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The Agreement clearly states that the Korean Government agrees to consider moving the Statue depending upon the way Japan repents in future and after consultation with victims and other NGOs. Japanese media reported that the Statue would be moved after being tipped off by the Japanese government of this intentional and wrong information that there was a side deal.

The Korean Government challenged the Japanese who, then, backed off. This is how Japan faces to one of the worst crimes against women in the modern history of human civilization. That eyesore is not only aesthetically challenged, but it is in direct violation of Article 59 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. Japanese Comfort Women Campaign did not violate any parts of international agreements?

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How would the world react if German Government were to say Holocaust victims were in violation of German immigration act? Japanese lack of morality is the root cause of this tragedy and shame. Not only are the Koreans still clinging to the lies that was fabricated by Asahi Shimbun, which they now owned up to, but this perfectly illustrates the fact that Koreans can't be trusted to heed by an international agreement they signed on for, Just as the North Koreans keep breaking the nuclear agreement to stop testing its nukes. The US needs to follow up on this. In stages, this multiple set of links can be drawn together.

Korea system of alliance and cooperation, with evolutionary widening membership growth and deepening growth of functions on both ends, in Europe and in the Pacific. By stages this underlying reality can be developed into a more explicit institutional reality. This will give it greater efficiency, greater visibility and vision as a vast Atlantic-Pacific community that is globe-spanning and ultimately potentially globalist, but careful in maintaining adequate criteria for membership and non-dilution along the way to that , and greater capacity for further development going forward.

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You should include in your reading material thousands of reports about Russian soldiers mass raping of hundreds of thousands of women during the Red army advance through Poland and Eastern Prussia into Germany as well as after Germany's capitulation in May Russia has never apologised for mass rapes of young and old civilian female population. I think you forgot to add atomic bombs and Tokyo atrocities by the US. My grand uncles were at early 20s and became victims of Russia's invading soon after the war was over.

My grand mother and her mother were in a deep sorrow with silence and I am sad about it.

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But I didn't intend to spread hate by posting the comment. Every country did those sort of things and many people have relatives who were killed in the war. That is the war. And we should stop it. It is much better to stop hate and forgive others. Each country has own history and nobody knows what really happened except the parties. I normally read a book with official documents or researches if I read this kind of subject.

I agree with you that "Each country has own history and nobody knows what really happened except the parties". The real problem is that these "parties" have spent decades attempting to white wash their own deeds by falsifying many real historic records.

There are histories written by objective historians who may or may not have been allowed to examine all real records and there are "histories" written on orders of political masters. Unfortunately, many commentators on these web sites have no clue what they are writing about but are guided by their political masters.

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I agree with you that most people are guided by their government view. It was really interesting that many comments and replies became stereotypes. I was not intended to but it appeared so sometimes. Most people can't get out of an political intention of a government because the histories of the war is not anyone's experience anymore. The stories are told by the people living in the 21st century with another purpose in another context. I think this is the real problem. And the real white washing country is China who always try to invade other countries.

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Many had not even begun menstruating when they were shipped as human cargo to battlefronts across Asia and subjected to daily rape. These were not only war crimes, but crimes of child sex trafficking. Until they are represented as such in textbooks in Japan — and in news articles in the West — there is no true justice for these victims. The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan demands the following from the Japanese government in order to restore the victim's dignity and resolve the crime of the sexual slavery.

Acknowledge the war crime 2. Reveal the truth in its entirety about the crimes of military sexual slavery 3. Make an official apology 4. Make legal reparations 5. Punish those responsible for the war crime 6. Accurately record the crime in history textbooks 7.

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Erect a memorial for the victims of the military sexual slavery and establish a historical museum. This is to restore the abused rights of the women; to stop wartime violence against women; to correct the distorted history between Korea and Japan; to prevent reemerging of Japanese militarism; and to build peace in Asia and the world as a whole. Although time is on the side of Japan, as people and their old memory are dying off, it may not be the end, yet.

Some might say Germany did far worse in WW2, but no one harps on Germany anymore, because Germany has been truly repentant. At least no Germany chancellor worships at Hitler's grave every year. Japan, on the other hand, is only sorry that it lost the war. Even to this day, Japan considers the war fully justified and would probably do it again if it could win. Japan keeps demanding a limit for its apology.

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Well, how many times should Japan apologise? If you are wrong, you are wrong.

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Because you are wrong, you make amends. Apology should be extended until the victim is satisfied, and repetition if demanded. I thought this is consistent with social convention in Japan. Putting a limit on its apology is an indication of Japan not repentant for its war crimes. That's why Japan's neighbours are not letting up. Unlike those states which have suffered severe consequence as a result of battling against Nazi Germany in WWII, none of accusers, People's Republic of China, South Korea and North Korea in particular towards Japan has understood the principle of Westphalian sovereignty, which is a principle of international law, along with the necessity of separation of legal, administrative, and judicial powers under the rule of law.

This is a tentative arrangement strongly requested from the United States with whom Japan still relies on its military capability due to Japan's inability to amend its constitution which the United States had drafted and implemented after WWII. Ah, the lovely Westphalian sovereignty doctrine, which, through its manifestation in the form of Cairo and Potsdam declarations, dictated that Japanese sovereignty shall forever be confined to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku. Do you even know what you're talking about? How does one judge and measure the "sincerity" of an apology or whether someone has been truly repentant?

Japan has apologized officially several times and national money has passed hands. How do you know if Japan is truly sorry or not? Extending an apology until the victim is satisfied and every few years demanding repetition and money seems unreasonable. This has been going on since the 60s. Some have stated that this issue will never end because Korea cannot and will not accept an apology from Japan on this issue. So Japan tries to limit its apologies. Certainly Japan must do more to acknowledge its past but that's difficult for anyone. It's not like the US has apologized for massacring Native Americans or even invading Iraq illegally on a lie.

Comparing it to Germany is difficult but maybe that is the new international standard of sincerity when post war atrocities come to light. The comfort women were only prostitutes. They earned wages more than the Officers. From to , Korea is one district in Japan. There are some Korean in the Diet. Most of the police officers in the Korean Penninsula were Korean. Certainly there were some dishonest Korean, who cheated Korean women and sold them to the brothels.