Guide Light Eyed Girl

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Her blue eyed partners mom had green eyes. His father may have had green or a hazel greenish eyes.

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His brother has greenish eyes. I guess there are not definite genetic laws that dictate who gets what eye color. I also had a brown eyed Italian descent friend and her Turkish dark brown eyed hubby who had a beautiful lavender eyed baby boy. His eyes later turned to green then to brown. Turkish grandfather had unusual bluish eyes. Thants not saying that other colored eyes are not beautiful because they are Yeah, the thing with black people and yellpw eyes is usually just due to the amount of melanin they produce, not health conditions.

Your Blue Eyes Aren’t Really Blue

A lot of African born people have yellow scaleras, even me, but some are just a lot lighter and not very noticible or are only in certain parts of the scalera. I'm another one - brown-eyed mother and very blue-eyed father, and my eyes are green. Mother's father had gray eyes. Since I look like my father and his whole family, I don't doubt parentage.

They say if one parent has blue and one has brown their child cant have green eyes thats not true because Im livivng proof my bio mom had brown eyes and my bio father has blu eyes and I have green eyes me and my two kids are the only one has green eyes in four generation of our family I dont under stand why. Everyone is amazed that my eyes are dark blue.

You really notice when I wear blue shirts. I am the only one in my family like this. To my understanding, blacks with blue eyes and blond hair were the oldest of human kind. There was a tribe in south africa that research has shown that they were the first original humans and they were with blonde hair and blue eye. You are making this highly wrong hypothesis that blue eyes came originated from Europeans and some other predominantly white countries. Stop spreading this false propoganda. The truth is every single ethnic group came from the black. That has been a proven fact.

At some point some of these blacks started moving to different parts of the world millions of years ago; including some of those that were in the tribe of south Africa that had the blue eyes and blonde hair. The ones with the blonde hair and blue eyes all moved to the European regions and the other blacks moved to diffrrent parts of the world. These blacks that moved from Africa after so many years, evolution started taking place. Their skin color and hair structure started to change due to weather and different climates their bodies weren't use to. After millions of years that became the result of all these different races.

Even though the blacks with the blue eyes and blonde hair did have their skin color changed to white and changed their hair texture due to evolution, the two characteristics that did not changed were their blonde hair and blue eyes. What that means is whites with blond hair and blue eyes are descendants of that tribe in south Africa that had the blue eyes and blond hair. Every nation started off with their ancestors being of black people being their original. This has been proven time and time again by some of the greatest genealogists.

What men REALLY want is a brown-haired, blue-eyed size 14 woman | Daily Mail Online

Don't be one of those that hate to admit that blacks are the originals. And then try to convince people and alternative theory just so you can undermined that blacks are the originals. Those american actors you mentioned are not fully black, so them having blue eyes can be easily explained.

BROWN SKIN GIRL (Official Audio)

So I'm a genetic mutation? I am African American and I have blue eyes. You can see it when sunlight or bright lights shine in my face. I was unaware of this growing up and only found out after I became a teenager. What is the problem? Where did I get blue eyes from? My parents eyes were brown.

Why are mine blue?? Any answers? Everywhere I go I meet black people with blue eyes or blonde hair, blond lashes and eyebrows blonde skin hair and blue eyes or green eyes. Black people and white people get married and or have children together and pass on these genetic traits that turn up immediately or somewhere down the line of future generations who may not know there is white blood in their DNA. None that I have know ever had a disease causing blue eyes as if something must be wrong with that person or its a mutation of some sort.

In the article, you use the expression : " However I wonder what quite a few means.

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Rather : "extreme rare"?? Some of the photos in your article look like genetic manipulation. Someone must have changed these eyes on purpose, like mine in Here is another interesting bit of research on blue eyed ancestors Hey Jojoblueeyes, thank you for posting such an interesting comment. I am glad you enjoy reading this article.

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I must say, I enjoyed reading your comment. This is the first time I have come across this theory—that if only the father has blue eyes the child has a higher probability of having blue eyes than if only the mother has blue eyes. Personally, I think is it highly unlikely. While there may be little to no data today, to provide an answer to this question, let us keep it open for further discussion.

Just wanted to start off by saying thank you for this insightful article. It was very informative, well put together, easy to read and understand, and very interesting. I am a young Mexican American woman with European ancestry. My eyes are an auburn color, and my son's dad's eyes are a pale blue. My 4 year old son has greenish blue eyes but they are more blue than green.

They also have specs of my eye color in them which is pretty amazing. Most of the time they look more on the blue side but other times they appear to be more on the green side, and sometimes even look almost like a hazel. Have you ever dropped food coloring of different colors into water and watch it expand outward together, but not exactly mixing? That is how I would describe my son's eyes. Before I gave birth to my son, I always wondered what color his eyes would be because his father's eyes are blue.

I was told by a few people that if the father has blue eyes, the baby had a higher chance of inheriting his eye color more so than if the mother has blue eyes.

Can You Be Black and Have Blue Eyes?

I'm not exactly sure how true this is because my husband son's step father has blue eyes but his son has dark brown eyes like his mother, and my brother in law also has blue eyes but his son has dark brown eyes like HIS mother. Not exactly sure if my son has blue eyes because his father has blue eyes, or because both his father and I somehow carry the blue eye gene, or if it just happened on random. Anyways, if you are reading this, what do you think? I heard what beautiful eyes on the little baby boy, no one is looking at how poor he is can I help like adopt him does any one knows who took the pick or any info.

My dad had dark brown hair and hazel eyes. I have medium brown hair and figuring hazel eyes. My grandpas full brother had bright blue eyes, other than me and him everyone else has brown eyes even distant cousins. My eyes are grayish-green in normal light, emerald green in sunlight straight on and amber in sunlight from the side view, I am assuming that means hazel.

My 3 year olds eyes seem to be exactly the same as mine. Her daddy has dark blue eyes. If we have another kid I am wondering what color the eyes will be genetically speaking. Hi, I'm black but I have hazel eyes and my mum and dad have dark brown eyes. I'm from Nigeria. Two of my siblings have light brown eyes too.

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