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Blue Origin, the rocket company founded by Jeff Bezos, is also looking to use liquid hydrogen.

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SpaceX, founded by Elon Musk, is staking its future on burning liquid methane, which the company believes it can generate on the Martian surface. Explosions , radiation , starvation , and other problems would constantly threaten a mission. Because the technology is still quite primitive. Well, this is a strange new chapter in one of the strangest stories in modern film.

He succeeded, finally, with a rendition starring Adam Driver, and the film premiered this year at Cannes Film Festival. Except, uh, apparently Terry Gilliam just lost the rights to it. When will they make an end? Everything is new. Title credit goes to File contributing editor of the day Ky. Clarisse as a police informant?

Specifically, it knows what Guy Montag has to learn, and what he has to become; and it knows what Beatty is in relation to Montag. Lee is suing POW! At the time, Lee claims, he was devastated because his wife was on her deathbed and they took advantage of his despair — and his macular degeneration, which rendered him legally blind in According to the complaint filed Tuesday in Los Angeles County Superior Court, Lee has been selective about licensing his name and likeness and will only authorize the use on a non-exclusive basis.

Congratulations to Cora Buhlert! I was going to put the link to the announcement into the weekly link round-ups at the Speculative Fiction Showcase and the Indie Crime Scene respectively, but first I took a gander at the list of nominees and all but fell from my chair, because there, a bit down the page, was my name. I had absolutely no idea about this, until I saw the nominee list.

There are people like me who read one story generally online and then stop and do something else. There are people who sit down with a print or ebook magazine and read the whole thing cover to cover. There are people who only listen to short fiction in podcast form.

The 14th Golden Age of Science Fiction MEGAPACK®

So I was thinking about the different ways people read short SFF, and I wanted to find out more about these differences. I also thought that since lots of people have different short fiction reading habits, people who want to try short fiction might find that different pieces of advice are helpful to different people. News to me — the crowds of the pod races in Star Wars Episode I were half a million painted q-tips.

So he came up with the idea…of using q-tips, cotton swabs, colored, in the stands of the Mos Espa arena.

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So there were something like , q-tips painted multiple colors, and he even researched it to find out how many reds versus yellows and blues and greens that should be in there. And it was a process of just days of painting. Think about , cotton swabs, how you paint them, and then how you put them in. Everyone took turns at one point sticking them into the stands. And by blowing a fan underneath they kind of twinkled, like people moving around. Ultimately they did put some CG people on top of it, but I always thoght it would be funny if they caught to a close-up of the stands and you saw a cotton swab sitting in the stands next to the aliens….

Premium cable network Epix will air Pennyworth. The series has some behind-the-camera personnel ties to Gotham , but is not a prequel of that Fox series. No cast has been announced. Source: Time. A small bit of good news: Congress designed a largely ornamental escape valve into this system: every three years, the Librarian of Congress can grant exemptions to the law for certain activities.

PULP FICTION: The Golden Age of Sci Fi, Fantasy and Adventure - FEATURE

Did you know the innards of your car are copyrighted? Repair is an onshore industry that creates middle-class jobs in local communities, where service technicians help Americans get more value out of the devices they buy. Our friend John Scalzi was kind enough to write us a science fiction story that illustrates the stakes involved.

Numerous photos of the inside and outside. Michael Z. They are there for YOUR benefit, not you for theirs. In my case, I currently have three novels, a collection, an anthology, all contracted, another novel offer, three on spec, an article request, three short stories and a lengthy stack of products to test and review, and an entire summer of professional bookings.

I have a not-quite four year old and a teenager. John Ringo, in a public Facebook post , advises writers —. Oh, yeah, and as fans and lovers of liberty, never, ever attend Origins again if you ever have. Or ConCarolinas. Sorry, Jada. Or ArchCon. Or WorldCon. What if football had stayed boring, or the US had boycotted the Berlin Olympics, or …?

When Henrietta Lacks was dying of cancer in , her cells were harvested without her knowledge. They became crucial to scientific research and her story became a best-seller. Since then, Lacks has become one of the most powerful symbols for informed consent in the history of science. Dinosaur parenting has been difficult to study, due to the relatively small number of fossils, but the incubating behaviour of oviraptorosaurs has now been outlined for the first time.

Scientists believe the largest of these dinosaurs arranged their eggs around a central gap in the nest. The feathered ancient relatives of modern birds, oviraptorosaurs lived in the Late Cretaceous period, at least 67 million years ago. I have also seen the broadcast date listed as The Arthur C. Artificial intelligence is already impacting healthcare is numerous ways. What are the pathways that will yield the most profound results for AI in medicine?

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And what are the ethical and regulatory issues we need to consider as we develop these technologies? Title credit goes to File contributing editor of the day Daniel Dern. Dionne Jr. People tend to like cities, and have been congregating in them ever since the invention of agriculture, 10, or so years ago. This origin story underlines how agriculture made cities possible, by providing enough food to feed a settled crowd on a regular basis.

So as central as cities are to modern civilisation, they are only one aspect of a system. Right now we are not succeeding. The Global Footprint Network estimates that we use up our annual supply of renewable resources by August every year, after which we are cutting into non-renewable supplies — in effect stealing from future generations. Eating the seed corn, they used to call it. Lewis and J. A new trailer has been posted. Tolkien and C.

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The film traces the careers of both men at Oxford University, and their deepening friendship as they discover a mutual love of medieval, romantic literature. Facing the threat of another world war, Tolkien and Lewis reach back into their earlier experience of war as they compose their epic works of fantasy, The Lord of the Rings and The Chronicles of Narnia.

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Legacy Circle Members will select the top three nominees in each category from this preliminary ballot. A few days ago Jared Kinsler compiled an excellent selection of the photos of the Apollo missions , which you should check out here…. Dinosaurs like the Triceratops may have had horns and frills to attract a mate, a new study suggests. Ceratopsian, or horned dinosaurs, were previously thought to have developed this ornamentation to distinguish between different species. This has now been ruled out in a study published in a Royal Society journal. An elite alien military officer is sentenced to earth as his penalty for rebellion.

He is given human form-much weaker than his older form-and sent to Earth to improve his violent behavior. Or maybe curb his violent instincts or learn about goodness, it all gets a bit murky. Thought you were doing something about this? A Facebook employee later responded with the assurance that the ad and the page had been removed from Facebook.

Elsewhere on the internet, AddShatnerToAnything was the order of the day.

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For example…. Will Shetterly considered himself to have nothing in common with Jon Del Arroz apart from also having been banned from a convention. Well, now that Shetterly has cast shade on Jim C. However, this passage struck me as the most interesting part of the post:. Once your career has begun, you need to be able to attend the Nebulas Awards too. Obviously, only the very privileged can go to most of those conventions regularly, but anyone who wants to make a career in this field should, every year, pick one from from Column A WorldCon, World Fantasy, Nebula Awards , one from Column B ReaderCon, WisCon, Fourth Street Fantasy , and one from Column C local convention, regional convention, major commercial convention like DragonCon.

It keeps you from meeting fellow professionals and getting useful tips, and it keeps you from making new fans. Not "banned" from Worldcon, but I wasn't allowed to enter the registration area for my membership packet. I just had Hilde pick it up and bring it out to me. I'd called out people, in print, for their reprehensible behavior, especially the forced firing of Rusty Hevelin. I want to write a novel titled "Collected Short Stories" just to mess with everyone.