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May 19, - Discover five bedtime stories that are sweet, enchanting bearers of timeless morals! Children will relate to the ups and downs of a teddy bear.
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Stuart Little is the story of a most unusual mouse that sets out on the adventure of a Includes three of the best loved classics in children's literature. Stuart Little is the story of a most unusual mouse that sets out on the adventure of a lifetime. Get A Copy. Paperback , 0 pages.

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More Details Original Title. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Three Beloved Classics by E.

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Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Three Beloved Classics by E. Sep 20, Raegan rated it liked it Shelves: read-with-kids. I know Charlotte's Web is a classic but it's a little depressing to be meant as a child's book. The Trumpet of the Swan is definitely more of a favorite to me than the other two. This is the second time I've read it to Isabella, she doesn't remember the first, and she really enjoyed it. She is 6 now, and she understood the story much better.

Her love for animals really helped her to appreciate the story more as well. I read Stuart Little to her a couple years ago and I can't really remember the I know Charlotte's Web is a classic but it's a little depressing to be meant as a child's book. I read Stuart Little to her a couple years ago and I can't really remember the details of the story but They are all good books.

But I'd hold off on reading them till your kids are at least , when they can start to read them for themselves.

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Stuart Little was my favorite of the three -- sometimes a mensch, sometimes a dandy, like a two-inch high Groucho Marx, this brave and competent dreamer applies his ingenuity to all manner of fixes that can arise for a mouse in a man's world. Louis the swan is a similarly quixotic character, but his story is more conventional and sentimental. Wilbur, however, didn't seem to do much at all other than appear "terrific" and "radiant" as suggested by his guardian angel-spider. All three books Stuart Little was my favorite of the three -- sometimes a mensch, sometimes a dandy, like a two-inch high Groucho Marx, this brave and competent dreamer applies his ingenuity to all manner of fixes that can arise for a mouse in a man's world.

All three books feature friends saving friends' lives and much joie de vivre. They're written with a delightfully adult whimsy -- only when White lists things does he cross the line from breezy charm to cloying cute. Jun 01, Shiloh Peacemaker rated it it was amazing. I had this little set at a child.

My Poppa got it for me.

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It came with three books. I loved reading Charlotte's Web and it was the most read book I had. The Second had to be Stuart Little. I didn't really get into The Trumpet of the Swan until I was a little bit older. I have to say that it was the best gift that my Poppa ever gave me.

6 Children’s Stories That Appear in Adult Novels

I can't remember it if was Christmas, or a birthday gift. All that I remember is getting it. And how I I had this little set at a child. And how I loved that little slip cover that held all those three books together as a set. It is one of the best memories I had as a child. The cool thing about having kids, is getting to re-read all the stories I loved as a child. I read this book to my kids over Christmas break, In fact my son just asked me last night if I could re-read it to them over the summer.

I said we could. This book teaches children about self-confidence, hope and friendship. Well, it teaches everyone that. Jan 24, Nathan rated it liked it. In my opinion, Charlotte's Web is the best of the three. May 05, Sandy Wang rated it liked it. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Charlotte's Web is an unique tale about a friendship between two animals, a pig and a spider. Living on the farm, Wilbur the pig and Charlotte the spider's friendship blossomed when Charlotte prevented Wilbur's death.

Wilbur was going to be slaughtered by his owner, Mr. Zuckerman, but Charlotte prevented it by making words on her web such as "some pig" and "terrific". Zuckerman thought of it as a miracle and let Wilbur live. In this book, friendship, bravery, and love created the amazing Charlotte's Web is an unique tale about a friendship between two animals, a pig and a spider. In this book, friendship, bravery, and love created the amazing relationship between the two animals.

In the end, Charlotte passed away but her 3 daughters succeed her, none of them replacing Charlotte in Wilbur's heart.

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There are many themes that make up this book. One theme is friendship, which also leads to love. Throughout the book, you will see how Charlotte's and Wilbur's friendship become stronger everyday. For example, Charlotte and Wilber taught and helped each other. Charlotte taught Wilbur how a spider eats, which is by drinking her victim's blood. Near the end of the book, Wilber was invited to a fair for a contest of being the best pig. At the fair, Charlotte laid her eggs and unfortunately, died. Wilber honored her by bringing her eggs back to the farm and waited for the them to hatch.

This is friendship because they're always there for each other. Even though, Charlotte passed away, the friendship they had will always exist. Sep 29, Brenna Kerley rated it really liked it. I like this three classic tale book because it embodies all of the classic stories I grew up with. I like the feel of this book and how it made me feel when I was reading it. This book is great for teachers to use in a classroom because they can read a different story whenever they want and then go and watch a movie on it as well.

I think it important that children are open and aware of the stories my generation grew up with. I like how simple the illustrations are in this book as well. The I like this three classic tale book because it embodies all of the classic stories I grew up with. The sketches add to the authenticity of the book and the story itself.

I think, as times have changed, children's expectations of illustrations in book have become much higher. I love this book because it reminds me of my childhood and it is very authentic which I really appreciate. This book is certainly one I would use in a classroom to read to my students. We could read it as a class as out "community book" where we read little snibits at the end of every day before the students go home.

I enjoy this book and what it embodies. Nov 21, Andrea rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Sandia. This book is about a girl that loves animal particular his pig and she lives with his dad.