1929: Book One (The 1929 Series)

Book One (The Series) (Volume 1) [M.L. Gardner] on leondumoulin.nl * FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. As Black Tuesday triggers financial.
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It started that way but quickly decayed into an insipid romantic novel. I'm talking petty, sophomoric, not historically accurate mush. The 3 wives are all the mental age of Excellent historical tale of three friends, their wives, families and close friends that loose everything during the crash of the stock market in I felt like I was there, in the rat infested apartments, with paper thin walls. Is there anything you would change about this book? More character dept please. Unless the author meant this for eleven year olds? What do you think your next listen will be?

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Only if the book was set in Ireland. Who should the stars be? With an imaginative screenwriter to fill in the gaps? Otherwise cast it with muppets. The idea for the story is very good and would be a great read if it had anything to do with the grittier reality of the times. The story line is full of twists and turns. I can hardly wait for book two.

1929 Jonathan's Cross - Book One (The 1929 Series)

I highly recommend it for everyone. There was nothing unpredictable. I can imagine their continuing ways of handing their lives Would you say that listening to this book was time well-spent? Why or why not? In both cases, the government knew what it should do. Both times, it declined to do it.

As investors, we cannot rely on government intervention to identify and carefully incise bubbles. The book teaches investors to be alert to a build-up of leverage in the financial system and the impact on asset prices. Whether we like it or not, we are susceptible to groupthink. This is the reason we may become euphoric or pessimistic at the same time. This was evident in the in the early months of The market not only dominated the news of the day, it dominated the culture.

The fear of missing out, FOMO, was at record levels. A psychological bias known as herding is to blame. There are two primary reasons this occurs. The first reason is the social pressure of conformity which can overwhelm a group of people. The second is the rationale that believes such a large group could not be wrong. Simply, that there is safety in numbers.

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In and , this bias was supported by prognosticators, academics and politicians of the era. I will leave the last word to Mark Twain, the American writer and humorist offering sage advice;. I hope you enjoyed my review of The Great Crash of I look forward to reviewing book number 6 in this top 10 list tomorrow. Financial speculation It is interesting to witness the conditions that lead to mass financial speculation.

Black Tuesday did not instantly plunge millionaires into homelessness and hunger, but this book would have you believe brokers went home that same day with all their property, down to the last silver candlestick, under bank lien. People were not doing swan dives out of high-rise buildings in droves, contrary to popular myth.

Was this researched at all? Other reviewers have noted similar contextual errors, such as showers and wood-burning stoves in tenement apartments. I didn't make it that far. The cardboard characters were bad enough, but why did all the names have to start with A or C? That made them even more interchangeable, and infodump backstories are annoying. I only got as far as page 25 but the contrived, amateurish writing and poor research are evident. I do like the cover, though. I could not get past the first three chapters.

Category:1929 books

There's a difference in sentence structure, cadence and word choices. Again, these amateur writers, with their repetition of every character saying the name of the other character that they are talking to every third line or so! We are not going to forget who the hell is talking to who. Simplistic sentence structure, lack of atmosphere, and flat characters with no development is what you have to look forward to, if you read this.

But the dialogue is, in my opinion, skimpy and unconvincing. The same for description as the story proceeds.

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It just does not seem to portray a picture of the action or the characters, and relies on generalities. The plot could certainly be developed if dialogue were better. As for the ending it left me with the feeling of reaching a dead end road in sight of a highway, with a sign inviting the reader to follow a hidden path to the conclusion - "buy my next book. What happened to the ending there was none.

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The second book in this so called series doesn't seem to have anything to do with the first. So disappointed that I hung in there reading the first and it didn't even end. When the stock market crashes in it crushes the wealthy lifestyles of three young couples whose lives are intertwined.

This riches to rags story captured my interest and I hung in there for the entire book because it started off well.

Jonathan Garrett the husband of one of the couples feels responsibility for their circumstances as it was his brokerage firm that they had all invested in. With scarcely more than the clothes on their backs they leave everything behind and secure apartments in shabby tenements of a ruthless landlord who already has ties to the Garretts. He's a villain right out of a melodrama. The story held my interest for maybe the first third of the book despite the ridiculous premise that three couples would stay together and work together rather than go their separate ways.

And though Gardener introduces conflict through adversity, Victor the landlord, and Elise, a French prostitute from Jonathan's past, it just isn't enough. The story drags on an on as we hop from one character's head to another too many points of view and we must trudge through mundane chapters with scarcely any plot advancement. There's also a lot of telling rather than showing what happens which does nothing to make this more interesting.

I kept reading, not because it was captivating, but I really did want to know how they got out of their situation. I don' t want to ruin the end for you, but if you want a page turner, this is not going to be it and I am definitely not going to read any further in this series. I give it 3 out of 5 stars.

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