The Keep of Time

In the Keep of Time Paperback – May 10, Start reading In the Keep of Time on your Kindle in under a minute. I haven't read it all yet, but Margaret J. Anderson is an amazing author, and this is a beautiful book that is fun to read.
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The only trouble is that the youngest one, Ollie, seems to have had her body and mind meshed with a little girl from that time. Readers who enjoy history will enjoy this book. The scenes vividly depict the way of life for the Scots in the 15th century, and the children get caught up in a time of raids and battles between the Scotts and the English. I figured it would be out of print as my old Scholastic copy is from It is out of print, though there are used copies to be had.

Definition of 'keep time'

It is also available in Kindle format, as is one of the two sequels. I found the second sequel, though not the original two books, in my library network. Jul 31, Leigh Teale rated it liked it Shelves: Their aunt lives near and watches after a ruin called Smailholm Tower; she gives the children the key to explore it like their father did before them.

When they venture in for the first time, though, their youngest sister Ollie falls through some mist and ends up back in time. The other three have to go back to find her and consequently run across a battle between the English and the Scotsmen.

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  • In the Keep of Time by Margaret J. Anderson.

In addition, the switch back and forth between Ollie and Mae was never satisfactorily explained. If the Ollie-Mae paradox had been solved a little better and the future trip had been saved for another book I would rate this book 4. As it is, though, I have to give it 3. There are apparently other books in the series, but they seem like they follow different children and may or may not actually be related to Smailholm Tower. Sep 28, Heidi rated it really liked it.

This was another old childhood favourite which has recently been released for Kindle. Four city kids from London have been forced by their parents to spend a summer living with their Aunt Grace in the Scottish countryside. Aunt Grace lives near the mysterious ruins of an old keep. Once the children discover the mysteries of the keep, they're not so bored anymore.

Example sentences containing 'keep time'

I'm impressed with the literary quality of Margaret J. She writes an engaging story AND expands the vocabulary of the This was another old childhood favourite which has recently been released for Kindle. She writes an engaging story AND expands the vocabulary of the ordinary kid. I was 9 or 10 when I first read and loved her books. I think this one holds up well--the lives of the main characters aren't that much different from the lives of today's kids especially since they've been sent to the country to escape all the modern electronic trappings.

Nov 15, Crizzle rated it liked it Shelves: A good fantasy read for 3rd - 7th graders depending on reading level. Reminded me a bit of The Chronicles of Narnia. One nagging thought I was left with at the end - the back of the book reads, "Will they find Olivia? Or has she disappeared forever? And her siblings are just fine with this?? And all her parents notice is that the new Olivia has an accent? The book was written in the '70s, and I appreciated how the author kind of predicted global warm A good fantasy read for 3rd - 7th graders depending on reading level. The book was written in the '70s, and I appreciated how the author kind of predicted global warming and the melting of the polar caps, flooding, etc.

Sep 25, Myranda rated it it was amazing Shelves: My fabulous third grade teacher was reading this to my class in, um I have spent 25 years with fragments of the story periodically running through my mind, before a friend on an email group helped me rediscover the title: Aug 15, Lara Eakins rated it really liked it. This is a book I read in junior high and I tracked down again 25 years later. I didn't remember a whole lot of the plot beyond the basics, but I enjoyed reading it again. I've ordered two more of her books that appear to be related to this one that I didn't read when I was younger, but now I'm intrigued by some of the threads from this book that seem to be picked up in the later ones.

Oct 25, Amy Peters Karp rated it it was ok.

I enjoyed reading this as a kid so I bought it to read with my daughter. Unfortunately it wasn't as exciting as I remembered. The guys in the band can play—just not together. They almost never keep time. Literally, for a clock or watch to accurately track and indicate the time.

Keep time - Idioms by The Free Dictionary

My grandfather's old pocket watch is a bit tarnished, but it still keeps time perfectly! To monitor the clock in a sporting event or other contest. It must be nerve-racking to keep time during a game that important. One mistake could affect the whole season!

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Bob had to drop out of the band because he couldn't keep time. Since he can't keep time, he can't march, and he can't play the drums. Ann kept time at all the basketball games. Whoever keeps time has to watch the referee very carefully. This watch doesn't keep time. My other watch kept time better. Still, the essence of the beach read, most could agree, was more of a mood than anything else: It should be enjoyable and easy, with brisk pace and simple diction.

An element of fantasy — either of the Straubian-gentrified Brooklyn type, the super-macho-spy-novel type, or the unicorns-and-feudal-lords type — is generally involved. It takes skill to write appealing, enjoyable, accessible fiction, too, as most commercial novelists will insist to their dying day. But perhaps there is room for more definition creep. More than a few highly regarded things have been called beach reads over the years, with authors such as Thomas Pynchon and Donna Tartt coming under the beach umbrella.

Literary novelists who have a strong handle on plot are often characterized as good vacation reads, because they manage to transport you elsewhere, away from the petty facts of ordinary life. Order by newest oldest recommendations.