Imagine Life with a Well-Behaved Dog: A 3-Step Positive Dog-Training Program

Imagine Life with a Well-Behaved Dog: A 3-Step Positive Dog-Training Program by Julie A. Bjelland [by Julie A. Bjelland] on *FREE* shipping on.
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Very detailed on behavior modification, training expecially liked reading Dog's body language , and obedience This book impresses on every level! Julie Bjelland has infused clear-cut, easy-to-follow canine training steps and tips with a refreshing positive psychology approach. A truly holistic work, her book BJELLAND has 15 years of experience as a dog trainer and trained at the world renowned Guide Dogs for the Blind, an organization known for producing some of the best-trained dogs in the world.

Her lifelong love of animals began in her childhood on a Minnesota farm. She is the owner of webDogTrainer. She has two sons, Oliver and Eliot, and is the guardian of four adopted pets: Fax, Tisha, Skyress and Sebastian. Structure to show him that he shouldn't jump on every person Imagine Life with a Well-Behaved Dog: A comprehensive dog training and puppy training program that offers the added benefit of one-on-one online advice from the author Do you consider your dog part of the family? Great ideas for games to play with your dog.

Apr 07, Pamela rated it it was amazing.

How to Train your Dog to Stop Pulling on Leash Without Force and Without Treats (Zeus the GSD)

A positive training program for dogs. Easy to follow, great ideas. Apr 03, Andra rated it it was amazing Shelves: Wonderful with helping stop nipping and mouthing, barking and separation anxiety. A must read for all new dog parents! Sep 02, Paul Varela rated it it was amazing. It is a great book helped me with our dog. Jan 24, Bird rated it it was ok Shelves: There's some good stuff in here. The problem is that the actual training section doesn't begin until page So what's in the first 93 pages, you ask?

Well, let's look at some of the things the author chooses to include This is never explained. And snuggling in bed at night is one of my and my dog's favorite things, thankyouverymuch. I wonder how many people soon find themselves with a "my-dog's-peeing-in-the-house!

Maybe for dogs with aggression problems, this make sense. My dog has no such problems, and we have quite a bit of fun play-growling at one another when we wrestle. Another problem I have is that the author provides some over-the-top examples that I find really, really hard to believe. At one point she talks about a dog who gets so riled up walking past a certain yard with dogs that the owner basically loses control of the dog. Just act confident and your dog will respect you as the leader and act appropriately. The author claims that this man tried her solution, and it worked not only on his dog, but also calmed down the neighborhood dogs so they didn't bark when the man and his dog walked by.

When I got to that part in the book, I had to stop reading and run downstairs to find my husband so I could read it aloud to him and we could chuckle at the absurdity. I enjoyed reading some of the training tips later on in the book, and will use some of them as we work on our dog's behavior. But I don't like it enough that I'll buy it and continue referencing it.

Apparently this author will give you personalized advice via email Bet now all of those great reviews on Goodreads and Amazon don't seem to mean very much Aug 24, Craig rated it really liked it Shelves: Imagine Life with a Well-Behaved Dog is a wonderful training manual for anyone who has a dog or is thinking of getting one. It is well organized covering a variety of topics ranging from considerations before adopting, obedience training and caring for dogs with special needs.

The layout allows the reader to either read from start to finish or quickly flip to specific topics by consulting the index. Julie Bjelland does an excellent job laying out force free training methods that will help owners improve their bonds with their dogs and get the pups to listen to commands. She covers all the basic tricks an owner would expect sit, down, stay, heel as well as some more complicated ones like high-five and play dead.

I agree with the author it is important to be calm when training, but a detailed description of her meditation techniques felt out of place and some of the pictures and quotes felt superfluous. Also there are numerous letters from owners with problems, the solutions to these problems was usually the same information we just read retold in slightly different words or with bullet points.

Current scientific literature shows this is likely too early and you should wait until your dog reaches sexual maturity 12 to 18 months to avoid potential health risks. Sep 14, Holly rated it liked it. I liked Imagine Life with a Well-Behaved Dog, but I was hoping for it to be like everything I would need to know to train my puppy, Comet, but it just wasn't. I think I would give it 3. Some of the sections had very little information. I think she knows her stuff, but didn't do the best at explaining it. This is the only dog training book I have purchased so far based on its amazon reviews , but I checked a huge stack of dog books from the library and I've been reading bits of pieces of I liked Imagine Life with a Well-Behaved Dog, but I was hoping for it to be like everything I would need to know to train my puppy, Comet, but it just wasn't.

This is the only dog training book I have purchased so far based on its amazon reviews , but I checked a huge stack of dog books from the library and I've been reading bits of pieces of them. I am not going to review them all on goodreads. Anyway, I think the thing that I didn't like about the author is that she includes with the purchase of the book a offer to get personalized dog questions answered by her on her website, but BEFORE you can do that, you have to review her book and send her the link to your review.

So that's why her book has so many glowing reviews on amazon! So in the end, I feel like this book was a great start for us and I have used many of her suggestions, it is just not comprehensive enough that I feel like it's all I need. I would be happy to loan out my copy to any of my Minnesota friends who have dogs. Mar 31, Tara rated it it was amazing Shelves: This book was very helpful.

It's well laid out; the chapters make sense and guide you through the logical steps of training your dog to do different tasks. For instance, the sit command is a part of teaching the down command, so sit is before down in the book. My own dogs are somewhat trained already. Both know sit, come and a few other commands, but they don't always obey.

My chihuahua now sits wh This book was very helpful. My chihuahua now sits when asked and stays sitting instead of sitting just long enough to get a treat and then lunging at the treat. My lab now knows down and stay, which he didn't before. I would recommend this book to anyone whose dog needs more training. It's well written, the steps make sense, the pictures are helpful and the advice is effective when you stick to it.

This review is of a First-Reads copy of this book Sep 20, Crushi rated it really liked it. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to do SOME research and reading before adopting a pup. We do a lot wrong and a lot of pups end up euthanized or at the pound Do yourself a favor and spend the money or pick it up at the library and take a couple of evenings to go through the basics.

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It will surprise how much your dog will love working with you and bonding with you. You will be more understanding of their behavior and more in tune with how your dog sees the world. I use these methods every day and my buddy loves working with me. Positive reinforcement of good behavior is a must and it works wonders. You should never ever yell or hit your dog. Nov 24, Arlian rated it it was amazing.

I can't recommend this book enough. I have a rescue dog, which I picked up off the streets. In the month I've had her, I've taught her to sit, lay down, stay, high five, low five, beg, "give hugs", "honk it" jump up and stick her nose in your palm so you can squeeze it , Waltz jump up and stick her palms in your hands so you can dance together , she also walks on leash without pulling, off leash well enough that I can stop her from chasing cats, and we are working on her separation anxiety tog I can't recommend this book enough.

In the month I've had her, I've taught her to sit, lay down, stay, high five, low five, beg, "give hugs", "honk it" jump up and stick her nose in your palm so you can squeeze it , Waltz jump up and stick her palms in your hands so you can dance together , she also walks on leash without pulling, off leash well enough that I can stop her from chasing cats, and we are working on her separation anxiety together.

It's been so great I got it for my sister for her "problem" dog. If you have a dog you are having trouble with, or thinking of getting dog and want to make sure you train it correctly, use this book.

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Apr 28, Julie rated it really liked it. This is a very practical guide to training your dog. The theme carrying throughout the book is lots of exercise, redirect attention, stay calm, and be a consistent leader. It's especially nice knowing you have the safety net of six months worth of follow up questions through the author's web site. I haven't tried the website just yet, but I have already taught my puppy sit, down and come well, mostly, especially of there are treats in a matter of two weeks. She also is pretty much house traine This is a very practical guide to training your dog.

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She also is pretty much house trained and crate trained. Can you believe no whining after just 3 nights? I've dog-eared several pages no pun intended and go back to sections time and again for reminders. I recommend this book without reservation. Dec 30, Faith Gudal rated it it was amazing.

If you have a dog, you should have this book in your collection. It's so easy to just look up the page and follow the steps.

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The really great part though is that she explains WHY to do things that way. This forever changed the way I will handle dogs and only using positive obedience training. Lastly, if you own her book, you can email her with questions about your dog. I did this and got a response that day from her that was very he If you have a dog, you should have this book in your collection.

I did this and got a response that day from her that was very helpful.

Imagine Life with a Well-Behaved Dog: A 3-Step Positive Dog-Training Program by Julie A. Bjelland

Oct 04, Gisselle Rangel rated it it was amazing. I'm a dog lover. I love to read books about dogs. This author shares about her dog in some parts but it's mostly about training. I like that because you can see how the training worked on her dog. It also shows reviews on how it worked on other people. If you like books that have something you can use in your life then this book is for you.

You should also read it if you have a bad dog that needs to learn some manners. Sep 03, Kristen rated it really liked it. In truth I have only read the first half of this book, since that is what pertains to us and our stage with our dog. But I really like her approach to training, and it felt like solid, well-thought out advice on behavioral training. Also it was laid out in an easy to read style that makes it easy to refer back to time and again.

Jan 14, Shannon rated it liked it. More of a resource type of book than a read from start to finish. It has a lot of good ideas and advice. My only qualm is that the author states throughout the book that she is available to answer questions on her website as a perk to having bought the book. While that might have been her intent at the time, now she charges for it. But overall a good book. I don't even have a dog to train but I love dogs and really liked reading books on training r dogs when I had a dog, wish I had this then.

I will recommend this to everyone I know with dogs.

Imagine Life with a Well-Behaved Dog: A 3-Step Positive Dog-Training Program

I also love how passionate The author is about making the world a better place for dogs and helping dogs make the world a better place. Apr 19, Meg rated it liked it Shelves: The method is good and the photos are helpful. One star deducted for all the self-congratulations in the introduction about what a great trainer she is, one deducted for harping on the horrors of puppy mills. Yes, yes, we get it. Dec 16, Stephanie rated it it was amazing. This was a great book!

Easy to read and very helpful. It gives a lot of step by step instruction on how to train your dog - whether it is a dog ranging from a puppy to a poorly behaved adult dog or somewhere in between! Jun 21, Alisa rated it liked it Recommended to Alisa by: This was a good book, had a lot of good ideas that I am sure would work on pupies and even younger dogs.. Good Book none the less. I have suggested it to others and they loved it. Oct 15, Michelle rated it really liked it. This book was informative but not the best I've ever read. If you already have a dog the first chapter is useless, otherwise it's very helpful.

If you have an adult dog the second chapter only has a tiny bit of info for you. The rest of the book was pretty good. Jun 03, Joelle Ferrell rated it really liked it. Did not read this book in its entirety, mostly just skimmed through. Some really good, basic information. I was hoping for something a bit more advanced, but for someone who is inexperienced in dog training I'd definitely recommend. Aug 02, Cheri rated it liked it Shelves: Basic book for dog training. There's nothing particularly great about this book, but it is well informed, and informative, just very basic - which is not a bad thing.

Did I learn anything I didn't know? Not really, but it's a good 3 step program to follow for those just starting out.