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Lord Michael Korvac governs the Forest Hills, but his domain is threatened by rival lords, chaotic threats from beyond the Wall, and worst of all, a dark madness​.
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The cast of characters is where the connections to the original story are the strongest. The original Guardians of the Galaxy, and current stars of Guardians , played a big role in the original story and are the stars of this series. The Avengers squad from The Holy Wood is the same lineup as from the story.

Seeing these two groups serve as rivals creates a political tension along the lines of seeing President Obama sitting next to Vladimir Putin. Everything that happens seems to be in service of the larger plot. Korvac himself shows no signs of the original character, and is defined by his relationship with Wonder Man. It feels like Abnett could have taken any group of characters with similar relationships to each other, and still have told the same story.

Hopefully next issue we will see more of the Avengers and Guardians playing a larger role in the plot individually, and not just there because they were all in an old story together. The art from Otto Schmidt is a mixed bag. There are pages where the art looks solid, but then as the action picks up the work seems to become almost incomprehensible.

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The more that is happening on a page the worse the page looks. The individual characters are rendered well throughout the issue though. There is a splash page introducing the Avengers that serves as the highlight of the issue. If every page looked like that page the issue would be fine.

Korvac Saga (2015)

Colorist Cris Peter does a great job jumping back and forth between the darker, more drab palate, and the brighter colors seen on most of the characters. Given the central mystery of the series having to do with the stars in the sky I have a feeling that this going back and forth will be important for the visual look going forward. The key is going to be whether or not Schmidt can stay consistent with his pencils.

Korvac Saga is never going to be the best looking of the Secret Wars tie-ins, but there is a chance that it can look good if a level of consistency can be reached. Korvac Saga 1 is an interesting comic book.

First Look: Korvac Saga #1 by Abnett & Schmidt

Korvac and his royal guard — the Guardians of the Galaxy — stand at the brink of destruction from within and without. Escalating border conflicts and chaotic threats from beyond the Shield threaten all they hold dear.

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Worst of all, a dark madness is spreading throughout the population, twisting and manipulating residents of Forest Hills into monsters. Yet even if they stem the coming darkness, will they be strong enough to stop Wonder Man and his Avengers?

First Look: Korvac Saga #1 by Abnett & Schmidt

At an early age I knew I loved two things more than anything else Comic Books and Video Games and no matter how hard my parents tried they couldn't keep me away from the capes and pixels. Now that I have a wife and child of my own I can't wait to share these vast worlds and experiences with them and hopefully you!

With GWW I created and become editor of the comics section, which has now become the websites most popular area and features daily post with unique Comic editorials, reviews and previews. A weekly show dedicated to to all things Comics, Superheros and Sequential Art. I love everything I do and can't think of a better way to spend my time than to spread every form of geekery to every corner of the globe.

Comics will all be my passion though and were my heart lies. You must be logged in to post a comment.