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Discernment of Spirits is a term used in Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Charismatic (Evangelist) Christian theology to indicate judging various spiritual agents.
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It is then an acquired human knowledge , more or less perfect, but very useful in the direction of souls. It is procured, always, of course, with the assistance of grace, by the reading of the Holy Bible , of works on theology and asceticism, of autobiographies, and the correspondence of the most distinguished ascetics.

The necessity of self-direction and of directing others, when one had charge of souls , produced documents, preserved in spiritual libraries , from the perusal of which one may see that the discernment of spirits is a science that has always flourished in the Church. In addition to the special treatises enumerated in the bibliography the following documents may be cited for the history of the subject: the "Shepherd of Hermas" 1, II, Mand.

  • About this page?
  • Introduction: Discerning the Spirits.
  • Bible Q&A: What Is the Discerning of Spirits?.
  • Where is the spiritual gift of discernment mentioned in the Bible?.
  • Sandi Taps Her Forehead.

VI, c. Anthony's discourse to the monks of Egypt , in his life by St. Anthanasius; the "De perfectione spirituali" ch. Augustine ; St. Theresa's autobiography and "Castle of the Soul"; St. Francis de Sales' letters of direction, etc. An excellent lesson is that given by St. Ignatius Loyola in his "Spiritual Exercises". Here we find rules for the discernment of spirits and, being clearly and briefly formulated, these rules indicate a secure course, containing in embryo all that is included in the more extensive treatises of later date.

For a complete explanation of them the best commentaries on the "Exercises" of St. Ignatius may be consulted. Of the rules transmitted to us by a saint inspired by Divine light and a learned psychologist taught by personal experience, it will suffice to recall the principal ones. Ignatius gives two kinds and we must call attention to the fact that in the second category, according to some opinions, he sometimes considers a more delicate discernment of spirits adapted to the extraordinary course of mysticism.

Be that as it may, he begins by enunciating this clear principle, that both the good and the evil spirit act upon a soul according to the attitude it assumes toward them.

  1. personal blog.
  2. Wolf King (Horus Heresy);
  3. Suggest a Verse?
  4. The Gift of Discerning of Spirits (Part 1) – Johannes Justus.
  5. The Secret Gift;
  6. Variegated Leaves?
  7. If the evil spirits pose as their friend, they flatter it; if to resist them, they torment it. But the evil spirit speaks only to the imagination and the senses, whereas the good spirit acts upon reason and conscience. The evil labours to excite concupiscence , the good to intensify love for God.

    Discerning of Spirits - A Spiritual Gift | Spiritual Gift | Demons

    He was born and raised in northern Wisconsin, came to faith in his 20's while working in the business world, and received a Master's in Divinity from Trinity International University. Tim and his wife, Janna, and their four kids live in Arlington Heights, Ill.

    About this page

    Faith is a common word. While this can be a good thing because it means people are talking about faith in general, it can also be a bad thing because our understanding of the Christian faith can become defined by general assumptions rather than biblical language. So, here are some The college I attended offered chapel services every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

    Usually, we'd sing a few worship songs, and then the main speaker would come up to offer a message.

    What is the gift of a spirit of discernment?

    Yet, before the main speaker, before the one we were excited for, came the introduction. The introduction was often When you make peace, you reflect the likeness of God. People see a reflection of His glory. Those who serve in the power of the Holy Spirit with the gift of discerning of spirits should evaluate and identify if God is really behind the words, behavior and motives of a person or not. This evaluation or discerning can be done on the basis of the following criteria:.

    The benchmark is what God says in his word or reveals through his spirit. One also needs to be willing to be in contact with others who are gifted and to get feedback from them. To go single-handedly in this matter is inadequate, because then one would be in danger of claiming to have the right perspective exclusively. Moreover, an awareness is needed that the difference between judging and condemning can be very small. God has not given his gifts that we elevate ourselves above others. God has good purposes with his gifts.

    Therefore he wants to bless us and edify his church with the gift of discerning of spirits.

    Discerning Spirits

    Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Holy Spirit Works of the Holy Spirit. God triumphs over Evil Spirits The following insight is fundamental: Not everything that is supernatural comes from God. Criteria for Evaluation Those who serve in the power of the Holy Spirit with the gift of discerning of spirits should evaluate and identify if God is really behind the words, behavior and motives of a person or not.

    This evaluation or discerning can be done on the basis of the following criteria: Is God glorified? Is Jesus and his redemptive work magnified? Is the word of God confirmed? Is the church edified? Is the individual led closer to God? Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.