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Don't leave any question unanswered attempt them for its worth. Write whatever sense you can make out of or whatever you think might be relevant to the topic.

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Leaving it unanswered means you will get zero marks for it but if you make an attempt at it you have a small chance at getting some marks. And even, if it's all wrong and you get a zero for it what's there to lose you were getting zero anyways for it. You might even remember some important points that you might have missed out on.

How To Score Good Marks In Board Exam In Short Time : 99% Useful Tips

Revising the paper after you done with it is like proofreading a paper and it can prove to be quite useful in the examinations. It basically prevents you from making mistakes that could have been easily avoid and saves you quite a lot of marks.

The Secret To Exam Success | daily-sun

Take proper time to answer a question but be mindful to write to the point and don't get swayed away so much that you end up writing a whole page for a 2 marks question. They have been teaching the same subject for years and have a good idea that which textbook or reading will help you in the exams. Also, if a teacher says a section is important, mark it with a highlighter because there are good chances that it will come in the exam. This practice will help you avoid losing those extra marks which when accumulated, become a big number. Is your writing not good?

Try and improve it. Improve it by 1 per cent if not 60 or 70 per cent. Is organic chemistry your weakness? Don't take it for granted and try to improve yourself as much as you can. If you sleep for 8 hours, you can tone it down to 6 and save yourself those precious two hours to work on some other subject. Also, try to study theoretical subjects in the morning because things learnt during that time remain in your memory for long duration. Also, it is easier to focus in the morning with less distraction around.

Remember that a mark gained here and a mark gained there, when accumulated take your total percentage higher in any given semester.

12 Study Skills for Exam Success

Don't take anything for granted and you will be able to score those extra marks and get an above 90 per cent you aspire for. Hope these above mentioned tips will help you score better in examinations. You can read more such helpful tips on examinations at, www. School Board. Current Affairs.

Take proper time to answer a question but be mindful to write to the point and don't get swayed away so much that you end up writing a whole page for a 2 marks question. They have been teaching the same subject for years and have a good idea that which textbook or reading will help you in the exams. Also, if a teacher says a section is important, mark it with a highlighter because there are good chances that it will come in the exam.

This practice will help you avoid losing those extra marks which when accumulated, become a big number. Is your writing not good? Try and improve it. Improve it by 1 per cent if not 60 or 70 per cent. Is organic chemistry your weakness? Don't take it for granted and try to improve yourself as much as you can.

If you sleep for 8 hours, you can tone it down to 6 and save yourself those precious two hours to work on some other subject.

Tips and tricks to tackle those difficult areas prior to your board exams.

Also, try to study theoretical subjects in the morning because things learnt during that time remain in your memory for long duration. Also, it is easier to focus in the morning with less distraction around. Remember that a mark gained here and a mark gained there, when accumulated take your total percentage higher in any given semester. Don't take anything for granted and you will be able to score those extra marks and get an above 90 per cent you aspire for.

All-nighters before exams 'don't work' as sleep is vital to memory

Hope these above mentioned tips will help you score better in examinations. You can read more such helpful tips on examinations at, www. School Board. Current Affairs. Mock Tests. Study tips that will help you get 90 per cent this semester.

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