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Beyond Haunted Spencer State Hospital: George Dudding: Books.
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Jess E. Ferrell, the Ivy House bed-and-breakfast inn is said to have a haunt that came with the purchase of an antique piano. The owners say the instrument brought with it a ghost who makes the decidely nonmusical sounds of banging and walking footsteps. The Scott County Heritage Center and Museum is housed in a building that was once the county poor farm. It is said to be haunted by former residents.

Index of Lunatic Asylums and Mental Hospitals

Witnesses have described footsteps on the second floor when no one is up there, unexplained smells, a baby crying, and lights coming Originally constructed in after the county seat moved to Scottsburg, the building served for many years as the district poor farm.

During conversion to house the historical society, staff and workers allegedly encountered resistance of a paranormal kind. Visitors have reported hearing babies crying, disembodied footsteps on the At Saint Omer Cemetery, legend has it that there is a witch's grave.

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According to the story, Caroline Barnes was hanged by the townspeople for witchcraft. As she went, she cursed the town and vowed to come back for revenge on the anniversary of her death. To trick her, the An old farmhouse dating back to the s known to locals as a hot-spot for paranormal activity. An old woman's presence is felt by some. Others have claimed to have experienced poltergeist activity. Reportedly a former almshouse, this building was purchased for use as a haunted attraction. It was reportedly haunted by many ghosts, including Elva SKinner, a woman who died in a fire in the former almshouse.

The house has been featured in several books and TV shows including Ghost Hunters and Hays Cemetery, aka Main Street Graveyard, is said to be home to a "devil's child" because of a plant that grows in the shape of a pitchfork on her grave. Visiting is not recommended at night, as much of the area is private property and you could be arrested for The isolated hilltop Bridgewater Cemetery is known to have a glowing tombstone.

The grave is that of a man who appears in ghostly form at night to guard the cemetery's gate. Legend has it that she hanged herself in the tower. Those who peek into the windows in the night may see doors opening and closing by themselves and a bright orange glow Stories about Hamilton Road are of the urban legend type.

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For example, a ghost of a short man will chase you if you stop on the third bridge and flash your lights four times, then cross the bridge. Phantom flames are said to come from the woods where an s Built in , the employees of this library have heard strange noises including knocking, whistling, whispering, dragging sounds, and even the sounds of the toys in the children's area moving by themselves after closing.

The employees have also mentioned seeing figures watching them or shadows darting around.

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A ghostly Green Lady is said to be the spirit of a young woman killed in a car accident nearby. She was buried here and now is said to walk its grounds, glowing green. It is said that if you park at the cemetery at night, she may cover it Blackfoot Cemetery has graves that date as far back as the s and is a hot spot for the ghostly folk, some say. Witnesses have described eerie lights, unexplained sounds, and one grave that appears to be separate from all the others.

According to local legend, the grave belongs to Indiana University Bloomington Bloomington, Indiana Cloverdale Cemetery Cloverdale, Indiana Stepp Cemetery Martinsville, Indiana Boone-Hutcheson Cemetery Greencastle, Indiana Antioch Cemetery Sullivan, Indiana Story Inn Nashville, Indiana Williams Bridge Williams, Indiana Indianapolis's Haunted Memories Alan E.

Avon Bridge Danville, Indiana Avon Haunted Bridge Avon, Indiana Old Jail Inn Rockville, Indiana Whispers Estate Mitchell, Indiana Tunnelton Tunnel Bedford, Indiana Hannah House Indianapolis, Indiana Crump Theatre Columbus, Indiana Slippery Noodle Inn Indianapolis, Indiana 46 miles from Spencer, IN The historic buildings that house the Slippery Noodle have been around for a while, since , so it has its share of spirits.

Indiana Repertory Theatre Indianapolis, Indiana Indianapolis Athletic Club Indianapolis, Indiana Wheeler-Stokely Mansion Indianapolis, Indiana 47 miles from Spencer, IN Witnesses tell of an apparition of a man walking a dog and another ghost of a brunette woman who runs out a door and jumps into a phantom carriage. In short, there was a great deal of pain and suffering here and the patients were subjected to some brutal conditions so it is really no surprise that Danvers State Hospital is considered to be one of the most haunted places in Massachusetts!

Apparitions of former patients who died at the hospital are fairly common in the building and the grounds. The entire place seems to be shrouded in a very eerie atmosphere. It is usually guarded well to stop would be ghost hunters from breaking in and to date just one group has ever been granted access to the hospital for a paranormal investigation outside of the television shows that have featured it. Much of the hospital has actually been demolished and all that remains are the tunnels, cemeteries and the outer shell of the administration block and Wings D and G.

Everyone knows the story of Lizzie Borden! In a seemingly ordinary house which is now a themed bed and breakfast, Lizzie Borden is alleged to have brutally murdered her father and stepmother. However, she was ultimately acquitted of the crime despite the general consensus that she was in fact guilty. It is no surprise that her former home and the scene of this horrific double murder is now considered to be one of the most haunted places in Massachusetts.

Other guests have witnessed shoes moving across the floor without being touched.

Some have even encountered the apparition of an older lady who tries to tuck them into bed at night! It is believed that Abby and Andrew Borden, the two murder victims, are still in the house and some visiting psychics have also picked up on Lizzie herself. The house has hosted a number of paranormal television shows and they have all struggled with equipment failures as lights and equipment turn on and off at random in the house and some of the cameras have been moved or turned off while locked in a room without nobody around! There are rumors that the hotel is haunted, although they have never been confirmed.

The TV-show Ghost Hunters did an extensive investigation in , but their reports were inconclusive. Over the years, guests have reported supposed activities in rooms and ; some say they have seen the apparition of a woman lingering in the corridors, yet others have felt a more active presence in the rooms. Famed author, historian, and ghost-hunter Rebecca F. Pittman is planning to write a book about the Hawthorne Hotel and its haunting presence in that will cover some of those stories. The Colonial Inn, Concord, Massachusetts.

Hawthorne Hotel, Salem, Massachusetts. The picture here is from a s AtoZ reproduced on the urban explorations site. South Croydon : Aubrey Warsash Pub. Fountain Asylum Established as a fever hospital in Architect: Thomas W Aldwinckle "the hospital was redesignated as a mental hospital and became used for the accommodation of the lowest grade of severely subnormal children.

In , administration of the hospital passed to the London County Council who retained it as a hospital for mentally defective children. Pauper lunatics from Croydon went to the Surrey asylum at Cane Hill , and this continued when Croydon became an independent County Borough in However, the "Lunacy Visiting Committee" of the new "County Borough of Croydon" also made arrangements for patients to be kept in the Isle of Wight County Asylum , others may have gone elsewhere. When he became a psychiatrist, he was generally known as T. Pasmore, who was appointed as the first medical superintendent before it opened.

Kelly's Wednesday 5. Medical Superintendent, Edwin S.

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There was a very high proportion of women to men in comparison with most asylums. The proportion of deaths to the asylum population was 6. Rees moved from Napsbury to be deputy physician superintendent.

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  • Rees became superintendent. His "first act" was to open the iron gates at the hospital entrance, after which they were not shut again. Over the next few years, all ward doors were unlocked during the day, while nearly all restraint and isolation of patients were abolished. Rees was one of the authors. I felt completely at home".

    There was a "porter's lodge" where he booked in. His legal status is not stated, but he presumably signed in as a voluntary patient. His bed was in a ward "for light cases - alcoholics and neurotics". This part appears civilised. In the morning he sits in the living room of his ward and reads morning papers with other patients.

    Later he has dinner with others in the dining room. He also visited the sitting room of the "best women's ward", where one woman arranged flowers, another played the piano and three others watched television. Elsewhere in the hospital he visited a "dormitary crammed with beds". This is the worst ward he has seen - dealing with the "hard core of chronic patients".

    He said that the old hospital was like a prison and described how staff often had to "retaliate" when patients became violent and often "hit back in self defence". Drugs, ECT , insulin and "open doors" had put an end to all of that. The Chief Superintendant T. Rees was interviewed. He described the hospital's main successes as the removal of the rails around the hospital and handing over of responsibility to patients.

    During Rees left Croydon and started a private practice in Harley Street. He was made a freeman of the borough. Stephen MacKeith may have succeeded Rees at Croydon.