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Birthdate Numerology – our lucky numbers derived from birth date. The most important is the Life Path number - a sum total of the entire birth date. . By noting the solar year of our birth, we can determine what type of experiences we will.
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And the immemorial time the ancient science of Numerology was trying to understand the magic and the inner mystery of numbers. Numbers are always around us since our birth till the very last moments of our lives. Deliberately or not - we obey their laws.

Any word can be reduced to a number, any concept and any character. The number of birthday can not be changed, it is constant in the human life and it is representing the vibrating effect which is present from the time of one's birth. However, what is the extent to which it can determine a person's character or control his destiny, his future, how it depends on the other factors of Numerology?

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They are fond of traveling and enjoy every phase of their life. They are very conscious of their public image. They are basically friendly, helpful and make friends easily. They are famous in their society and admired for their hard works, poise, politeness, and kindness which make them true leaders. They love commanding and like to express their emotions for the fear of revealing a weakness.

They never display their weakness. They are pioneers in their field. Psychic number 2 people are ruled by Moon. People with this number are friendly, helpful, imaginative, emotional, and moody. They are peaceful and very romantic. They need guides to assure them about, promote and execute their ideas. Their emotions go up and down in life which gives them mental pain, as the result they feel depressed sometimes. They are delicate, and fond of aromas, fragrances and good food.

They are family oriented, and sincere with their spouse. Because of their changeable nature and mood, they are fast thinkers. They prefer working in partnerships. They believe in a philosophy of live and let live. They are masters in the world of love and beauty. They never say no and have excellent intuition specially people born on 11 of any month. They do everything twice; it is very rare that they do things in one attempt. Psychic number 3 people are ruled by Jupiter.

They are very ambitious, hardworking, independent, daring and disciplined. In the starting of their life they struggle but this struggle is good for them as it makes them shine and gives inner growth and development. They are scientist of life. They are usually lucky in life. Your intellect is of a very high quality. They are confident and take their own decisions. They are versatile and believe that devotion to their duty is divine and perform each work with excellence.

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They are full of stamina and strong built. They become dictatorial at home. They are successful in finishing any task which makes them successful in life. They have a good understanding of life which always keeps a smile on their face. In public they are outspoken.

What Your Birth Date Says About Your Personality

They are good planners but bad executors. They are impatient and frequently have more than one major relation in their lives. They have an aptitude in their words which makes them an excellent communicator. Psychic Number 4 people are ruled by Rahu. It makes its natives always varying, never fixed. They are very systematic, helpful, reliable, religious, and practical people. They have to go through struggle and many ups and downs in life.


They achieve success and recognition in their later part of their lives. They are also benefited from inheritance of property. They are very helpful to the society and do all there duties flawlessly. They are rebellious by nature and become very easily irritable too. As their point of view always differ from others which makes their secret enemies. They face opposition boldly and love conspiracy. They love to spend lavishly and have good taste for food. They always want to create balance in life but easily misunderstood by people.

They are very good communicators and no one can win with them in terms of words. They have an excellent drive of sex but unsuccessful in love affairs. They are attached to their homes and family. Psychic Number 5 people are ruled by Mercury.

What Is Your Life Path Number

They are kind, delicate and eminent thinkers. There active brains are always engaged in thought. They are spontaneous, quick in their plans and love change throughout out their lives. They make friendship very easily but due to their unstable nature their friendship do not last for too long. They are intuitive by nature and easily understand the words or the perspective of others.

They are easily adaptable and attached to their families. They love traveling and spendthrift by nature. They are independent, self made and lucky in love. They spend their old age in peace and harmony. They are very cautious about their health, and usually have long lives. They do not regret for their losses in life and enjoy their life.

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There philosophy of life is whatever happens in life it happens for good cause. They execute their duties very perfectly and enjoy every chapter of their lives. Psychic Number 6 people are ruled by Venus. They adore nature and beauty. They are youthful. They are fond of glamour and luxury. They are easily attracted towards opposite sex. They are always busy and love traveling. They dislike negligence and untidiness. They are over conscious about their physical appearance and love to dress well.