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Dragon Island (The Comet's Path Book 1). by Ella Freeman. out of 5 stars 4 · Kindle Edition · ₹0₹0. Free with Kindle Unlimited membership. Or ₹ to.
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The blade flashed in the sunlight. The other boys backed away, giving the combatants a wide circle to do battle in. Julian could feel the eyes of the others on him, wondering what he would do. Torbin paced about the circle like a massive, shaggy lion. Julian knew the rules.

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He had studied them carefully, taking to heart every single word of them, before attempting this. Torbin went on to explain that the first to either bleed or surrender would be the loser. They could not venture outside the hollow; otherwise, there were no rules. Finally, he gave the signal for the duel to begin. Ardweln swung the sword a few times and squared his shoulders. Julian stood still. Ardweln could kill him. He would kill him, if something went wrong.

Who would come to his defense? But could he bring himself to draw blood with his own sword? Though he had joined in with the taunts and insults that everyone had flung at him he had not actually initiated it. Julian had been practicing in secret, without the knowledge of even his father, for over a year now.

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But would it be enough. Ardweln realized then that he would have to make the first move. As he charged, Julian stood firm. At the last moment, he dashed aside, and Ardweln skidded in the dust, turning to him with a look of surprise. Julian knew that he had not even begun to really fight—he was only testing his opponent. Ardweln pounced again.

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Julian blocked his move, and the air rang with the sound of colliding metal. Now, in the heat of battle, the real fear had evaporated and he was acting on pure instinct. They charged at the same time and clashed for several seconds. Julian saw his sword clattering in the dust. Before he had actually felt anything, he looked down.

Saw the long cut that ran from his palm to mid-forearm. Saw the blood, rich and red and dark, leaking out, dripping down. Saw Ardweln, suspended in an almost artistic rage, raising his sword to deliver another stroke. Knew he had failed. And fainted.

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Of course it had been a cowardly act to run away, even if there was no one there because everyone had just left him there and returned to the city, but Julian ran. He ran and ran, down the path through the jungle, across the marshes, and through the city gates, where he lost himself in the crowds.

He wandered around in the city, threading through the narrowest streets, until he sat down in an alley, completely exhausted. He would have to explain what had happened to his father. Only instead of a new name and title he would be bringing home dishonor and failure. He knew that he would be punished. He looked miserable, and his cut hand was throbbing terribly.

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But depending on how angry his father was, there was a good chance that the cane would be worse. As he made his way briskly down the road toward his home, he tried to muster all the warriorlike dignity and honor that was in him. He soon arrived at his house. He heard a few faint sounds from inside the house. His father was at home. After about a minute he knocked briskly on the heavy oak door. Cautiously Julian opened the door. He was sitting in the armchair in the corner of the small living room.

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He was a powerful and imposing figure in the small, dim room, but Julian could not read his expression. Clearly he had been waiting for Julian. Julian slid into the room and stood there. Before he could force out his well-rehearsed speech his father began talking to him. Julian shoved his injured hand into his pocket before his father could see it. He is very angry about this breaching of the rules.

All of the warriorlike things he had thought of on the road vanished like steam. How long had he been unconscious? It would be his own fault and good riddance if demons came and ate him.

Julian looked up. He let his head sag again. His father was silent for a long time. If you returned, everyone would be eager to make you a warrior. This time the silence was lengthier. Both of them knew that the reason quests brought so much honor was that people rarely survived them. And Julian was the last person in the world that would be expected to survive a quest. Julian stiffened.

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In less than a minute, the cane would be administered. He had thought of a response to this question, but it was nowhere to be found now. He said nothing. Julian stepped back in surprise.

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He laughed. His powerful laugh nearly made Julian leap out of his skin. He planned to go straight to bed. But halfway up the stairs, a loud knock sounded at the door. Julian sighed. What was she doing here, anyway?