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Counselor Dr. Douglas Weiss developed this easy-to-follow plan for improving your marriage. By investing just ten minutes a day to focus on each other and do simple exercises, couples can enhance their marriages in ways they will benefit from for a lifetime!Missing: ROCKIN.
Table of contents

If so, don't despair -- there are millions of articles you can read about politics, business and things going wrong. But you won't find any of that here. Right here, right now, we're going to get our truth on.

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We're going to talk about what really matters in this world -- knowing who you really are and living from that place. Knowing your truth above and beyond what the media says, what your family says, what your friends say, or even what I say, for that matter. I certainly know this story well.

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Raised as a Jehovah's Witness by parents who were barely adults, my entire life up until age 24 when divine intervention allowed me to leave the JWs was spent being told and believing that someone else out there knew my truth. And for the past 11 years I've been on a journey to know who I really am above all of the opinions, noise and drama out there so that I can do what I am here to do -- radiate this truth as a reminder to as many as Divine Will allows.

This led me to sitting on my couch, tears streaming down my face, reciting over and over again, "Thank you" as I felt energy moving all around me. Is this resonating with you? Giving you chills as you read it?

If so, check out the five tried-and-true methods below for rockin your life living your truth like never before:. Silent, guided, 10 minutes here, 10 minutes there -- doesn't matter. Just do it. There's no wrong way, have the intention to meditate and you are meditating. Prayer, candles, rituals -- again, doesn't matter -- only that it resonates with you. I go more in-depth into non-denominational spiritual practice creation here if you feel so guided to check it out. When something in your life happens and you feel anger, grief, rage, sadness rise up within you you've got to feel it.

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  2. Select Times:.
  3. 1 Step to Resolve Relationship Conflict;
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  5. Cosmic Intelligence and You: New Revelations.
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Don't dismiss it, don't push it away and don't stuff it down with food, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, Internet, TV, etc. Be with the feeling. Find where it is in your body. Breathe into it. Ask it what it wants to share with you.

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Let the emotions move through you. They won't last forever and they need release. Attract new uber clients? Actually earn enough to go on a bloody holiday? No chance. Heavens I learnt so much! What I love most is that she was able to talk to me in my own language. She took all her knowledge of systems, marketing funnels, premium clients, pricing, blogging, newsletters and the most current software knowledge of the time is like a million years ago in internet time and translate it into Keri.

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She gave me the practical skills that I SO desperately needed but also a warm loving kick up the base chakra to believe in myself and have fun whilst I kicked my goals. You can book a free mentoring session with Sam here. I have definitely fallen into the habit of using food as a reward and finding solace in a block of chocolate was for a long time an unfortunate coping mechanism I could fall into when stressed. Today I see cooking for myself less as a tiresome chore and more a conscious act of self love.

Owner of this said blog made me an amazing New Year lunch.

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A meal shared with love is my favourite thing to do. I have weekly date nights with girlfriends for this reason! I steer clear of diets or eating plans with too many rules. Over 16 years of practicing Chinese medicine has taught me that depending on our constitution our environment and so many other variables our dietary needs are going to vary. Mostly warm, fresh as possible and according to the seasons just about sums it up. Survival food.