Guide Ultimates #9

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HOMELAND SECURITY PART 3 It's Giant Man versus Captain America! It's brutal and action-packed as only the Ultimates can deliver!
Table of contents

  1. Little Bitty;
  2. Ultimates 2 #9 |
  3. Prelude.
  4. Part 2.The Real And Secretive World Of Aliens And UFOs Known Only To 75 Americans (“Above Top Secret” Information about Aliens & UFOs)?
  5. REVIEW: Ultimates 2 #9-“From Chains to Cage”.

Additionally, and more in line with the original run by Millar, Hickman has been developing a stronger sense of individual voices than he has in some other comics. We know that Hickman can bring the sci-fi goodness — and you better believe he does — but this issue and the ones before it show that he can give a large-cast book like this the nuanced characterization it needs.

The Ultimates #9

Esad Ribic is an artist whose name almost always amounts to quality, and one who is the ideal partner for Hickman on this title. Like Hitch before him, Ribic really knows how to sell action — the page of the People and the Children slaying each other is just gorgeous — and his unique, painterly style fits the otherworldly quality of everything the team has encountered in this book.

It is worth noting, though, that this is the longest run Ribic has done so far, and even though he has had help from artist Brandon Peterson, it is beginning to show.

  1. The Falling Flag: Evacuation of Richmond, Retreat and Surrender at Appomattox.
  2. All-New Ultimates #9 Preview (Marvel Comics)!

This is, however, a superficial detail; the true hallmark of a comics artist is their ability to make a page readable, and Ribic is not at all slipping in that regard. Despite some steps backward, the art is still beautiful in ways that only a comic can be.

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We get it — Reed is the most intelligent person in the Ultimate Universe, and a mastermind on a scale that has almost never been seen. After eight issues of everything going from bad, to worse, to even worse, though, it just seems like too much. Even the bleakest long-form stories have their moments where things appear to be looking up, which makes the moments where everything falls back apart all the more crushing.

Years ago, The Blue Marvel encountered a being of immense power known as The Infinaut, and over the decades he's been working to drive it away whenever it reappears. Thanks to Ulysses, The Ultimates were able to get a headstart on The Infinaut's next manifestation, and with the help of Giant Man they were able to anchor him to our reality and discover that he wasn't some big world-ending threat, but a scientist from another dimension lost in space trying to break through.

Without Ulysses, The Ultimates would have likely repelled The Infinaut yet again, or The Infinaut would have destroyed reality, but thanks to his prediction they were able to save the day and get a solid win where nobody loses.

Ultimates (magazine) (série VF) - Comics VF

The scene where Captain Marvel, The Ultimates, and The Inhumans confront the woman with the briefcase is one of the most affecting and memorable scenes in the event, because even after confirming that the woman has done nothing wrong and the briefcase is empty, she is still dragged away and arrested. After Tony establishes that Ulysses is fallible, and Beast backs him up, Carol creates a strawman argument to reinforce her position, and at this point just seems stubborn, especially when she leaves straight through the roof.

Nightcrawler frees her, which leads to a confrontation on the roof where we finally see the battle lines drawn. I blame Forge.

Ultimates 2 #9

Is it weird that I currently dislike Carol more than Hawkeye? I really appreciated seeing members of The Ultimates begin to suspect that this isn't the right way to operate, and Blue Marvel especially has become a favorite of mine over the last year. Green was one of the most subtly powerful moments of the comic, if you know Dr. Brashear's background.