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Learn where to draw the line and when to take your cat in to see the veterinarian. However, if your cat is excessively sneezing (more than just a few are your best resource to ensure the health and well-being of your pets.
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Your post was comforting. He shows none of the signs that suggests we should take him to the vet, and he has only been with us for 2 weeks! He has settled in quite quickly, refuses the cat bed and sleeps on the sofa, has claimed a window sill, sleeps at the foot of our bed. Especially the crazy Christmas one. I know I just spilled my life story, but now I can stop googling and relax but still keep a motherly watch on the guy Thanks….

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This post made me feel a lot better about his health. My adopted, adult cat has been with us for just about two years now. We adopted him and his brother, and found out very quickly- after a trip to the vet with all the snot you could imagine coming from a cat- that he and his brother had been exposed to the herpes virus. The vet assured us that it was common among shelter cats, and it was nothing to be actively worried about, unless the symptoms got crazy, as you mentioned.

This week, one of the brothers has been having regular sneezing fits — but without any eye discharge, and only slight, clear, watery nasal discharge. Thanks to your post — I am vacuuming and dusting and no longer worried about his sneezing and rushing him off to the vet — just yet. My concern is that we recently about 2 months ago adopted two more kittens from the local shelter.

They are mos. They have had no health issues up until now though were dewormed several times in the shelter until their poo came up clear. Do I need to be concerned about them mingling together while the older cat is all sneezy? Yes and no. And probably fight it off like most cats, and be fine. Separation of house cats is almost impossible, so… unless you can rehome them until Sneezy gets better, just watch for symptoms of secondary bacterial infection.

Great blog and very helpful — thank you! Our stray kitten who we took in at just a couple of weeks old a year ago has had reddish brown eye discharge since a baby. She is 18 — in good health for her age but comes in contact with the kitten regularly and sometimes tried to baby her. Should we be taking any action other than the obvious — trying to keep the babying to a minimum? Thank you for this post!

What You Need to Know About Stomatitis in Cats

Our 15 yo neutered male Siamese just began doing machine gun sneezes the other night. I rescued pregnant MaMa cat almost 2 years ago I did not want another cat, I had just put my 19 year old cat to sleep a year before, I live in a part of Los Angeles where it is busy, children, cars, trucks, people and you rarely see cats.

This cat came running up to me and I noticed she was pregnant and my heart broke in a million pieces she had 6 kittens within 6 hours. A, I have no car but I will do whatever I have to do, I am so sad. I will stay home for next 24 hours and see. This blog helped me thanks.

Humidity steam bath may ease breathing. Other symptoms that need a vet's attention are an inability to get up and walk 12 hours after the surgery. While your dog may not want to eat immediately after surgery, you should call the vet if she is still not eating after 24 hours. Avoiding the need for air fresheners can be as simple as making sure your cat is healthy and their home environment is kept clean.

Something as simple as dehydration may be the secondary effect of underlying kidney disease.

Is your Kitten sneezing? Congested? Easy at Home Tips to help!

Not eating their favorite food. Recent improvements in anesthetic agents allow for a quick recovery and your cat should almost be back to normal when you pick him up after the anesthetic event. This is normal cat behavior, and actually gives the new mom extra nutrients and energy. My 3 year old cat just had a bath and is now shaking and breathing heavily. Also, difficulty breathing is often the first sign, and Mariposa is not having difficulty breathing. She went yesterday to have the jab and has seemed very off colour ever since.

If you ever see your cat open mouth breathing it is an emergency and he needs to be seen immediatley. And try and get your neighbours to clean up after their outdoor cats! Open-mouthed breathing in a cat who is not overheated or stressed is a true.

When to take a sneezing cat to the vet

Avoid using cat litters that create a lot of dust, scented litters or litter additives. Long-haired cats have more fur and thus release more of the airborne allergen after a good kitty bath. Most dentists recommend very gently swishing with warm salt water or mouthwash after 24 hours. She did start coughing and choking but she always did that when she overeats.

Many people with this allergy also experience difficulty breathing, itching of the skin and sometimes fever-like symptoms.

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Stridor or stertor noisy breathing may help in identifying the types of issues causing the issue because they affect different parts of the nose, throat, and airways. Many pets would like you to believe that, just like Gizmo in the movie Gremlins, something terrible will happen if you bathe them. I initially thought, OK - maybe he rolled in cat pee while farm-sitting or maybe his bedding stinks.

Other than illness and injury, dogs can hide due to pain after a surgery e. Next time she does try What should I do my five day old kitten is not wanting to eat at all I feed him at he woke up at 2am so I try to feed him and he would eat at all and still hasn't I've rub his tummy burped him he in a box with heated pad an towel and blanket with him he was perfectly fine at his pm feeding now he looks like he dieing idk what to do it's 5am no one is open or up at this time.

Shortness of breath can have numerous causes, including a blockage in the airway or atelectasis, a blood clot or fluid accumulation in the lungs. At this point he was still alive.

Winter Allergies: What Causes Them and How You Can Get Relief

This post is a guide on cloudy eyes in dogs whether it occurs suddenly or progressively, after an injury or is accompanied by a discharge. However, if your dog is panting, you will notice fast breathing and shallow breaths with open mouth. Best Of Grumpy Cat. She also snorts between breaths. If your cat is having problems with breathing, it should be seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible. Slowing down gobbling will help.

For the Rectal Method

He was still breathing, but I quickly took him out of the Epsom salt bath bucket and into the recovery container in fear of his safety. Well, two days later he smells again he never has before. I have had Kitty Cat for 7 months. If your cat is panting after running around outside on a hot day or playing with a favorite toy, this may be caused by normal exertion.

On the other hand, she had a heart murmur detected. Step 1: Examine the cat for shock; gently lift the upper lip so the gum is visible. The vets are all closed, how worried should be? Regularly engaging your cat in moderate play can promote muscle tone and suppleness, increase blood circulation, and help reduce weight in cats that are too heavy. Your veterinarian will start by asking questions about their medical history and the symptoms they are displaying at home. Cat with difficulty breathing, demonstrated by the open mouth.

That means you decide when he gets to defecate or urinate! Lastly, if you have a cat, locate litter boxes in areas your dog cannot access—either high up or inside a room with a door propped open only a few inches, allowing cat access, but not dog. By educating yourself about how to care for her after the kittens arrive, you can help keep the mother and her kittens healthy and safe. Diagnosis of Feline Skin Lesions. Took cat to vet breathing fast and hard Cat that is aged to be about 6 months, spayed, and unsure about exact weight but at a normal weight.

The sneezing generally lasts for only a few days and goes away on its own, requiring no treatment. Often, the cat will stand or crouch with his elbows bent away from his chest and with head and neck stretched out Cats Breathing Fast and Hard After Exercise or Stress. It seems to me what is happening here is that the pharynx goes into spasms. During times of exercise, be alert to labored breathing or rapid tiring that may suggest the cat has a disease.

These reactions can be life-threatening and are medical emergencies. Took her into the vet to get her shots updated last month and, to my horror, found out she had fleas. As your cat ages, he or she may experience a decline in cognitive functioning. My Cat Tigger has fleas so I gave him a flea bath with Harts flea shampoo and when he was dry I put the monthly Harts flea treatment on him to keep the fleas away.

He is a 3 yr old pug who is naturally very energetic, loves everyone, and always happy. When in there he also drinks a lot of water. His little sister, who is much skinnier, gave him a bath today while he was sleeping and shes much more alert, paying attention to my every movement. Furtado May your cat get healed and i am really surprised at the astronomic cost of medical treatment for your cat, Sterling Rs 1,10,!

What Is Feline Stomatitis?