Friction: How Radicalization Happens to Them and Us

Friction: How Radicalization Happens to Them and Us. By. Clark McCauley and Sophia Moskalenko. New York: Oxford. University Press,
Table of contents

And that is the task that McCauley and Moskalenko have taken on, and triumphantly achieved.

Friction - Clark McCauley; Sophia Moskalenko - Oxford University Press

The book works analytically; it works because it tells the tales of the violent and radicalized comprehensively, and it works because it does not just focus on 'them', but on 'us, and on the inter-relationship. In short, it is the most important book written on this complex and politicized subject to date. In their highly systematic yet readable account, the authors identify mechanisms that can be found at work in every terrorist group, whatever its ideology.

The authors provide new and effective tools for understanding political events, and for recognizing and controlling the extent to which radicalization affects all of us. Cases of modern and 19th century terrorists are interwoven to offer vividness and historical depth. Written in a refreshingly accessible and readable style, the book will appeal to scholars, practitioners, and general readers alike. Confronting Transnational Violence in the 21st Century.

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What is so novel is that it compares at great length the Russian revolutionaries, who tried to overthrow the Czarist regime in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, to the Islamist terrorists who now occupy our attention. The authors show how strongly terrorists believe in what they are doing, how committed they are, and how difficult it is to defeat them even when many of them are killed. This book will help us see more clearly what we are up against, and what we might need to do to limit the damage.

It will not only be used in the classroom, but at least in my personal case be kept on the shelf as a reference book on key social psychological mechanisms of political radicalization. In my opinion, no other work so smoothly integrates a sophisticated treatment of social psychology into the important, and poorly understood, subject of political violence and terrorism. A better understanding of the mechanisms under which terrorism thrives can lead to more efficacious counter-terrorism policies.

A valuable contribution to the ongoing dialogue. It offers valuable insights to students of history, politics, psychology, and war. Instructors in criminal justice, sociology, political science, and psychology may want to consider this volume for their classes' reading lists. Everyone who is fighting against radicalized individuals should read this book so they have a baseline understanding of what they are up against and how individuals who are radicalized can take a perceived wrongdoing from an event in their childhood or early adulthood and use that event as a foundation for radicalization later in life.

On a positive note, if one wants to radicalize others for the good of humanity, reading this book will help him or her understand what is involved in motivating others to join a cause and find passion for that cause. McCauley and Moskalenko discuss twelve radicalization mechanisms distinguished at three levels: To illustrate these mechanisms, the authors liberally sprinkle a wide range of cases throughout the book that take the reader back and forth from the nineteenth century to the present and across many political contexts and cultures Friction is an excellent book to introduce a widerange of students to research on radicalism and can also serve as a springboard to new research that fills gaps they highlight in existing explanations of radical politics.

Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford.

Friction: How Radicalization Happens to Them and Us

It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Academic Skip to main content. Choose your country or region Close. Ebook This title is available as an ebook.

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To purchase, visit your preferred ebook provider. Department of State "In this brilliant book, McCauley and Moskalenko exploit our interest in true crime stories to help us overcome our inability to think objectively about the Islamic terrorism we are now battling.

Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom "McCauley and Moskalenko present a vivid, theoretically grounded, and historically wide-ranging account of the social psychological processes that can drive ordinary people to radicalization and violence. Street Crime and the Decline of Social Institutions in America "In this excellent book, the authors describe the personal experiences and psychology of individuals, as well as the dynamics of groups, which lead to radicalization.

Genocide, Violent Conflict, and Terrorism "So much has been written about radicalization that is generic or apocryphal that the field needs desperately to find a contribution that is systematic, research-based, clear, and persuasive. Confronting Transnational Violence in the 21st Century "This remarkably ingenious and enlightening book looks at how radical terrorists are formed. The Logic and Prevention of Mass Political Murder "Both long-term students of political violence and a more general readership will find this book fascinating. American Higher Education in Crisis? Journal of Consumer Research J.

Jeffrey Inman, Margaret C. Living in the Crosshairs David S.

  1. The Song of Hope (AUK New Authors Book 16).
  2. Friction: How Radicalization Happens to Them and Us;
  3. Considering Transcendence: Elements of a Philosophical Theology (Indiana Series in the Philosophy of.
  4. Little Drops of Water: A Mighty River Make.
  5. Atlas de techniques articulaires ostéopathiques: Tome 1. Les membres (French Edition);
  6. Cohen and Krysten Connon. Risk and status, which can move individuals especially young men toward violence regardless of ideology; and. Unfreezing, in which an individual becomes open to new ideas and identity after losing long-standing social reference points. While Zazulich ultimately denounced violence, Adrian Michailov had been coerced into terrorism and later betrayed his comrades. The chapters then apply social science and research to each case study. The chapters then apply these principles to contemporary terrorists. Just as Russian revolutionary Alexander Barannikov had fought for adventure rather than socialism, Abu-Musab al-Zarqawi parlayed his thuggery into radical acts, including violence against fellow Muslims.

    Initially advocating tolerance, he later became the murderer of Norwegian filmmaker Theo van Gogh. Group polarization, in which members shift from a diversity of opinions toward an extreme view;.

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    4. 4 editions of this work!
    5. Group competition, in which cohesion among members increases when they face an external threat; and. Group isolation, in which the group becomes everything to members cut off from the rest of society.

      Friction How Radicalization Happens to Them and Us

      Loyalty to the group can overshadow loyalty to the cause it originally embraced. McCauley and Moskalenko outline the influences that transformed one into the other. Reforms had opened Russian universities to a population previously denied higher education. A freer press gave voice to dissent. Pressure from the nobility placed limits on these new freedoms; land reform in particular fostered poverty. Radical communes went underground and became further isolated from society, until only loyalty to the group remained. As hostilities escalated, the nature of the prize shifted, from helping the serfs to controlling Russia: They point out that the U.

      Modern-day government radicalization includes the use of waterboarding as an interrogation technique. Competition among radical groups can also drive extremism. The Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine initially rejected suicide attacks, but took them up when PFLP was overshadowed by the suicide attacks carried out by Hamas and Fatah.

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      The third section, on mass radicalization, explores mechanisms used to mobilize large groups of people who sympathize with and support a particular cause or grievance. Terrorists rely on this base of support for cover, information, funding, material support, and new recruits. The mechanisms for mass mobilization include:. Jujitsu politics, in which terrorists provoke a government into a disproportionate or badly aimed violent response;.

      Hatred, in which the enemy is demonized as less than human and the in-group is elevated, thus rationalizing violence; and. What emerges is a picture of increasing conflict; the interplay of personal and political worlds; and the synergistic effects of radicalization across individual, group, and mass public levels. The authors also include critical decisions that might have affected the course of history, such as the U.