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Bass (Tuba) Book. A complete warm-up technique book containing units on lip slurs, chorales, major scales and scale studies, minor scales, chromatic scales.
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I use to "dot up".

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The process somone else described where you pencil in the note an octave up. Feb 17, Jul 19, Evil Town. As a Tuba player, I agree with the recommendation to take everything up an octave. That way she will plat in the correct octave of the part. Its usually easier to read everything an octave up than just certain notes. Also, it hurts form ther other end of the spectrum Tuba players are handed Double Bass parts, especially when playing something written before tubas were invented.

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So I have to take everything an octave down, and then I have worry about big range jumps that are no problem when I play DB. Feb 7, Western North Carolina. Make the copies and hand them to the band director for him to transpose where and how he sees fit.

Tuba Concerto - Wind Ensemble, by Todd Goodman

The school has the right to copy the original in order to preserve the original. Dec 14, Mesquite, Texas. I'm a pro tuba player, and I agree with the posts that say you should be taking everything an octave up in order to make it sound in the correct octave. As far as tuba range goes, there really isn't any "highest or lowest notes, I'm played several pieces that went below the Low D mentioed earlier, and ever higher that the G above the staff.

That being said, the "regular" range that anybody is likely going to experience stops at the second E bleow the staff, which would be the lowest note on a 4 string bass. The reason the range stops there is for a long period most evey school tuba only had 3 valves, and the lowest note you could get down to chromatically was an E.

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Now with 4, 5, 6 and even 7 valve horns, the barriers have been broken down. Feb 21, Oct 19, Akron, Ohio. Altho it was good practice, I hated every minute of it. It makes playing such a chore when you have to pop everything up an octive, and then figure out how to get back down in tune. Well, all I can say, is it is good practice, short of buying a C entension, theres not much you can do except bump around the octives.

And even if you have a C entension, it wont help you with those might low Bb's. In closing, I must just say, playing Bass in a concert band is fun, but can be a major bitch as well. I know that probably didnt help any Mar 2, Same for me. When I was younger I had to play Tuba notes.

Alfred EL02588 I Recommend - Tuba

I hated it, it was so damn hard. But now I got 5 string bass, so its easier but, I dont like to play the tuba parts. Apr 19, Apr 12, Cincinnati. I started as a tuba player, and picked up bass on the side; I'm now majoring in Jazz Bass, but I could have got in as a tuba player as well. Having my musical education on both instruments at the same time helped me a lot, and especially playing in the concert band on bass showed me how they're related.

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The things that gave me the most trouble tended to be bowings, as the tuba parts often have funky weird rhythm things, especially in the more modern literature posts, generally. I would recommend learning both! Doubling can be very useful; for example, I played bass for Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat a couple weeks ago, and there's one song there that has a very Traditional Jazz feel, and I brought my tuba down and played that for that song, and it sounded a hundred times better. Also, doubling gives my band directors the option of tone: on our coming concert, I play string bass on all the songs that have parts for it, and on a couple which don't a side note: many older pieces will have parts for "Basses," with almost everything doubled in octaves: this means that the string bass plays the upper part and the tuba plays the lower, and they come out the same pitch.

The string bass open D, for example, is written 3rd line, but sounds below the staff. I can hit D below that on tuba, which is something like 10 ledger lines below, which would be what the bassist with an extention plays when he plays that below-the-staff D on the tuba part.

Choreography (tuba part)

If I only played bass, I might be asked to lay out, but I just play tuba on that song and it's more fun that way, to keep playing because that's what it's about. Apr 25, May 25, Los Angeles, CA. Just a couple quick notes: Transpose everything up an octave, not just those notes under E. There are tubas that play below that low E, but not very many tuba parts that do. They're about as common as bass parts that go under E excluding the occasional cellobass part.

At the school band level, I wouldn't expect to see it at all. Doubling is cool, but not for everyone. And it's a lot easier to get away with playing db in an apartment than tuba. You must log in or sign up to reply here. Show Ignored Content. Share This Page. Your name or email address: Do you already have an account?

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Search Media New Media. Wiki Index Special: Page List. One such aspect and often neglected pedagogical concept is posture and holding position. This works great for all instruments that are picked up and held while playing. This causes the tubist to move their body around to meet the instrument. The end result is that of bad posture and reduced wind capacity while playing which is problematic considering the large amounts of wind needed to produce a great tuba sound.

We must get the student to sit with great posture and then get the instrument to their lips while they maintain this great posture. The first step is to get the student to sit tall with feet flat on the floor and the small of the back curved forward toward the belly button, not slouching. For tubists especially, I recommend that they do not lean against the back of the chair as it fosters either slouching or leaning forward to meet the instrument. Students will often sit further back in the chair and use the chair as a rest for the tuba.

In order to encourage students to sit forward, I recommend the use of a tuba stand as it will allow the optimal posture for a student. Another benefit of a tuba stand is that it will allow for the adjustment of placing the mouthpiece as the student gets taller through their band career. Once the posture is set, then it is time to bring the mouthpiece to the student.

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  • This is usually where students tend to compromise posture for the reality of getting the mouthpiece to the lips. The instrument and not the student must be adjusted at all times.