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Other books in The Shadow Boy Mystery Series: Mystery under Third Base – Book 1 Mystery of the Green Goblin – Book 2 Mystery of the Stolen Painting – Book.
Table of contents

Earlier in Amazing , there were various references to original Spider-Man baddie Norman Osborn: He was said to be sick, even dying, which means that the formula Dr. Connors was working on was intended to cure his illness. Osborn is certainly wealthy enough to bribe his way into a prison cell. But what the shadow man says is arguably more intriguing than who he is. This thread is mostly dropped by the end of the movie — because, well, something something blue energy — but Amazing spends so long establishing that backstory that it feels like there must be a payoff somewhere down the line.

One intriguing answer may lie in the source material. The Spider-Man producers have been teasing a Venom movie lately : Could this be a hint in that direction? Or maybe… theory lightning round go! Richard Parker is actually still alive. Richard Parker was experimenting on Peter Parker as a child, which is why Peter is able to apparently control his mutation, unlike The Lizard.

The man in the shadows is J. Jonah Jameson, who has been reimagined as an all-powerful Rupert Murdoch figure. Starface, a Native-American prodigy, knew of the bellicose, potent spirit that possessed him since infancy—a life force gifting him with unfathomable running power. The mystery of a four-hundred-year-old bullet rendering him paralyzed confounded detectives of law enforcement units. In a world molded by commonality, the Bartleby brothers have always found themselves lost, but when a man from The Agency tests their analytical skills it becomes obvious what their function is.

Struggling to find the place where he and his brother can thrive, or even function for that matter, Gib has become so cynical that he can barely stand himself. Whether a twist of fate or something planned from the beginning, Gib and Jack Bartleby become important liaisons to the mysterious government agency trying to stop a serial killer. Something is making twelve-year-old Violet psychic. Is it the secret diary she found in her orphanage or the mysterious mountains of Vermont? Kenny Cartwright seems to be nothing more than a human lab rat to his neighbor, Rich Peterson. One day, while exploring a hill in the woods, the two boys stumble across an alarming plan of attack, aimed directly at them.

Regardless of their differences, Kenny and Rich must work out the true meaning of friendship. The only way the two can survive is to unify. Their lives depend on it. Their usually laid back summer will quickly turn disastrous if the two don't work together. Their once quiet town won't be safe again until the boys figure out their enemy's master plan.

Do they wave the white flag and give up? Or do the boys prepare for war?

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There are big decisions to be made for Kenny and Rich. The clock is ticking. Just one year shy of making it into high school, Petros challenges the strict rules of his school while also trying to follow the strict rules of his traditional Greek home in a tough neighborhood in the New York City borough of Queens. When he finally gets the chance to go to the specialized high school his brother now attends, his hopes and efforts are challenged by all the authority figures around him, except for his newfound friend, Mulvaney.

Seventeen-year-old Jessa lives in the remote mountains of Kentucky and has always found peace in the forest.

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Close to her eighteenth birthday, her dad buys her a book and things begin to happen. With her dreams leading her, she uncovers a world within her own with Faeries. They look and act like people she grew up with but she quickly finds she is the one who is different. Excited about turning twelve and starting middle school, Freddy meets Dolly,and African-American girl and Eva, a Latina, who are also fat.

Meet Danny West, a talented young artist who has trouble reading, especially aloud when he starts to stammer. Kids laugh at him, and bullies sometimes beat him up after school, so he has to cut through the desert to get home. Danny was only two-year-old, but nobody will talk about it. There is the art teacher, Mr. Is Mr. The twelve-year-old twins live with their mother in a falling-down house with no hot water or a working toilet, and most nights they all go to bed hungry and dirty.

Chapter Mystery Books For Kids (Grades 1–5)

Their mother has Cerebral Palsy and walks with a jerky limp, but everyone thinks she is drunk. Ellen and Troy are afraid something will happen to her and they will be alone with no-one to help them. It all starts one sunny morning as Mermilo, a purebred Golden Retriever is heading to his groomer.

He is preparing for a long awaited evening out that night with the beautiful French Poodle who lives across the street and he wants to look his best. Unfortunately, a huge obstacle presents itself: he is dognapped. Not just Mermilo, but dogs from all over town are disappearing, as well! As feisty Jessica moves to yet another middle school, she struggles to stay out of trouble, while living in constant fear that others will find out her family's dark secrets: Jess's mom is an alcoholic, her dad left them years ago, and most days Jess struggles just to find food to eat.

Convinced that she is the reason her mother drinks, especially since Jess constantly gets into trouble at school, she lives with the daily pain of her mom's explosive behavior, and the accompanying shame. Befriended by sassy, red-headed Anna and cheerful, encouraging Grace, Jess balances the joy of friendship with the hurt she carries with her. Will self-proclaimed Jess the Mess open her heart and life to her new friends?

What happens when her secrets are revealed? Jess learns that everyone can change, but some change comes with a price. Kiara grew up in a secret, magical city buried under the earth. She lives a happy existence in Emeraldo as the daughter of the queen, until her twelfth birthday when her parents are brutally murdered by the power-hungry Chief Administrator. Kiara escapes with her life, and the secret to ruling the city of Emeraldo.

Finding herself in the strange Land Above, she discovers a new family kept secret from her. But safety doesn't last, and when her family's murderer follows her to her new home, she must use all her powers to protect herself and her new family. But what he learns after turning that corner, and a few more, just might help him make sense of things after all.

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Green Goblin

Who really wants war? What do you do with bullies who have plotted against you? Do you wait for the enemy to make a move or do you attack first? Kenny and Rich had a lot on their minds. They needed to develop both a plan of attack and defense. But which one would get used first? The summer was about to begin and the boys were filled with the uncertainty of unanswered questions.