The Broken Stone

The Broken Stone Series (2 Book Series) by Damien Black. From Book 1: ** FINALIST Mark Lawrence SPFBO Competition** As a kingdom teeters on the.
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The author shows simple methods by which the ancients might have realised that the heavens are spherical. He then introduces a special place where a bright daytime star can be made to rise above the table of a round temple. The Epilogue and the Appendix, using precise computer generated models and side by side comparisons with referenced archaeological data, show the evidence that the features of the round table are duplicated at Stonehenge.

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Write a product review. Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon. This is a solid first novel from an author with impeccable engineering credentials. An intesting story line, combined with fascinating engineering detail of one of mankinds most intriguing accomplishments. An entertaining read made all the more interesting by the real world connections. The story then follows three female orogenes across the Stillness from different time periods: Essun, Damaya, and Syenite. Essun is a middle-aged woman with two young children living in a small southern comm named Tirimo. Secretly, she is an orogene, a human with the ability to manipulate earth and stone by absorbing or redirecting heat and energy from elsewhere.

Her children have orogenic abilities as well, which often manifest themselves subconsciously, requiring Essun to constantly work to avoid their discovery. One day, she arrives home to find her young son has been beaten to death by her husband after inadvertently revealing his orogenic abilities. Her husband has taken her daughter and left town.

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Numb with grief and rage, she instinctually shunts the massive earthquake from the events of the prologue, which has just arrived from up north, around the comm. This saves it from complete destruction, but alerts the townspeople an orogene is present. Due to the massive earthquake and ominous signs coming from the north, the townspeople are aware that a Fifth Season is likely imminent. When Essun attempts to leave the village she is outed as an orogene, and an angry mob attempts to kill her. In a rage, she kills many townspeople by leaching the heat from their bodies, freezing them solid, accidentally destroying the comm's only water supply in the process.

She runs away, intent on following her husband and reclaiming her daughter. Soon after leaving the comm, she encounters Hoa, a strange boy with ice-white skin and hair, who begins following her. He does not appear to be human and eats rocks for sustenance. She suspects he may be a Stone Eater, a strange race of living statues that can move through solid rock, but she has never seen one move around above the ground before.

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Later she meets Tonkee, a comless and curious person. Together, they journey south, encountering the vast devastation caused by the "rifting" up north. Eventually, they arrive at a hidden comm called Castrima, built hidden in a huge underground geode. Damaya is a young girl in a northern comm, recently discovered by her parents to be an orogene.

The Broken Stone: And the Secret of the Heavens' Henge by Jonathan Morris

Unable to bring themselves to kill her, they summon Schaffa, a Guardian, to collect her. The Guardians are an ancient order of humans with supernatural abilities whose sole task is to manage and control orogenes. They control the Fulcrum, an organization that trains orogenes to use their abilities in a controlled fashion; nevertheless, these orogenes remain a hated and feared sub-class with no rights of their own.

Damaya learns quickly and progresses through the ranks of young orogenes, learning to remain subservient at all costs. One night, the young daughter of a wealthy and politically-connected family sneaks into the compound, curious about the interior of the largest building. Damaya reluctantly helps her enter, where they find a huge faceted pit, lined with sharp iron shards. Damaya is discovered, and one of the Guardians attempts to kill her; however, Schaffa steps in and spares Damaya's life.

However, he breaks her hand as a punishment, and also to force her to prove that she can control her powers even when in terrible pain. She passes the test and is formally inducted into the Fulcrum. Syenite, a rising orogene star in the Fulcrum, is forcibly partnered with Alabaster, the most powerful living orogene, in order to conceive a child with him on a business trip to the countryside.

12 Stones - Broken

Though they mutually loathe each other, they have no choice in the matter. As they travel to their destination, Alabaster frequently alludes to hidden knowledge about the obelisks, strange crystals the size of buildings that drift amongst the clouds.

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An accidental author In , Just over three years ago, I wandered about Stonehenge thinking that it looked remarkably familiar. At the time, I thought this would make a marvellous basis for a novel, so thoroughly researched Stonehenge and then wrote the story of Marce and Clende: Two children of the neolithic era journeying from Europe to the mysterious Arlth Island where they learn how the Universe works. Over the next year or so, I went looking to see if there was anything I had missed when researching the novel's theory. Most of this research was done on archaeological sites such as the Megalithic Portal.

However, rather than finding discrepancies, detailed examination unearthed dozens of new coincidences which fitted the theory.

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After publication by the Stonehenge Riverside Project a Stonehenge archaeological research project of new data in , even more missing pieces were found. Then, whilst discussing Stonehenge, we found more coincidences relating to hundreds of other neolithic monuments. By now there were dozens of threads related to Stonehenge on many archaological forums.