Guide Simply Beautiful, Rooted in Him

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One of the most effective ways we can be rooted in Christ is to be immersed in his word. The prophet Jeremiah expressed one of the most beautiful analogies in the Old Testament, Without roots, a tree simply could not even survive. One of.
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In my experience, I've come to realize that there are very few "self-made men" in this world. While you have to work hard to become successful, the truth is that most who have gone far received a whole lot of backing from friends and family at key moments.

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And so on. Ball Four this isn't. The first 50 pages or so are devoted to Orr's upbringing and family life. The last 50 pages or so are devoted to a chapter titled "State of the Game," in which Orr offers several ideas about how to improve upon hockey and how the parents of young players ought to maneuver through the shoals of amateur hockey. There is even a chapter about Don Cherry, the Rush Limbaugh of Canada, the former Bruins' coach and now routinely divisive analyst on Hockey Night in Canada , whom Orr clearly admires and appreciates so much so that he wants Cherry admitted in the Hockey Hall of Fame.

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Only about one-fifth of the book, maybe 50 pages or so, are devoted to the core of Orr's career, his glory days with the Bruins. Disappointing, yes. Surprising, no. Over and over again, in both the introduction and the afterword, we read how reluctant Orr was to write the book, how he feared he had nothing to say.

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He never became a coach, he candidly tells us, because he never really had to think about playing the game of hockey. So great and instinctive were his talents, in other words, that never needed to become a student of the game the way, for example, Dryden did.


And it shows in this work. Here's one such way in which Orr chooses to explain why this is less a memoir and more a manifesto:. If this book were just about nostalgia, or highlights from my career, it would just reinforce a version of the story I never found particularly interesting.

The trophies, the scoring titles, the Stanley Cups—that's all in the history books now. But like that famous photo, or the statute outside the TD Garden, they don't tell you much. They don't speak to values or to motivation So what exactly has Bobby Orr, the man who has been the face of Canada since before he could shave, done here? The blessed man, he has used nostalgia to write a book that asks readers to limit their nostalgia toward the more important things in life.

The charitable man , he has used the power of his fame to urge a nation to lighten up on the young athletes in its care. The private man, he has tactically refused to give his fans the gossip they may have wanted; besides, who is going to complain and who would listen? This is a book more about a man than about a hockey player. Its best passages are not about Orr's many and great successes, or about his many colorful teammates , but about his heartbreaking failure to overcome the knee injuries that doomed him. Orr's knees might be the most famous knees in the history of the world—they certainly were back in the s—and it's fascinating to read today just how bad it was for him then, near the end, as he was struggling to play for the Chicago Blackhawks.

It's also fascinating to know the details of how the Bruins could have let him get away not his fault, he says, blame Eagleson. But you get the sense, throughout, that Orr learned his lessons, both the easy and the hard ones, the way you would hope a young player, or a young man, would. And that's why one could argue that this is a heroic book despite its lumbering tone and lack of drama or detail. There is something entirely epic and noble about a grandfather sitting down to impart some wisdom on those he will leave behind.

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It is the effort of a hardworking man, the product of a humble man, the offering of a man whose life was preternaturally marked by self-assuredness. Who says that a great artist always has to display his gift of genius to contribute to the world? Bobby Orr can no longer clear a crease or run the power-play. He can no longer fly through the air like he did in May This book is what he can offer now, today, to make things easier, perhaps, for the next Bobby Orr.

Of course, we know, even if he doesn't, that there can never be another Bobby Orr. It will be interesting to see over the next few weeks and months how this book is received in the hockey world and whether Canada appreciates it differently from the rest of the world. Unlike Gretzky, who left 25 years ago for California, Orr has stayed a huge part of the Canadian landscape.

And there is, as I said, something wholly Canadian about this work. Not the Canada that Americans often perceive—the liberal, multicultural, multilingual hodgepodge of nations—but the Canada that most Canadians still acknowledge as their own.

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The Canada that is always just a little self-restrained, always just a tad worried, always a little more sensitive about context and perspective. The ever-humble Canada. The self-deprecating one. The one that wants to please.

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And that's another contrast here. By downplaying his role as hockey legend, Orr in these pages reminds us that he long ago became bigger than hockey. In America, were an athlete to write a memoir so lacking in dish and dirt he might be ridiculed as pompous or pretentious—as a self-righteous scold. That's not going to happen here because if Bobby Orr has earned anything through his life of showing up on time and helping people in need he's earned the right to speak his mind. Bigger than hockey. At times even bigger than Canada. But not too big for his own britches. People like that.

Canadians, I think, especially.

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So you don't need to be a hockey fan to appreciate this book. And if you are a hockey fan there are plenty of other books that will help you understand how good the Bruins were, and how dominant Orr was, when his knees were sound. Our heroes should be allowed to change, to evolve, to grow old.

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Our artists and geniuses should be allowed to be multidimensional. They no longer need to be great men in our eyes so long as they are still good men. And Bobby Orr here is reminding us all how good a man he has remained through the decades. When he played, and he scored, he often did not raise his stick in the air the way other hockey players did and do to celebrate their achievement.

Bobby Orr was too modest, too secure in his own talent, to do that regularly.

Rooted And Grounded In Christ

This book is precisely that. Gods don't answer letters, John Updike wrote , but if they did we might be surprised to discover their words to read a lot like those that Orr offers here: Be good to your children, be good to your parents, play fair, work hard, appreciate the little things, and have fun. We want to hear what you think about this article. Submit a letter to the editor or write to letters theatlantic. Skip to content. Sign Up. My Account. Privacy Settings. Roots Quotes. Please enable Javascript This site requires Javascript to function properly, please enable it.

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. Education Sweet Fruit Bitter. Consider a tree for a moment. As beautiful as trees are to look at, we don't see what goes on underground - as they grow roots. Trees must develop deep roots in order to grow strong and produce their beauty. But we don't see the roots.