Motion Graphics with Adobe Creative Suite 5 Studio Techniques

In this excerpt from Motion Graphics with Adobe Creative Suite 5 Studio Techniques, Richard Harrington and Ian Robinson show you how.
Table of contents

Photoshop CS5 For Dummies. Photoshop Elements 13 For Dummies. Adobe Photoshop CS6 Bible. Adobe Photoshop CS6 for Photographers. Adobe Photoshop CC on Demand. Creating Motion Graphics with After Effects.

Preparing Your Files

Autodesk Revit for Architecture. PaintShop Pro X6 for Photographers.

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The Photographers Reference Book: How to Do Everything: Ableton Live 8 and Suite 8. Photoshop Elements 9 for Windows. Color Management for Digital Photography. Blender Compositing and Post Processing. Meet the iPad third generation. Unity 3 Game Development Hotshot. Using iPad 2 covers iOS 5.

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Animation, Embodiment, and Digital Media. Apple Pro Training Series. Blender 3D Printing by Example.

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  7. Integrating 3D Modeling, Photogrammetry and Design. Interactive 3D Multimedia Content. Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation. Game AI Pro 2. Visual Computing for Medicine. Photoshop Tricks for Designers. Home is the Halifax. From Still to Motion. How to Wow with PowerPoint. After Effects On the Spot. Broadcast Graphics On the Spot. Final Cut Studio On the Spot. It's important to realize that you are creating the foundation for the completed project.

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    4. Just as you can't build an architectural masterpiece on a swamp, you'll need to find a solid base for the rest of the animated layers to come. The greatest challenge when it comes to creating and using backgrounds is that you need to show proper restraint. A background is just that—a background. Would you expect to see a gaudy patterned print at an art museum?

      NAB Show 2016: Screen Graphics, 3D Design & Animation Work

      You need to find the proper balance between an interesting background and preserving the visual hierarchy of information. We understand why the challenge exists. As the stock animation industry has grown, competition has led to more and more companies trying to "stand out. In contrast, let's look at the print industry. Sure, a designer might use a patterned paper or a colored backdrop but never in a way that negatively impacts the readability of text or diminishes the value of a photograph.

      Studio Techniques Series | Peachpit

      Creating a background is truly an invisible art. The goal is to make something that adds to the overall design but does not stand out. Creating backgrounds is a varied process. We find that the best backgrounds use source ingredients as opposed to just combining effects. We recommend you consider the following options when designing them:. Need an instant background? Just take a video clip and apply a very heavy blur to it.