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Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Chris Turner is a journalist and the author of The Leap: The War on Science: Muzzled Scientists and Wilful Blindness in Stephen Harper's Canada - Kindle edition by Chris Turner. Download it once and.
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Ivory poachers know perfectly well that their jobs will end when they've shot the last elephant. But as the number of elephants falls, ivory only increases in value. So rather than try to make a steady living, they go for a big killing.

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Something like that attitude it's not even an ideology seems to dominate the Harper agenda, and hard data only get in the way of the Conservatives' big killing. Shut down the sources of hard data, distract voters with endless talking points about jobs and growth, make a fortune. Today is payday, and tomorrow can take care of itself. Harper has waged a seven-year war of attrition against science, relying on the backing of an ignorant or short-sighted minority of voters.

Even if the majority gets its act together and ousts the Conservatives in , we will be a long, long time repairing the damage. When subscribing to a newsletter edition you'll also get early notice on Tyee events, news, promotions, partner messages and special initiatives. Further to the provision of the Personal Information Protection Act, personal information is kept confidential by TheTyee. Measures have been enacted to ensure the integrity of personal information and to protect it from misuse, loss or alteration.

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Take this week's poll. Never miss a story. Get The Tyee's independent, reader-funded reporting sent straight to your inbox, for free. You'll also get early notice on Tyee events, news, promotions, and special initiatives. On July 10, , at least 2, people, many of them scientists and their graduate students, marched through Ottawa to Parliament Hill to protest the Harper government's cuts to scientific research.

Photo by Richard Webster. Forgetting yesterday's outrage For the converted, Turner's sermon is useful because modern media induce lapses in our short-term memory. A lost generation Something similar, Turner argues, is happening again: as labs and programs are shut down, another generation of scientists is disappearing. Making a killing Of course, this approach seems senseless to reality-based Canadians.

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A new book by Chris Turner lays bare Stephen Harper's stifling war on science

Show me the comments! The Barometer What do you think about gig work? Your privacy is important to us. We will never share, rent, or sell your email address. Bothwell experienced something similar. In , he got a call from a local radio station in Victoria to talk about his rock snot research. Bothwell reached out to his public relations branch, who said they would arrange the live interview with CBC.

But there was a catch: Unbeknownst to the Canadian radio listeners, the media control staffers would be listening in on the phone line as well. So he went ahead and gave the interview—without prior approval. He recalls swiftly receiving a letter of discipline in his file and a threat of severe punishment upon a second infraction. The working conditions were destroying our productivity, because it was forcing unnecessary inefficiency on us. We were having our hands tied—although we still kept our jobs, we basically were prevented from actually doing any science.

Stirling recalls that in year, colleagues and friends of his were allowed to attend a big Arctic conference in Montreal. The only way they were able to pull this off was by quietly seeking secondary funding sources and conducting the work simultaneously with other studies. The provincial government in Ontario picked up some of the funding from the government, while the International Institute for Sustainable Development, a nonprofit independent research organization, ran the project.

For example, there are two weeks a year less ice cover in these lakes. Fish in these lakes are getting smaller.

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What can scientists do to protect their data and voices when muzzling begins? Frustrated at the way things were going— it took five clearance forms just to hire a summer student to work for his department—he found an outlet in an anonymous blog. Canadian scientists are working with colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania library and a nonprofit called the Internet Archive to back up environmental data sets and materials—including research around air pollution and greenhouse gases—that they believe could be vulnerable under a Trump administration.

Rennie left in for a job at Lakehead University in Ontario. But he now works for the ELA again through a fellowship program in collaboration with the university, and has continued to write about his experience. Among them: Get a personal e-mail address, start your own blog and make sure there are multiple copies of your datasets.

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    We deserve a government that respects scientific integrity

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    The Harper Conservatives’ science record