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Allow me to share what I find helpful on a daily basis:. Decide in advance on a few possibilities that could occur and how you will handle them. For me—and most people—multi-tasking typically leads to chaos. I try to choose one task, see it through, and head on to the next task that needs to be done. When this happens, I take a moment to regroup and prepare to methodically deal with the new issue.

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Not all tasks are equally important. Some of them can remain undone for later with no major consequences. Setting priorities helps me to maintain a sense of control. When I feel like I am getting bombarded from every angle, I take a short break and then look at the situation with a fresh pair of eyes. Just taking those few seconds to count to 10 gives me the distance I need for a new perspective.

What you can do to address stress

Whenever we are anxious, we tend to take quick, shallow breaths. This is called hyperventilating, and it can make us feel dizzy, light-headed, and panicky. It can also interfere with our judgment.

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If you catch yourself hyperventilating, try inhaling a deep breath through your nose, holding it a second, and releasing it from your mouth. Repeat this exercise until you feel calmer. This is a form of meditation. Often we anticipate the worst possible—and often ridiculous—conclusion to a situation. There are sometimes good reasons to change our plans, such as a new set of circumstances arising or receiving new information about a situation.

In the absence of a compelling reason, however, stick to the plans we have outlined for ourselves. Random changes will only confuse us and put us behind schedule. Instead we are far better off being grateful for all that we did do.

5 Ways Successful People Stay Calm in Stressful Situations (ANIMATED)

The more we practice looking on the bright side of things, the less frightening and grim a stressful situation seems. No one succeeds in a silo!

How I Stay Calm When I Feel Like I'm About to Lose It

This is especially true when the pressure is on. Hold your breath for 1 or 2 seconds 3. Make sure the exhale breath is one or two counts longer that the inhale breath as this activates a greater relaxation response. Wait a few seconds before taking another breath. About breathing cycles per minute is often helpful to decrease anxiety, but find your own comfortable breathing rhythm.

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A lot of my clients have reported that they find this techniques works even better if you increase the number of breaths each time e. First breath — inhale for the count of 4, exhales for the count of 5 Second breath — inhale for the count of 5, exhale for the count of 6 Third breath — inhale for the count of 6, exhale for the count of 7 Start from the count of 4 again and repeat the cycle.

You do not need to be feeling anxious to practice — in fact, at first you should practice while feeling relatively calm. Once you are comfortable with this technique, you can start using it in situations that cause you stress. There is also a lot of other helpful information that highlights areas of your life where you can make small changes, which added together result in big changes in your mood. So I put together a booklet with some strategies I am always giving to my clients to help them begin to feel less anxiety and to worry less.

Add your first name and email address in the box below and you will be sent the steps to download your FREE book. You've just been sent an email that contains a confirmation link. It may also be in your SPAM folder. In a supportive environment with a therapist who has over 20 years experience you can learn how to reduce worrying by:. Unfortunately Dr. Allen's professional license does not allow her to give advice via email or work remotely with clients who do not live within Illinois unless they travel to her Northbrook office. It really works, so please try it.

So quick! Activate The Relaxation Response The way to counteract these feelings is to engage our parasympathetic nervous system by deep breathing. Remember, the purpose of calm breathing is not to avoid anxiety or conflict at all costs. That way, when you feel calmer, you can use strategies to challenge the thoughts and behaviors you have that are unhelpful to you. How to Do Paced Breathing Paced breathing can be done any time you need to calm down quickly.

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  • Wait a few seconds before taking another breath About breathing cycles per minute is often helpful to decrease anxiety, but find your own comfortable breathing rhythm. Practice, Practice, Practice You do not need to be feeling anxious to practice — in fact, at first you should practice while feeling relatively calm. Summary We experience a trigger thought that might increase our anxiety or anger us e.