Samuel Adams: The Life of an American Revolutionary

Samuel Adams was a Boston-born political leader who played a vital role in His parents hoped that the younger Samuel would pursue a life in the church, but it . It's believed that the first shots of the American revolution, fired at Lexington.
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This well-written book includes 51 pages of notes and an excellent page bibliography to guide further study. All university and major public libraries.

Samuel Adams

He was an inspiring orator or a demagogue inflaming the mob. He was a brilliant organizer or an unprincipled manipulator. Alexander gratifyingly avoids the pitfalls of easy categorization. Still, in a generally admiring biography, he convincingly asserts two consistent aspects of Adams' career. First, he was a political animal, who felt most alive when organizing, negotiating, and when necessary, compromising to achieve his goals.

Second, he was a true revolutionary, who viewed the arena of politics as a means for transforming American society in accordance with republican principles. His hopes extended beyond simple independence from Britain. Within those parameters, Alexander examines Adams' activities during and after the revolution as he dealt with a variety of issues, including slavery, the rights of women, and foreign affairs.

Alexander also makes clear that Adams was no austere, cold Robespierre but a man with a vibrant personal life. A well-done re-examination of the life of an American icon. Historian John Alexander, a careful author and meticulous scholar, has solved the matter of a decent life history. In this definitive biography, Alexander not only shows what made Adams tick, but fleshes out his contributions to the American Revolution.

The Life of an American Revolutionary is the book for those who wish to understand both this extraordinary American Founder and the shadowy contours of the American Revolution. No individual was more central than Samuel Adams to the coming of the Revolution and the effort to sustain republican society and government once independence had been achieved.

Engagingly written, Samuel Adams offers a thorough and page-turning account of Adams's life and his remarkable times. Consent and Resistance in Revolutionary America Read more You may have already requested this item.

Who Was Samuel Adams?

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  1. Sam Adams And the American Revolution?
  2. Samuel Adams Biography - Life of an American Revolutionary Patriot.
  3. Samuel Adams : the life of an American revolutionary (Book, ) [].
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Samuel Adams : the life of an American revolutionary

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The E-mail Address es you entered is are not in a valid format. Please re-enter recipient e-mail address es. You may send this item to up to five recipients. The name field is required. Please enter your name. In , Britain passed the Townshend Acts also known as the Coercive Acts , a series of measures that taxed imported goods. Adams again led the opposition, working on a direct appeal to King George III , which became known as the Massachusetts Circular Letter, and calling for the removal of the Massachusetts colonial governor. With unrest in Boston growing, including physical attacks on tax collectors, British troops were sent to the city to quell dissent.

Adams once again used this to his advantage, publicizing any misdeeds by the new occupying troops, including the notorious Boston Massacre of In the fall of , Adams, Otis and Dr.

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Joseph Warren were among those who created a new Committee of Correspondence. The group was designed to foster communication between patriots throughout Massachusetts. The idea quickly spread, and within months similar committees were established throughout the 13 colonies, uniting colonial resistance leaders for the first time.

While Adams himself did not participate in the legendary Boston Tea Party , he likely was one of the driving forces behind it. Following the repeal of the Townshend Acts, Britain announced plans for a new tax. Like the Sugar Act, the new Tea Act aimed to raise revenue and prevent the smuggling of non-English tea into the colonies. But on the night of December 16, , members of the Sons of Liberty boarded the ships, tossing the tea overboard.

Founding Fathers - Episodes 1 & 2

In response to the Boston Tea Party, Britain passed the Intolerable Acts, which closed the port of Boston and required all colonists to provide accommodation for British troops. Once again, Adams led the opposition in Massachusetts. Adams called for independence, and the Congress agreed to boycott British goods until the repeal of the Intolerable Acts. Back in Massachusetts where he was serving in the House of Representatives and beginning to arm a military, Adams and Hancock fled from Boston to the safety of nearby Concord.

Adams returned to the Continental Congress, where he and cousin John continued to call for independence. Both signed the Declaration of Independence , issued in July During the American Revolution , Adams helped draft the Articles of Confederation , which reflected his fears of a centrally controlled federal government. He returned to Boston and helped pass the Massachusetts constitution. As Americans began to divide themselves along party lines, Adams aligned himself with the Whig Party , instead of the Federalist Party led by John Adams.

Sam Adams And the American Revolution

He was elected lieutenant governor, under John Hancock, in , and became governor in He retired due to ill health in , and died on October 2, , aged Samuel Adams Heritage Society. We strive for accuracy and fairness. But if you see something that doesn't look right, contact us!

Subscribe for fascinating stories connecting the past to the present. John Adams was a leader of the American Revolution, and served as the second U. The Massachusetts-born, Harvard-educated Adams began his career as a lawyer. Intelligent, patriotic, opinionated and blunt, Adams became a critic of Great Skirmishes between British troops and colonial American Revolution leader John Hancock was a signer of the Declaration of Independence in and a governor of Massachusetts.

The colonial Massachusetts native was raised by his uncle, a wealthy Boston merchant. When his uncle died, Hancock inherited his lucrative