Second Nature: The Inner Lives of Animals (MacSci)

Editorial Reviews. From Publishers Weekly. Who knew that chickens and humans find the Second Nature: The Inner Lives of Animals (MacSci) - Kindle edition by Jonathan Balcombe, J. M. Coetzee. Download it once and read it on your.
Table of contents

Snakes, Sunrises, and Shakespeare. A Joosr Guide to Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer. Monitoring Threatened Species and Ecological Communities. Evolution Driven by Organismal Behavior. How the Zebra Got Its Stripes: Semiotics of Animals in Culture. The Origins of Creativity. In Search of Nature.

Wildlife Conservation on Farmland Volume 2. Altruistic Armadillos, Zenlike Zebras. Talking to the Shaman Within. Mousy Cats and Sheepish Coyotes. Animal Communication and Noise. The Vertebrate IntegumentVolume 1. The End of the Wild. Big Cats in The Wild. What a Fish Knows.

Second Nature: The Inner Lives of Animals (MacSci)

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Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Buy the eBook Price: Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. Ratings and Reviews 0 0 star ratings 0 reviews. Overall rating No ratings yet. How to write a great review Do Say what you liked best and least Describe the author's style Explain the rating you gave Don't Use rude and profane language Include any personal information Mention spoilers or the book's price Recap the plot. Close Report a review At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information.

Customers who viewed this item also viewed. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. The Emotional Lives of Animals: Introduction to Animal Rights: Your Child or the Dog? The Ethics of What We Eat: Why Our Food Choices Matter. The Genius of Birds. Sponsored products related to this item What's this? Converging and diverging views on the mind, the self, consciousness, the unconscious, free will, perception, meditation, and other topics. The Beauty of Numbers in Nature: Mathematical Patterns and Principles from the Natu There is nothing like relaxing to coloring beautiful animals!

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Manifesting With The Moon: Zaeylin Satya Goddess Life Designer. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention animal balcombe jonathan humans species beings fish scientific respect sentient human chapters behavior evidence research sense field emotions communicate changing.

There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. What an amazing book. I recommend it highly to everyone. This book, written by a scientist, is a major step up, in the evolutionary chain, for us humans. We humans, in the past, have treated animals and our slaves, like in they are rocks - no feelings, no communication - just inanimate objects.

The fish hatchery in Juneau takes live female salmon, cuts their stomachs wide open to remove the roe. Then throws them in a pile.

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They say "fish feel no pain". This is their justification for the torture. Why don't they remove their heads first - kill them first, then gut them? These "beliefs" are what some humans still hold onto as true.

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They say it is true because their father told them this and their father would not lie. This book looks at these "beliefs" in a scientific way. The scientific findings are that yes, animals have nerves and feel pain-but they can't or don't cry or scream. Yes animals feel, yes animals communicate with their young and each other, and they try hard to communicate with humans. This book taught me the truth about the animal world and it is a whole new world for me. I have been treating animals with the old, untrue myths of my ancesters. This is a new world! I needed to wake up and see the scientific truths about the animals that surround me.

This book got me to take a quantum leap up, in my evolutionary chain.

Bestselling Series

We all need to read this book. We need to increase our awareness. We need to evolve. We need to take the quantum leap. Please join me in creating a new world today where humans are much more aware of animals and treat them accordingly. Having read "What a Fish Knows," I couldn't wait to read this book.

While it covers some of the same territory, it goes into a large portion of the animal kingdom to let us know how amazing they are and how much like us. Balcombe is an inspiration to the reading public.

Second Nature : The Inner Lives of Animals

I cannot recommend his books high;y enough. This book will change how you look at animals and quite possibly, how you look at yourself. Even for the die-hard pet lover like me, it will still awaken you to look beyond what you think you see. In the first part of the book Jonathan Balcombe gently and eloquently shows us how, what and why animals feel, be this gratitude or grief, pain or pleasure. It is clear that nearly all beings, including fish, have a sense of feeling. As Balcombe writes; "We err mightily when we couple the ability to speak with the ability to feel, because language is neither a source nor a product of sensory acuity".

As the book continues he shows the reader the double standards that humans have lived by in their rather fragile cohabitation with animals, both wild and domesticated. By the third part of the book he writes of the atrocities that humans do to animals citing vivisection, factory farming, fur factories and puppy mills as a small example.

Second Nature: The Inner Lives of Animals (MacSci) - Harvard Book Store

By the end of this book, I found it very hard to look at a piece of meat as food knowing now what the majority of the animals go through before they reach our forks. If you let it, this book will change both your grocery shopping and eating habits. It has certainly changed mine. Even though I've been reading a lot of books concerning animals, I found this book Second Nature absolutely engrossing. The author gives many vivid examples I'd never known before about how animals feel and think as they go about their lives, whether wild or domesticated, and backs up his observations with scientific data.

The upshot is that the author enlists our respect and compassion for animals as individuals and as species. It is heartening in the last chapter to hear how much progress has been made just since for the ethical and empathic treatment of animals, such as more books citing animals' intellectual and emotional lives, the advent of laws for animal rights, and many more courses about the nature of animals at universities.

Second Nature is at the top of my list of books I'd recommend about animals. Jonathan Balcombe has done what most of us dare not. He has paid strict attention to animals. Second Nature is a thoughtful and beautiful account of what he's seen and learned about them and it's an eye-opener. No one who reads this book will see animals or themselves the same way again. The evidence is in and it's conclusive. I would add to Balcombe's case for the rich inner life and loves of animals that neuroscience supports his evidence.