believer in God can sustain these blessings and convert the momentary pleasure obtained from them into eternal bliss. As Al Bistami advised his friend, we need to remove the veils that block our access to God. However appealing and tempting they appear to be, they have no enduring value. Whatever they bring cannot be compared to the true happiness you get by connecting to the Almighty.

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What the devil promises is destitution and what he enjoins on us is eternal lewdness, whereas what Allah swt promises is forgiveness from Him with bounty. The alchemy of eternal bliss, he contends, is found in the divine treasure. He maintains that happiness is necessarily linked with the knowledge of God and will be in strict proportion to the degree in which we love God. Happiness consists in the transformation of the self, and this transformation consists in the realization that one is primarily a spiritual being.

The Alchemy of Happiness (Paperback)

The edition of the World Happiness Report published recently recommends that at an increasingly irreligious age we need to accord top priority to promoting ethical values and an ethical system which can inspire and unite people of all ages from all backgrounds and cultures. It means even when religiosity is waning rapidly across the world, religious and ethical values need to be preserved to keep the world smiling. The report declines the crude form of Darwinism which says human nature is inherently selfish and it is the fittest who survive, describing it contrary to the modern understanding of human nature.

There is no denying the fact that a world built on the fragile foundation of soulless consumerism and unbridled extravaganza is not going to bring you lasting peace and happiness.

Imam al-Ghazali and the alchemy of happiness

Only by building a connection to God and developing a lasting and meaningful relationship with Him, can you solve your most complicated problems and make your life blissful forever. That will open up many doors in front of you that you once believed were locked with ten deadbolts. Get connected and stay in touch with Him, in order to keep enjoying the fruits for all eternity. The Muslim Vibe is a non-profit media platform aiming to inspire, inform and empower Muslims like you. Our goal is to provide a space for young Muslims to learn about their faith as well as news stories affecting them, so we can reclaim the Muslim narrative from the mainstream.

Your support will help us achieve this goal, and enable us to produce more original content. Your support can help us in the fight against Islamophobia , by building a powerful platform for young Muslims who can share their ideas, experiences and opinions for a better future. Thank you and Jazakallah.