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This collection contains all seven books in the classic fantasy series, The Chronicles of Narnia, without art, to appeal to older readers. This special ebook edition.
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Like this presentation? Why not share! Embed Size px. Start on. Show related SlideShares at end. WordPress Shortcode. Published in: Business. Full Name Comment goes here. Are you sure you want to Yes No. Be the first to like this. No Downloads. And through the arched gateways of many a palace Shasta caught sight of green branches, cool fountains, and smooth lawns. It must be nice inside, he thought. At every turn Shasta hoped they were getting out of the crowd, but they never did. This made their progress very slow, and every now and then they had to stop altogether.

For in Tashbaan there is only one traffic regulation, which is that everyone who is less important has to get out of the way for everyone who is more important; unless you want a cut from a whip or a punch from the butt end of a spear. Way for the Narnian lords. Shasta tried to get out of the way and to make Bree go back. But no horse, not even a Talking Horse from Narnia, backs easily.

Who are you shoving? So he found himself, unintentionally, in the first row and had a fine sight of the party that was coming down the street.

UNBOXING - Chronicles of Narnia (7 books in 1)

It was quite unlike any other party they had seen that day. And there was no litter; everyone was on foot. There were about half a dozen men and Shasta had never seen anyone like them before. For one thing, they were all as fair-skinned as himself, and most of them had fair hair.

The Chronicles of Narnia Complete 7-Book Collection with Bonus Book: Boxen - eBook

And they were not dressed like men of Calormen. Most of them had legs bare to the knee. Their tunics were of fine, bright, hardy colors—woodland green, or gay yellow, or fresh blue. Instead of turbans they wore steel or silver caps, some of them set with jewels, and one with little wings on each side. A few were bare-headed. The swords at their sides were long and straight, not curved like Calormene scimitars. And instead of being grave and mysterious like most Calormenes, they walked with a swing and let their arms and shoulders go free, and chatted and laughed. One was whistling.

Shasta thought he had never seen anything so lovely in his life. But there was no time to enjoy it for at once a really dreadful thing happened. Next moment he gave Shasta a smack—not a cruel one to make you cry but a sharp one to let you know you are in disgrace and added, shaking:. Fie for shame! Truant for a whole night!

The Chronicles of Narnia

Where have you been? But then, the very last thing he wanted to do in that crowded place was to start explaining who he was and what he was doing. If he started on that, he would soon be asked where he had got his horse from, and who Aravis was—and then, good-bye to any chance of getting through Tashbaan.

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His next impulse was to look at Bree for help. But Bree had no intention of letting all the crowd know that he could talk, and stood looking just as stupid as a horse can. As for Aravis, Shasta did not even dare to look at her for fear of drawing attention. And there was no time to think, for the leader of the Narnians said at once:. And now, on.

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And so, before they were half-way through Tashbaan, all their plans were ruined, and without even a chance to say good-bye to the others Shasta found himself being marched off among strangers and quite unable to guess what might be going to happen next. All mum? This was very unpleasant, for Shasta felt all the time that this young king was the very nicest kind of grown-up and would have liked to make a good impression on him.

The strangers led him—held tightly by both hands—along a narrow street and down a flight of shallow stairs and then up another to a wide doorway in a white wall with two tall, dark cypress trees, one on each side of it. Once through the arch, Shasta found himself in a courtyard which was also a garden.

A marble basin of clear water in the center was kept continually rippling by the fountain that fell into it. Orange trees grew round it out of smooth grass, and the four white walls which surrounded the lawn were covered with climbing roses. The noise and dust and crowding of the streets seemed suddenly far away.

He was led rapidly across the garden and then into a dark doorway. The crier remained outside.

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  • After that they took him along a corridor, where the stone floor felt beautifully cool to his hot feet, and up some stairs. A moment later he found himself blinking in the light of a big, airy room with wide open windows, all looking North so that no sun came in. There was a carpet on the floor more wonderfully colored than anything he had ever seen and his feet sank down into it as if he were treading in thick moss.

    All round the walls there were low sofas with rich cushions on them, and the room seemed to be full of people; very queer people some of them, thought Shasta.

    Special 65th Anniversary Edition

    But he had no time to think of that before the most beautiful lady he had ever seen rose from her place and threw her arms round him and kissed him, saying:. And thou and I such close friends ever since thy mother died. And what should I have said to thy royal father if I came home without thee? The first three are loves which come naturally to the human race. Surprised by Joy. For many years an atheist, C.

    Lewis vividly describes the spiritual quest that convinced him of the truth and reality of Christianity, in his famous autobiography. The Screwtape Letters. The Problem of Pain. The Great Divorce. This collection contains all seven books in the classic fantasy series, The Chronicles of Narnia, without art, to appeal to older readers. This special ebook edition includes an introduction by C.

    The Narnia Trivia Book. Compiled especially for fans who have read all the books in the classic fantasy series, The Chronicles of Narnia, here are over questions, highlighted by original black and white art, to test your memory and challenge your friends to a Narnia trivia contest. The Official Narnia Cookbook.

    Explore over 60 illustrated recipes inspired by the classic fantasy series, The Chronicles of Narnia, including the prize-winning recipe from the Narnia Nosh and Recipe global contest. A Year With C. Lewis: Daily Readings from his Classic Works. To mark the fiftieth anniversary of C. It includes an exclusive Foreword compiled from letters by J. Tolkien, who inspired Lewis to write the first volume.