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Thus the fact of idiosyncrasies is explained, and the old proverb "De gustibus non est disputandum" retains its force.

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Witli regard to fetichism in woman, science must at least for the present time be content with mere con- jectures. This much seems to be certain, that being a physiological factor, its effects are analogous to those in men, i. Details will come to our knowledge only when medical women enter into the study of this subject.

We may take it for granted that the physical as well us the mental qualities of man assume the form of the female fetich. In most cases, no doubt, physical attributes in the male exercise this power without regard to the existence of conscious sensuality. On the other hand it will be found that the mental superiority of man con- stitutes the attractive power where physical beauty is wanting. In the upper "strata" of society this is more apparent, even if we disregard the enormous influence exercised by "blue blood" and high breeding.

The possibility that superior intellectual development favours advancement in social position, and opens the way to a brilliant career, does not seem to weigh heavily in the balance of judgment. Generally speaking the following masculine qualities impose on woman, viz. A "Don Juan" impresses many women and elicits admiration, for he establishes the proof of his virile powers, although the inexperienced maiden can in no wise suspect the many risks of lues and chronic urethritis she runs from a marital union with this otherwise interesting rake.

The successful actor, musician, or vocal artiste, the circus rider, the athlete, and even the criminal, often fasci- nate the bread and butter miss as well as the maturer woman. At any rate women rave over them, and inun- date them with love letters. It is a well-known fact that the female heart has pre- dominant weakness for military uniforms, that of the cavalry-man ever having the preference.

The hair of man, especially the beard, the emblem of virility, the secondary symbol of generative power is g predominant feticli with woman. In the measure in which women bestow special care upon the cultivation of their hair, men who seek to attract and please women, cultivate the elegant growth of the beard, and especially that of the moustache. A The eye as well as the voice exert the same charm. Singers of renown easily touch woman's heart. They are overwhelmed with love letters and offers of marriage. Tenors have a decided advantage.

Binet op. A woman who falls in love with a tenor-voice loses her virtue. The author has thus far not succeeded in obtaining facts with regard to pathological fetichism in woman. DURING the time of the physiological processes in the reproductive glands, desires arise in the consciousness of the individual, which have for their purpose the perpetua- tion of the species sexual instinct.

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Sexual desire during the years of sexual maturity is a physiological law. The duration of the physiological pro- cesses in the sexual organs, as well as the strength of the sexual desire manifested, vary, both in individuals and in races. Race, climate, heredity and social circumstances have a very decided influence upon it.

The greater sensu- ality of southern races as compared with the sexual needs of those of the north is well known. Sexual development in the inhabitants of tropical climes takes place much earlier than in those of more northern regions. In women of northern countries oyulation, recognisable in the de- velopment of the body and the occurrence of a periodical flow of blood from the genitals menstruation , usually begins about the thirteenth to the fifteenth year; in men puberty, recognisable in the deepening of the voice, the appearance of hair on the face and mons veneris, and the occasional occurrence of pollutions, etc.

In the inhabitants of tropical countries,.

Table of contents

It is worthy of remark that girla who live in citiea develop about a year earlier than girls living in lie country, anil that he larger the town the earlier, ccteris paribus, the development takes place. Heredity, however, has no small influence on libido and sexual power. Thus there are families in which,. In woman the period of activity of the reproductive glands is shorter than in man, in whom sexual power may last until a great age; ovulation ceases about thirty years after puberty. This biological phase does not represent merely a cessation of functional potency and final atrophy of the reproductive organs, but a transformation of the whole organism.

In Middle Europe the sexual maturity of man begins about the eighteenth year, and virility reaches its acme at forty. After that age it slowly declines. The potentia generandi ceases usually at the age of sixty-two, but po- tentia cceundi may be present much longer. The existence of the sexual instinct is continuous during the time of sexual life, but it varies in intensity. Under physiological conditions it is never periodical in the human male, as it is in animals; it manifests an organic variation of intensity in consonance with the collection and expenditure of semen. In women the degree of sexual desire coincides with the process of ovulation in such a way that libido sexualis is intensified after the menstrual period.

Sexual instinct as emotion, idea and impulse is a function of the cerebral cortex. Thus far no definite region of the cortex has been proved to be exclusively the seat of sexual sensations and impulses.

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This psycho- sexual centre is nothing more than a junction and crossing of principal paths which lead on the one hand to the sensi- tive motor apparatus of the sexual organs, and on the other hand to those nerve centres of the visual and olfactory organs which are the carriers of that consciousness which distinguishes between the "male" and the "female". M-xiial life has its lv 'ginning in the organic sensations which arise from the maturing reproductive glands. These excite the attention of the individual. Reading and the experiences of every-day life which, unfortunately, are now-a-days too early and too frequently suggestive , con- vert these notions into clear ideas, which are accent' by organic sensations of a pleasurable character.

With this accentuation of erotic ideas through lustful feelings, an impulse to induce them is developed sexual desire. Thus there is established a mutual dependence between the cerebral cortex as the place of origin of sensations and ideas , and the reproductive organs.

NECKFACE Monograph (Hippo Art Books)

The latter, by reason of physiological processes hypenrmia, secretion of semen, ovulation , give rise to sexual ideas, images, and impulses. The cerebral cortex, by means of preconceived or re- produced sensual ideas, reacts on the reproductive organs, including hypersemia, production of semen, erection, ejacu- lation. This is effected by means of centres for vasomotor i nervation and ejaculation, which are situated in the lum'nar regions of the cord, and lie close together.

Both are reflex centres. The centre. The nervous paths which connect it with the brain probably run through the pcdnnruli crrrhri and the ports. This centre may be excited by central psychical and organic stimuli, by direct irritation of the nerve-tract in the pedunculis cerebri, pons, or cervical portion of the cord, as well as by peripheral irritation of the sensory.

The excitation of this centre is conveyed to the corpora cavernosa by means of nerves nervi erigentes Eckhard running into the first three sacral nerves. The action of the nervi erigentes, which renders erec- tion possible, is inhibitory in so far as it inhibits the ganglionic nervous mechanism in the corpora cavernosa, upon the action of which the smooth muscle-fibres of the corpora cavernosa are dependent Kolliker and Kohl- rausch.

Under the influence of the action of the nervi erigentes, these fibres of the corpora cavernosa become re- laxed, and their spaces fill with blood. Simultaneously, as a result of the dilatation of the capillary net-work of the corpora cavernosa, pressure is exerted upon the veins of the penis and the return of blood is impeded.

This effect is aided by the contraction of the bulbo cavemosus and erector penis muscles, which extend by means of an aponeurosis over the dorsal surface of the penis. Ideas and sense-perceptions of sexual content , have an exciting effect. According to observations made on men that have been hung, it is evident that the erection-centre may also be aroused by excitation of the 1 tract of the spinal cord. Observations on the insane and those suffering with cerebral disease show that this is also possible as a result of organic irritation in the cerebral cortex psycho-sexual centre'?

Spinal diseases tain's, especially myelitis affecting the lumbar portion 1 of the cord, in their earlier stages, may directly excite the erection-centre. Reflex excitation of the centre is possible and frequent in the following ways: by irritation of the peripheral. Studien, etc. The erection-centre may also be exerted by irritation of the nervous ganglia which are so abundant in th prostatic tissue prostatitis, introduction of catheter, etc. The experiment of Goltz, according to whom, when in dogs the lumbar portion of the cord is severed, erection is more easily induced, shows that the erection- centre is also subject to inhibitory inllunir.

In men the fact that will power anl emotions, fear of unsuccessful coitus, surprise inter actum sex- ualem, etc. The duration of erection is dependent upon the dura- tion of its exciting causes sensory stimuli , the absence of inhibitory influences, the nervous energy of the centre, and the early or late occurrence of ejaculation v.

The central point of the sexual mechanism is the cere- bral cortex. This centre is susceptible to both central and peripheral stimuli.

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Central stimuli, in the form of organic excitation, may be due to diseases of the cerebral cortex. Physiologically they are dominated by psychical impressions memory and sensory perceptions, lascivious stories, touch, pressure of the hand, kiss, etc. Auditory and olfactory perceptions certainly play but a very subordinate role. Under patho-. In beasts the influence of olfactory perception on the sexual sense is unmistakable.