Manual Leadership by Proxy: The Story of Women in Corporate India

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Leadership by Proxy” by Poonam Barua is a pioneering book that lays an archival milestone for creating a “brave new mindset” in corporate India and.
Table of contents

How diversity of thought is helping this company find the right tech talent. Watch Video about Matching Talent and Opportunity. The Autism at Work program is succeeding and expanding. Smarter Faster: Autism at Work. Watch Video about Autism at Work. But I Could Still Lead. The most talented person in the room might have a disability.

Create an open and understanding dialogue. What is the Key to Disability Inclusion in the Workplace. Watch Video about How can you overcome obstacles in the workplace? See how we can change the traditional interview process to find more diverse talent. In Good Company. It isn't just a job—it's where work and values connect. Read More about In Good Company. Disability to Some; Extraordinary Ability to Others. Principles for the Inclusion of Employees with Disabilities in the Workplace.

Can India’s Economy Return to High Growth?

Our commitment to empowering people with disabilities to succeed at JPMorgan Chase. Read More about Principles for inclusion of employees with disabilities. Disability as an Asset in the Workplace. The Abilities of People with Disabilities. How people with disabilities can inspire us and add value at the workplace. Read the Insight. My Accessibility Journey.

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Four steps to take on the path to being a leader. She is the first African American Woman to serve on the board. What Being a Filipina Means to Me? I have learned to lean on my own communities for growth. Read the Story. Because diversity of thought is just as important as finding the right skills. Read the Interview. Read about how we are invested in diversity and what it means to be the CEO of your own career. Women Can Build. Shrinking the Gender Pay Gap.

All companies can benefit from including diversity at the top. Our Diverse U. Population U. Back to top. The actual performances did not differ in quality. Today, when she wants to give her students an example of a study whose results are utterly predictable, she points to this one.

Do men doubt themselves sometimes? Of course. If anything, men tilt toward overconfidence—and we were surprised to learn that they come by that state quite naturally. Ernesto Reuben, a professor at Columbia Business School, has come up with a term for this phenomenon: honest overconfidence. In a study he published in , men consistently rated their performance on a set of math problems to be about 30 percent better than it was. We were curious to find out whether male managers were aware of a confidence gap between male and female employees.

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And indeed, when we raised the notion with a number of male executives who supervised women, they expressed enormous frustration. They said they believed that a lack of confidence was fundamentally holding back women at their companies, but they had shied away from saying anything, because they were terrified of sounding sexist. He eventually concluded that confidence should be a formal part of the performance-review process, because it is such an important aspect of doing business.

The fact is, overconfidence can get you far in life. Cameron Anderson, a psychologist who works in the business school at the University of California at Berkeley, has made a career of studying overconfidence.

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In , he conducted some novel tests to compare the relative value of confidence and competence. He gave a group of students a list of historical names and events, and asked them to tick off the ones they knew. The experiment was a way of measuring excessive confidence, Anderson reasoned.

The fact that some students checked the fakes instead of simply leaving them blank suggested that they believed they knew more than they actually did. The students who had picked the most fakes had achieved the highest status. Confidence, Anderson told us, matters just as much as competence.

Within any given organization, be it an investment bank or the PTA, some individuals tend to be more admired and more listened to than others. They are not necessarily the most knowledgeable or capable people in the room, but they are the most self-assured. He mentioned expansive body language, a lower vocal tone, and a tendency to speak early and often in a calm, relaxed manner.

That is a crucial point. True overconfidence is not mere bluster. They genuinely believe they are good, and that self-belief is what comes across. Most people can spot fake confidence from a mile away. You have to have it to excel. We also began to see that a lack of confidence informs a number of familiar female habits.

Take the penchant many women have for assuming the blame when things go wrong, while crediting circumstance—or other people—for their successes. Men seem to do the opposite. Women tend to respond differently. Perfectionism is another confidence killer. We fixate on our performance at home, at school, at work, at yoga class, even on vacation.

We obsess as mothers, as wives, as sisters, as friends, as cooks, as athletes. The irony is that striving to be perfect actually keeps us from getting much of anything done. So where does all of this start? If women are competent and hardworking enough to outpace men in school, why is it so difficult to keep up later on? As with so many questions involving human behavior, both nature and nurture are implicated in the answers. The very suggestion that male and female brains might be built differently and function in disparate ways has long been a taboo subject among women, out of fear that any difference would be used against us.

For decades—for centuries, actually—differences real or imagined were used against us. Yet male and female brains do display differences in structure and chemistry, differences that may encourage unique patterns of thinking and behavior, and that could thereby affect confidence. This is a busy area of inquiry, with a steady stream of new—if frequently contradictory, and controversial—findings.

Some of the research raises the intriguing possibility that brain structure could figure into variations between the way men and women respond to challenging or threatening circumstances. They are involved in processing emotional memory and responding to stressful situations. Studies using fMRI scans have found that women tend to activate their amygdalae more easily in response to negative emotional stimuli than men do—suggesting that women are more likely than men to form strong emotional memories of negative events.

Or consider the anterior cingulate cortex. This little part of the brain helps us recognize errors and weigh options; some people call it the worrywart center. In evolutionary terms, there are undoubtedly benefits to differences like these: women seem to be superbly equipped to scan the horizon for threats. Yet such qualities are a mixed blessing today. You could say the same about hormonal influences on cognition and behavior. We all know testosterone and estrogen as the forces behind many of the basic, overt differences between men and women.

It turns out they are involved in subtler personality dynamics as well. The main hormonal driver for women is, of course, estrogen. By supporting the part of the brain involved in social skills and observations, estrogen seems to encourage bonding and connection, while discouraging conflict and risk taking—tendencies that might well hinder confidence in some contexts.

Testosterone, on the other hand, helps to fuel what often looks like classic male confidence. Men have about 10 times more testosterone pumping through their system than women do, and it affects everything from speed to strength to muscle size to competitive instinct. It is thought of as the hormone that encourages a focus on winning and demonstrating power, and for good reason.

Recent research has tied high testosterone levels to an appetite for risk taking.

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On days when traders began with higher levels of testosterone, they made riskier trades. When those trades paid off, their testosterone levels surged further. One trader saw his testosterone level rise 74 percent over a six-day winning streak. In research conducted at University College London, women who were given testosterone were less able to collaborate, and wrong more often. And several studies of female hedge-fund managers show that taking the longer view and trading less can pay off: investments run by female hedge-fund managers outperform those run by male managers.