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Adult Tonsillectomy Sucks: How I Thrived During Recovery: Chuck Zander: Books.
Table of contents

And when they had done my lung surgery they found gangrene in left shoulder so thought maybe just left over pain. Put a numbing patch on sides just kept on going to work. By January of started feeling full after small piece of a PBJ sandwich, by Feb stomach was bloated to size of 8th month of pregnancy, so called family doctor, we were living in Indy at time so chose to wait till trip back to Ohio planned. S Family Dr. Thought might be infection of digestive track and tried meds, which didn't help by next day was in ER with such pain from big stomach I could no longer take it.

At ER did scan and blood test was told not cancer see Family Dr on Monday gave me shot of demoral let me go, but told me to see surgeon. For what I had no idea. So knew of surgeon that had done my two boys hernia surgeries so called them. In mean time my family Dr was given ER report so had me go to hospital to have stomach drained on weds.. Then got in to see surgeon on Friday, surgeon asked why I was there, I advised ER told me to get surgeon I knew them so called.

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He was lost till I advised. Had 10 pounds of fluid removed on weds.

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Cancer removed from stomach and both sides of abdomen. Then chemo, carbo, taxol, and one other I can't remember the third. CA only dropped to 40 so I got two extra treatments finally dropped to In Feb of had hernia repair screws and mesh from above grin to rib cage. Now I have staples in lung, screws in abdomen.

But really wasn't bad. By April of Ca went up to 63 so had me wait till August it went up to Now have been told to wait and see till Dec of then start chemo. Darrell had colon cancer, colon exploded after surgery it was bad but year later he looked great.

So now planning to go to CTCA but really scared. I had port under skin on abdomen but never chest port and don't want one, I guess you got to do what you got to do.

OVARIAN CANCER: Personal Stories

I will keep updating and also praying for all with cancer, someone out there has to find a cure. Good luck to all Deborah, mom, sister daughter Doreen It all started when I was 32 and the doctor found a large tumor the size of a grapefruit in my uterus. I was immediately taken for surgery and had a complete hysterectomy. I was told the tumor was cancerous but had not spread so no treatment was given.

That was Around May of I started having a lot of pain and bloating. My gyn dr told me it was adhesions from surgery. For the next 6 months I kept going back to the Dr with the same pain they did numerous CT scans different test any thing you can think of and found nothing. I kept insisting the pain was getting worse so at one ER visit they found I had blood in my stools and ordered a colonoscopy.

By the end of the week they took me in and found out the tumors had infiltrated into my colon. Three days later I was back in surgery this time they had to remove part of my colon and put a colostomy bag on, my whole abdomen area had tumors all over liver too. An oncologist was called and he told me that my cancer was ovarian stage 4 and that most women diagnosed have about 6 months to live.

I was I had 6 months of the sisplatin and taxol chemo. I am now 56 years old. Thank God for all the prayers that went out for me, for I know that's why I'm still here in great health now. Had my reversal colostomy in So stay strong and think positive. Francine I was 23 at the time and the year I went to my gyn at the time because I could feel something through my pelvis and some discomfort after intercourse.

He did an examine and could feel a mass. I did not have any insurance at the time. He said this could be stool or a mass and because you don't have any insurance you gonna have to go downtown to Hutzel Hospital in Detroit. I got scared and did not go back, but two months later Jan I had to go to the hospital because the mass grew and I couldn't have intercourse due to pain.

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I also had constipation. I had a complete hysterectomy. I had a very large tumor on right ovary and small tumor on left ovary. At that time what I was told that it a low malignant ovarian cancer, it was considered to be a new cell type and with surgery I was cured.

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Had ascites but no chemo at that time. Seven months later a new mass develops and was told it was cancer. Went to a Gyn Cancer specialist who performed a biopsy and was told it's a cyst. Cyst was not removed. In I develop pelvic pain again after intercourse. I got know where with her with my complaints.

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  7. I went to a Nurse practioner for gyn examine. I went to see her husband who is a Gynecologists. I followed with him for almost a year. Examines, ultrasounds and Cat Scans all normal. He was sending for my old records from my surgery in Jan , that took forever. Finally I said something is wrong so he said I will contact your previous Gyn Cancer specialist and remove the cyst.

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    Had surgery and surprise with metastatic ovarian cancer in the peritoneal. I had an abdominal debulking and adhesions removed from my small bowels. The cancer was named low grade serous papillary ovarian cancer. Ca all normal. Sherri My name is Sherri. Just before my 48th birthday I was very active. I was exercising 3 to 4 days a week taking krav maga classes. I was feeling stronger than I ever had. I started becoming bloated and gaining weight for no reason. I noticed I was getting tired alot.

    I made an appointment with my family doctor. She gave me an stomach x-ray and sent me right to the hospital for a CT scan. I still wasn't worried.