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honour verb [T] (RESPECT) C1. to show great respect for someone or something, especially in public: He was honoured for his bravery.
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Add to this the prohibition against vigilante or individual justice-taking, cultures of law sometimes consider practices in honour cultures to be unethical or a violation of the legal concept of human rights. Historians have especially examined the culture of honour in American South. One paper finds that present-day Canadians born in communities that historically lay outside the reach of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Mounties seem to inherit a violent code of honour that drives their behaviour.

From the viewpoint of anthropologists, cultures of honour typically appear among nomadic peoples and among herdsmen who carry their most valuable property with them and risk having it stolen, without having recourse to law enforcement or to government. Due to the lack of strong institutions, cultivating a reputation for swift and disproportionate revenge increases the safety of one's person and property against aggressive actors. According to Richard Nisbett, cultures of honour will often arise when three conditions [19] exist:.

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  • Honour | Definition of Honour by Merriam-Webster.

Historically, cultures of honour exist in places where the herding of animals dominates an economy. In this situation the geography is usually extensive, since the soil cannot support extensive sustained farming and thus large populations; the benefit of stealing animals from other herds is high since it is the main form of wealth; and there is no central law-enforcement or rule of law.

However cultures of honour can also appear in places like modern inner-city slums. The three conditions exist here as well: lack of resources poverty ; crime and theft have a high rewards compared to the alternatives few ; and law enforcement is generally lax or corrupt. Once a culture of honour exists in a society, its members find it difficult to make the transition to a culture of law; this requires that people become willing to back down and refuse to immediately retaliate, and from the viewpoint of the culture of honour, the feeling humiliation makes personal restraint extremely difficult as it reflects weakness and appeasement.

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Historian Norman Risjord has emphasised the central importance of honour as a cause of the War of , which the United States launched in against Britain despite its much more powerful naval and military strength. Americans talked incessantly about the need for force in response.

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The British showed a respect for American honour. A study suggests that honour culture increases the risk of war. The study found that international conflicts under U. Other characteristics of Southern presidencies do not seem able to account for this pattern of results. In contemporary international relations , the concept of "credibility" resembles that of honour, as when the credibility of a state or of an alliance appears to be at stake, and honour-bound politicians call for drastic measures.

Compare the concepts of integrity and face in stereotyped East Asian cultures, or of mana in Polynesian society. This concept of honour resembles a zero-sum game. In ancient China during the Warring States period, honour in battle was one of the many forms of virtue practised by the nobility. In one oft-cited example, Duke Xiang of the Song state chose not to take the enemy by surprise; instead, he and his forces waited for the enemy to go across the river.

In response to this textbook example, Mao Zedong is quoted: "We are not Duke Xiang of Song and have no use for his idiotic virtue and morality.

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Pre-modern Korean thought and society was largely dominated by the preservation of honour and was especially concerned with the ruling yangban elite in the Joseon dynasty. In particular, one of the most profound influences from the Joseon Dynasty is the figure of the Seonbi , or "virtuous scholar". The seonbi were ideal, exemplary noblemen of Confucian teachings who exhibited high competency in both academics and martial arts. Despite their obvious qualifications for important government posts, the seonbi eschewed titles and extravagance for the sake of personal development, often living in humble homes.

They were expected to be fiercely loyal to the King of Joseon and lay down their lives in battle or in defense of their King, rather than choose treason. Inspired by the righteous nature of the seonbi, the modern Korean term of the "seonbi spirit" calls for maintaining personal honour and conduct, even in the face of certain death.

According to Bushido , honour was always seen as a duty by Samurai. Seppuku vulgarly called " harakiri ", or "belly-cutting" was the most honourable death in that situation. The only way for a Samurai to die more honourably was to be killed in a battle by a sword. As a countable noun, honour may refer to an award, e.

See also, List of prizes, medals, and awards ; and Chivalric order. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Abstract concept entailing a perceived quality of worthiness and respectability. For other uses, see Honour disambiguation. Further information: Social rank , Pride , and Shame. Catholic New Times.


Retrieved 10 March A Brief History of Christianity. Blackwell Brief Histories of Religion. Retrieved 30 December Anselm's understanding of sin posits that sin is an objective deprivation of the honour that belongs to God. The decisive concept of the honour of God reflects Anselm's feudal social world. To deprive a person of his or her honour was a fundamental crime against the social order.

Amanda MacDonald, former Chapter President at Brock University

Furthermore, such an offence is proportionately magnified according to the status of the person in the hierarchical order [ Kreactiva Editorial. Retrieved 6 March The Court of Honour is an important part of the Patrol System. It is a standing committee which settles the affairs of the troop. Amnesty International library. Amnesty International. Retrieved 3 December Retrieved 15 November SVT Nyheter in Swedish.

Honour | Meaning of Honour by Lexico

The New York Times. Retrieved 22 May Psychological Science. Culture of Honor. Quarterly Journal of Speech. Historical Journal of Massachusetts. Ohio History.

Nominate someone for an honour or award

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