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SYMBOLICS OF MONEY: SWASTIKA AND DAVID'S STAR Kindle Edition On money of the world various symbolic is used. The most widespread symbol at centuries is the five-pointed star ("the press of the tsar of Solomon") which value changed to contrast. Symbols – a swastika and "David's Star" are so widely widespread.
Table of contents

Squares are often connected with the physical world: four elements, four cardinal directions, etc. Together, they can mean both positive and negative aspects of the four elements , for example, and balancing them. A chaos star is eight points radiating from a central point.

While originating in fiction — specifically the writings of Michael Moorcock — it has now been adopted into a variety of additional contexts, including religious and magical ones. Most notably, it has been adopted by some as a symbol of chaos magic. Buddhists use an eight-spoked wheel to represent the Eightfold Path taught by the Buddha as a means to escape suffering through the breaking of attachments. These paths are right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration.

The Wiccan Wheel of the Year is commonly represented as a circle containing eight spokes or an eight-pointed star. Each point is a major holiday known as a Sabbat. Wiccans emphasize the system of holidays as a whole: each holiday is influenced by what has come before and prepares for the one approaching next.

Star of David

Share Flipboard Email. Updated January 21, Continue Reading. It is a symbol of the seventh Tirthankara, Suparshvanath. In the Svetambara tradition, it is also one of the symbols of the ashtamangala. All derasars and holy books must contain the swastika and ceremonies typically begin and end with creating a swastika mark several times with rice around the altar.

Jains use rice to make a swastika in front of statues in a temple. The swastika is recognized as a Hindu symbol in most parts of the world. In Hinduism, the swastika is at times in certain sects considered a symbolic representation of Ganesha. In Hindu rites, Ganesha is offered first offerings in every pooja. The swastika is made with Sindoor during Hindu religious rites.

This symbol looks something like a stick figure of a human being. Right-facing swastika in the decorative Hindu form is used to evoke "shakti". Known as a "yungdrung" in ancient Tibet, it was a graphical representation of eternity. The swastika marks the beginning of many Buddhist scriptures. In East Asian countries, the left-facing character is often used as symbol for Buddhism and marks the site of a Buddhist temple on maps. In Chinese and Japanese the swastika is also a homonym of the number 10,, and is commonly used to represent the whole of Creation, e.

During the Chinese Tang Dynasty, Empress Wu Zetian decreed that the swastika would also be used as an alternative symbol of the Sun. In Japan, the swastika is called manji. Since the Middle Ages, it has been used as a coat of arms by various Japanese families such as Tsugaru clan, Hachisuka clan or around 60 clans that belong to Tokugawa clan. On Japanese maps, a swastika left-facing and horizontal is used to mark the location of a Buddhist temple.

In Chinese and Japanese art, the swastika is often found as part of a repeating pattern. One common pattern, called sayagata in Japanese, comprises left- and right-facing swastikas joined by lines. As the negative space between the lines has a distinctive shape, the sayagata pattern is sometimes called the "key fret" motif in English. In Armenia swastika is called "vardan", "arevakhach" and "ker khach" and is the ancient symbol of eternal light i.

Swastikas in Armenia were founded on petroglyphs.


Among the oldest petroglyphs is the seventh letter of the Armenian alphabet - "E" which means "is" or "to be" - depicted as half-swastika. Swastikas can also be seen on early Medieval churches and fortresses, including the principal tower in Armenia's historical capital city of Ani. The same symbol can be found on Armenian carpets, cross-stones khachkar and in medieval manuscripts. In Iran, a golden necklace of three swastikas found in Marlik, Gilan province Iran, dates back to first millennium BC.

The swastika motif was used by some Native American groups. It has been found in excavations of Mississippian-era sites in the Ohio and Mississippi River valleys. It is frequently used as a motif on objects associated with the Southeastern Ceremonial Complex S.

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It was also widely used by many southwestern tribes, most notably the Navajo. Among various tribes, the swastika carried different meanings. To the Hopi it represented the wandering Hopi clan; to the Navajo it was one symbol for a whirling log tsil no'oli , a sacred image representing a legend that was used in healing rituals. A brightly colored First Nations saddle featuring swastika designs is on display at the Royal Saskatchewan Museum in Canada. A swastika shape is a symbol in the culture of the Kuna people of Kuna Yala, Panama.

In Kuna tradition it symbolizes the octopus that created the world, its tentacles pointing to the four cardinal points. In February the Kuna revolted vigorously against Panamanian suppression of their culture, and in they assumed autonomy. The flag they adopted at that time is based on the swastika shape, and remains the official flag of Kuna Yala.

Symbol - Raëlism Symbol Religion Swastika Star Of David

A number of variations on the flag have been used over the years: red top and bottom bands instead of orange were previously used, and in a ring representing the traditional Kuna nose-ring was added to the center of the flag to distance it from the symbol of the Nazi party. The swastika is also a motif used by certain African groups. One of the oldest recorded uses of the swastika is in the adinkra artwork of the Akan people in Ghana. Referred to as nkotimsefuopua The swastika was used in akan goldweights as early as In , Scottish anthropologist Robert Sutherland Rattray noted servants in Ashanti Empire wearing the image on their dresses.

All About Octagrams or Eight-Pointed Stars

Ancient Greek architectural, clothing and coin designs are replete with single or interlinking swastika motifs. There are also found gold plate fibulae from the 8th century BC decorated with an engraved swastika. Related symbols in classical Western architecture include the cross, the three-legged triskele or triskelion and the rounded lauburu. The swastika symbol is also known in these contexts by a number of names, especially gammadion,or rather the tetra-gammadion.

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Ancient Greek priestesses would tattoo the symbol, along with the tetraskelion, on their bodies. Ancient Greek architectural designs are replete with the interlinking symbol. In alchemy, the gammadion was used to symbolise the four cardinal corners of the world and the guardianship of this world. In Greco-Roman art and architecture, and in Romanesque and Gothic art in the West, isolated swastikas are relatively rare, and the swastika is more commonly found as a repeated element in a border or tessellation.

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The swastika often represented perpetual motion, reflecting the design of a rotating windmill or watermill. A meander of connected swastikas makes up the large band that surrounds the Augustan Ara Pacis. A design of interlocking swastikas is one of several tessellations on the floor of the cathedral of Amiens, France. A border of linked swastikas was a common Roman architectural motif,and can be seen in more recent buildings as a neoclassical element. A swastika border is one form of meander, and the individual swastikas in such a border are sometimes called Greek keys.

There have also been swastikas found on the floors of Pompeii. The bronze frontspiece of a ritual pre-Christian c. The Book of Kells ca. At the Northern edge of Ilkley Moor in West Yorkshire, there is a swastika-shaped pattern engraved in a stone known as the Swastika Stone. The figure in the foreground of the picture is a 20th century replica; the original carving can be seen a little farther away, at left of center.

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A comb with a swastika found in Nydam Mose, Denmark. The pagan Anglo-Saxon ship burial at Sutton Hoo, England, contained numerous items bearing the swastika, now housed in the collection of the Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. The Swastika is clearly marked on a hilt and sword belt found at Bifrons in Kent, in a grave of about the 6th century. Hilda Ellis Davidson theorized that the swastika symbol was associated with Thor, possibly representing his hammer Mjolnir - symbolic of thunder - and possibly being connected to the Bronze Age sun cross. Davidson cites "many examples" of the swastika symbol from Anglo-Saxon graves of the pagan period, with particular prominence on cremation urns from the cemeteries of East Anglia.

Some of the swastikas on the items, on display at the Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, are depicted with such care and art that, according to Davidson, it must have possessed special significance as a funerary symbol. Swastika was wide spread among the Illyrians, symbolizing the Sun. The Sun cult was the main Illyrian cult, and the Sun was represented by a swastika in clockwise motion, and it stood for the movement of the Sun.