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Nostalgia is a sentimentality for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations. The word nostalgia is learned formation of a Greek  ‎Disambiguation · ‎Category:Nostalgia · ‎Yugo-nostalgia · ‎Nostalgia industry.
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Homesickness is not true nostalgia, but rather a geographic nostalgia -- a yearning for a different space rather than a different time -- for return to idealized memories of a location and people left behind. All the senses may be used to precipitate the nostalgic experience -- hearing music witness the popularity of "classics" of the '60s, '70s, '80s, etc.

Even as early as , Freud recognized a strong link between odors and the emotions. Anatomically, the nose directly connects with the olfactory lobe in the limbic system -- that area of the brain considered the seat of the emotions. The olfactory lobe is actually part and parcel of the limbic system.

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Therefore, the most powerful impact upon the emotions is through the sense of smell. In a universal phenomena called olfactory-evoked recall, an odor can bring back a memory from the past. Often a vivid visual image is evoked along with an associated positive mood state. The aroma of madeleine dipped in tea evoked in the author a flood of memories and feelings of nostalgia. The understanding that odors evoke more powerful reactions than the other senses do is not particularly new.

It is well known that the aroma of freshly baked goods conjures up warm childhood memories. When an odor of baked bread was released in a U. Movie theater managers infuse the air in their lobbies with the aroma of popcorn to entice patrons to buy.

The smell of chocolate chip cookies released into the air in front of cookie stands induces the people to salivate and buy cookies. The unique, leathery "new car scent" is an exciting enticement to most customers and a positive inducement to make a purchase. Victoria's Secret, a successful women's underclothing chain, uses a special floral potpourri throughout its stores. Many of the customers say that the aroma lifts their spirits.

How Nostalgia Works

Some odors, however, can have a negative impact. Among people queried in a Gallop poll throughout the United States, the most disliked odor was the odor of fish. We might well expect any store located next to a seafood market to have their sales negatively affected by the odor. An ordinary person can smell 10, odors. But no two people react in exactly the same way.

In general women are more sensitive to odors than are men. Doty et al. Ethnicity and geographical background strongly affect odor sensitivity.

The True Meaning of Nostalgia

Japanese perfume may not be a popular sales item in North America. Among sample populations taken across the U. Native Japanese were least able to identify the odors used in the study.

As might be expected, our judgement as to the pleasantness or the unpleasantness of various odors depends too upon who we are and where we live. In one study, sample populations from 20 nations were asked to evaluate 22 different fragrances.

Davis et al. The populations with similar odor preferences could be grouped geographically. This clustering of odor preferences implies a similar clustering of preferences with regard to foods and perfumes. Among the people mentioned previously, the particular area of the United States from which they came had a decisive influence on their responses to odors Table 1.

Although in general, baked goods were the most common precipitant of an olfactory-evoked recall, among persons from the east coast, the smell of flowers prompted an olfactory-evoked recall of their childhoods. Among persons from the south, the smell of fresh air prompted a similar recall - among those from the midwest, the smell of farm animals, and among those from the west coast, the smell of meat cooking or barbecuing. Evoked memories of childhood are usually associated with a positive emotional state which may then be transferred to the place where the evoked memories are experienced -- the store and the items for sale.

The makers of certain oriental perfumes already take advantage of this effect by adding the smell of baby powder to their formulas, baby powder being associated in most persons' minds with a safe, clean environment.

nostalgia - Dictionary Definition :

In order to further investigate olfactory-evoked recall, in September of , English-speaking individuals selected at random in Water Tower Place shopping mall in Chicago consented to be interviewed in person for this Institutional Review Board approved study. Respondents reported basic demographic data including the decade of their birth and their predominant geographic location during childhood. Psychological data revealed the existence of olfactory evoked recall, the particular smells that precipitated childhood memories and the overall level of happiness with the individual's childhood.

Demographic Profile: were male, were female. Decades of birth ranged from the s to the s as follows: s - 3, s - 16, s - 43, s - 70, s - , s , s - , s - Table 2. In order to achieve statistical significance, data for people born in the s, s and s were combined into a single grouping. While most were reared in Chicago or its suburbs , 45 states were represented and 39 countries as well.

Statistics were analyzed using Chi-square test on contingency tables or Z-test for the difference between pairs of proportions. Results: Overall, The Art of Getting By It's nostalgia. The Three Bad Wolves Okay, well, let's try and keep that sort of charming nostalgia out of our sales pitch. Homesickness; esp. A sentimental yearning to return to an earlier time remembered as happier or more pleasant, or a former place evoking happy memories; a longing to experience again a former happy time; as, a nostalgia for the brotherhood of the Woodstock music festival; a nostalgia for the comradeship of one's college friends.

Search result for nostalgia 33 entries 0. You can Suggest your own translation to Longdo or Search other online dictionaries. In the second study, nostalgia led to the same growth outcomes but the effects were statistically mediated by nostalgia-induced self-esteem. One recent study critiques the idea of nostalgia, which in some forms can become a defense mechanism by which people avoid the historical facts. Reliving past memories may provide comfort and contribute to mental health. They found that thinking about the past 'fondly' actually increased perceptions of physical warmth.

In a study conducted by Routledge, he and a team observed that the more people reported having major disruptions and uncertainties in their lives, the more they nostalgically longed for the past. Routledge suggests that by invoking the idea of an idealized past, politicians can provoke the social and cultural anxieties and uncertainties that make nostalgia especially attractive — and effective — as a tool of political persuasion.

The term was coined in by Johannes Hofer — in his Basel dissertation. Hofer introduced nostalgia or mal du pays " homesickness " for the condition also known as mal du Suisse "Swiss illness" or Schweizerheimweh "Swiss homesickness", because of its frequent occurrence in Swiss mercenaries who in the plains of lowlands France or Italy were pining for their native mountain landscapes.

Symptoms were also thought to include fainting, high fever, indigestion, stomach pain, and death.


Military physicians hypothesized that the malady was due to damage to the victims' brain cells and ear drums by the constant clanging of cowbells in the pastures of Switzerland. English homesickness is a loan translation of nostalgia. Sir Joseph Banks used the word in his journal during the first voyage of Captain Cook.

On 3 September he stated that the sailors "were now pretty far gone with the longing for home which the Physicians have gone so far as to esteem a disease under the name of Nostalgia", but his journal was not published in his lifetime see Beaglehole, J.

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Cases resulting in death were known and soldiers were sometimes successfully treated by being discharged and sent home. Receiving a diagnosis was, however, generally regarded as an insult. In Robert Hamilton —, physician of Ipswich described a case of a soldier suffering from nostalgia, who received sensitive and successful treatment:. In the eighteenth century, scientists were looking for a locus of nostalgia, a nostalgic bone. By the s nostalgia was losing its status as a particular disease and coming to be seen rather as a symptom or stage of a pathological process.