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Although infertile couples may be considered mentally healthy in general, distress may be critical to the success of fertility treatment outcome, the other of pregnancy (eg, serum positive test, clinical pregnancy or live birth).
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It is the next stage of a human's development, according to Erickson , but infertility blocks the accomplishment of this task. The couple can't understand why this stage is thwarted when all of life's other developmental tasks occurred without conscious thought.

Compounding the couple's despair, is the societal stigma that accompanies infertility. The couple may feel "defective" and the inability to fulfill the role of parenthood may be regarded as a personal failure. And while the couple grapples with these unpleasant feelings the woman's biological clock continues to tick adding time pressure to their list of stressors. Researchers have verified that infertility does cause stress. Comar reported that infertile women experience twice the level of depression when compared to their fertile counterparts.

And this elevated stress does compromise reproduction.

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Facchinetti documented that the higher a woman's vulnerability to stress the lower her pregnancy rates. Sharma and Sharma documented double the pregnancy rates in women who took anti-anxiety pills. Domar, a researcher who works at the Mind and Body Institute in Boston which is associated with Harvard Medical School proposes a model that explains the deleterious effects of stress on the reproductive functions. Domar in The Wellness Book. Benson, To break this cycle, the emotional tension must be addressed.

Causes of infertility in women

One intuitively knows that the mind psyche or soul can influence physiological responses. Just think of the emotion of fear. When one feels fear, there are distinct bodily symptoms such as dry mouth, pounding heart sweaty palms, etc. Perhaps, techniques available for stress reduction could reverse the emotional stress of infertility.

Benson contends that stress and relaxation can not co-exist. Several research studies have documented the positive effect of relaxation in other fields. Stuart used relaxation to help patients reduce blood pressure without medication. Mandle documented less pain medication use and a decrease in anxiety by hospital patients who listened to a relaxation tape.

Goodale was able to document decreased premenstrual symptoms in women who practiced relaxation techniques. And lastly Domar cited double the pregnancy rates for In Vitro Fertilization IVF patients who practiced relaxation coping techniques. The tools for practicing relaxation are so varied, there is something for everyone.

The ideas suggested below are activities that enhance relaxation.

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  • Enjoying one or more of these activities diminishes the negative effects of infertility induced stress. Stress and Relaxation Can Not Co-exist! Everyone has a different way of reducing stress. The following are some things which can help a great deal. Don't forget the value of a good friend.

    A friend to lend a sympathetic ear can raise one's spirits and decrease the sense of isolation. Consider friends and relatives as prospective confidantes and share the sadness of infertility's elusive goal. It is natural to resist burdening a friend with personal problems. But try reversing the situation. Wouldn't it be an honor and privilege to have a friend share a problem with you? The opportunity to help ease a friend's burden is gratifying and also an expression of the friend's high esteem for you.

    Positive Effect of Acupuncture and Cupping in Infertility Treatment. - Abstract - Europe PMC

    Give your friend the same compliment. Consider watching some stand-up comedy, a good funny movie, or hanging out with friends who know how to tickle your funny bone. You may even want to consider a laughter yoga class. In laughter yoga, a group comes together and purposefully laughs. Biofeedback is a method of relaxation training, which actually helps you see what's working and what's not. With biofeedback, a therapist will monitor your heart rate, perspiration, muscle tension, brain waves, and other physiological stress markers, tracking them with a computer.

    The therapist will then help lead you through relaxation or meditation exercises, using the computer readings to help discover what works best for you to reduce stress. While biofeedback is typically done with a therapist or medical professional, they also make-at-home biofeedback programs.

    An informal method of biofeedback may include becoming more aware of your own body, without any computers or technology. For example, noting that your muscles are tense or that your heart is racing, you'd know that you are becoming anxious or worried. You can then use relaxation techniques you've learned with a therapist or on your own to help calm your mind and body. Some research has been done on infertility and biofeedback along with relaxation training.

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    Studies have found that it can reduce stress and anxiety. There are a few fertility mind-body programs that offer biofeedback therapies for fertility, though it's more common to find general relaxation training. It also may impact your ability to get pregnant and impact how you feel emotionally. While the research is far from conclusive, many studies have found possible associations between what men and women eat and their fertility risk.

    Doctors are also discovering connections between diet and mental wellbeing. In separate studies, fried foods, refined grains, and high sugar products have been found to increase the risk of female infertility, negatively impact sperm counts, and increase the risk of anxiety and depression. Nutritional counseling can help. Get diet and wellness tips to help your kids stay healthy and happy. More in Fertility Challenges. Yoga for Fertility. Not much research has been done on yoga and fertility.

    Look for gentle or restorative yoga to get the maximum relaxation effect. Acupuncture for Fertility. Meditation for Fertility.

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    Guided Imagery for Fertility. Prayer and Spirituality for Fertility. Hypnosis for Fertility. Expressive Writing Therapy for Fertility. Anyone who has kept a blog or journal knows that writing out your feelings helps release them. Art Therapy for Fertility. Laughter for Fertility.

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    Laughter not only feels great—it's also good for your body! At first, the laugh may feel forced, but soon, everyone is really laughing. Biofeedback for Fertility. Nutritional Counseling. Some mind-body fertility programs offer nutritional counseling. Was this page helpful? Thanks for your feedback! Sign Up. What are your concerns?