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The Cat Owner's Manual: Operating Instructions, Troubleshooting Tips, and Advice on Lifetime Maintenance (Quirk Books) Paperback – August 1,
Table of contents

Keeping an activity log and journal will help you notice whether your foster cat is less active than he normally is. If the skin stays taut, the cat is dehydrated. Please call the foster coordinator the next business day to schedule a vet appointment. Sometimes cats will vomit up a thick tubular hairball with bile or other liquids. This is normal, but please call the foster coordinator if the cat has out-of-the-ordinary vomiting that does not occur in conjunction with a hairball. Pain or strain while urinating. When a cat first goes into a foster home, he or she may not urinate due to stress.

Also, if you notice the cat straining to urinate with little or no results, or crying out when urinating, please contact the foster coordinator immediately because it may be indicative of an infection or a urethral obstruction, which can be life-threatening. Soft stool is normal for the first two or three days after taking a cat home, most likely caused by stress and a change in food. Keep in mind that diarrhea will dehydrate the cat, so be proactive about contacting the foster department.

If your foster cat has bloody or mucoid diarrhea, please contact the foster coordinator immediately and start the emergency contact protocol. Frequent ear scratching. Ear mites can be treated by a veterinarian, so please call or email the foster coordinator for a medical appointment. Swollen, irritated ears.

If your foster cat has irritated, swollen or red or pink ears that smell like yeast, he may have an ear infection called otitis. If you see these signs, please contact the foster coordinator. Hair loss. Please contact the foster department if you notice any hair loss on your foster cat.

Frequently asked questions

It is normal for cats to have thin fur around the lips, eyelids and in front of the ears, but clumpy patches of hair loss or thinning hair can indicate ringworm or dermatitis. Shelter cats may suffer from upper respiratory infection, giardia or intestinal parasites. If your foster cat is displaying one or more of these signs, please contact the foster coordinator.

These ailments can worsen if left untreated. What constitutes a medical emergency in a cat? A good rule of thumb is any situation in which you would call for a person. Here are some specific symptoms that could indicate an emergency:. If your foster cat displays any of these symptoms, please follow the emergency phone protocol. If the animal is vomiting or has diarrhea, but is still active, eating and drinking, you can probably wait until the next day to get help.

If you think your foster pet may incur permanent damage or pass away if not seen by a veterinarian immediately, please proceed to the approved emergency clinic and start the emergency phone chain on the way. One of your goals as a foster parent is to help prepare your foster cat for living successfully in a home. So, we ask that you help your foster cat to develop good habits and skills through the use of positive reinforcement, which builds a bond of trust between you and your foster pet.

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The basic idea is to reward desirable behaviors and ignore unwanted behaviors. You must not punish a cat for a behavior that you find undesirable because punishment is ineffective at eliminating the behavior. If the cat is doing something undesirable, distract him or her before the behavior occurs. It is also important for every human in the foster home to stick to the rules established for your foster cats, which will help them to learn faster.

Some foster cats will have behavioral issues, which we are aware of at the time of their rescue. Some of these behavior challenges are fearfulness, house soiling or aggression toward other animals. We will provide that person with all the necessary information so that proper care and training can be given to the foster cat. If you feel unable to manage any behavior that your foster cat is exhibiting, please contact the foster coordinator during business hours to discuss the issue.

We will guide you and help in every way that we can. Thank you so much for opening up your heart and your home to foster pets. Together, we can Save Them All. All Rights Reserved.

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Privacy bestfriends. Share Tweet Email Print. Foster Care cats. Frequently asked questions Where do the foster cats come from? What do foster families need to provide? Foster families need to provide: A healthy and safe environment for their foster cats Transportation to and from the adoption center and all vet appointments as needed Socialization and cuddle time to help teach the cats about positive family and pet relationships Lots of exercise and positive stimulation to help them develop into great cats How much time do I need to spend with a foster cat?

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Can I foster cats even if I have a full-time job? How long will the cat need to be in foster care? When is my foster cat ready for adoption? Will I need to give medicine to my foster cat? Can I let my foster cat play with my personal pets? What if I want to adopt my foster cat? Will it be hard to say goodbye to my foster cat? Who will take care of my foster cat if I need to go out of town?

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What if my foster cat bites me? What if my foster cat is not working out? Can I foster a cat to fulfill a community service obligation? A supply of dry cat food: All cats are fed dry food unless a special diet is needed. We use Natural Balance and ask that foster cats be fed a food of that quality or higher quality. A collar with an ID tag: Even though foster cats are microchipped, they still need an ID tag, in case they escape from your home.

Uncovered litter box: Make sure the box is an appropriate size for the cat. Scratching posts or trays: Try different types to see which the cat prefers. Cat treats: Giving treats is a good way to help train and build a positive relationship with your foster cat. Cat toys: Make sure the toys are durable and safe without bits that will be harmful if swallowed. Grooming supplies: A well-groomed cat has a better chance of getting adopted. Here are some additional tips for cat-proofing your home: Make sure that all trash cans are covered or latched and keep them inside a closet.

Keep the toilet lids closed. Keep both people and pet food out of reach and off all counter tops. Move house plants out of reach. Many house plants are toxic to cats and they like to chew on them. Make sure aquariums or cages that house small animals, like hamsters or fish, are securely out of reach of your foster cat. Remove medications, lotions or cosmetics from any accessible surfaces.

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Move and secure all electrical and phone wires out of reach. Cats may chew on or get tangled in them. Pick up any clothing items that have buttons or strings, which can be harmful to your foster cat if consumed.

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Relocate knickknacks or valuables that your foster cat could knock down. Back to top Section 3: Bringing home your foster cat Taking care of a foster cat requires a commitment from you to make sure the cat is happy and healthy.

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Choosing a foster cat The foster coordinator will work with you to select a foster cat who meets your specific requirements. Some cats may nip or bite if bothered while eating or startled while sleeping. Do not tease or rile up the foster cat. Pick up the foster cat only when an adult is there to help. Be careful when opening and closing doors so as to not accidentally let the foster cat outside.