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The Mystery of Puppy Pie: The Mystery of Puppy Pie [Melinda Michaels, Mallory Michaels] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Charlie and.
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As much as popular dog trainers and pet food makers promote the inner wolf in our dogs, they are not the same. The scientific consensus is that dogs evolved from some kind of extinct wolf 15, or more years ago.

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Gradually some of these wolves became less afraid of people, and they could get closer and eat more and have more puppies, which carried whatever DNA made the wolves less fearful. That repeated itself generation after generation until the wolves evolved to be, in nonscientific terms, friendly.

Those were the first dogs. People must spend 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for weeks on end with wolf puppies just to assure them that humans are tolerable. Dog puppies will quickly attach to any human within reach.

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Even street dogs that have had some contact with people at the right time may still be friendly. Despite all the similarities, something is deeply different in dog genes, or in how and when those genes become active, and scientists are trying to determine exactly what it is. Some recent research has suggested that dog friendliness may be the result of something similar to Williams syndrome, a genetic disorder in humans that causes hyper-sociability, among other symptoms.

People with the syndrome seem friendly to everyone, without the usual limits.

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That delay might be discovered in the DNA, more likely in the sections that control when and how strongly genes become active, rather than in the genes themselves. This is research at its very beginning, a long shot in some ways. But this past spring and summer, two scientists traveled to Quebec to monitor the development of six wolf pups, do behavior tests and take genetic samples.

I followed them. I visited other captive wolves as well, young and adult, to get a glimpse of how a research project begins — and, I confess, to get a chance to play with wolf puppies.

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I wanted to have some firsthand experience of the animals I write about, to look wolves in the eye, so to speak. But only metaphorically. As I was emphatically told in a training session before going into an enclosure with adult wolves, the one thing you definitely do not do is look them in the eye. Lawrence River, about two hours from Montreal. Jacinthe Bouchard, the owner, has trained domestic and wild animals, including wolves, all over the world.

This past spring she bred two litters of wolf pups from two female wolves and one male she had already at the zoo. Both mothers gave birth in the same den around the same time at the beginning of June. Then unusually bad flooding of the St. Lawrence threatened the den, so Ms. Bouchard had to remove them at about seven days old instead of the usual two weeks.

Then began the arduous process of socializing the pups.

Bouchard and her assistant stayed day and night with the animals for the first few weeks, gradually decreasing the time spent with them after that. Lord is part of Dr.

Pumpkin Pie Mystery

Their work combines behavior and genetic studies of wolf and dog pups. An evolutionary biologist, Dr. Lord is an old hand at wolf mothering. She has hand-raised five litters. Lord said. Also, as Ms. With wolves, that time is thought to start at about two weeks, when the wolves are deaf and blind.

Scent is everything. In dogs, it starts at about four weeks, when they can see, smell and hear. Lord thinks this shift in development, allowing dogs to use all their senses, might be key to their greater ability to connect with human beings. Perhaps with more senses in action, they are more able to generalize from tolerating individual humans with a specific scent to tolerating humans in general with a scent, sight and sound profile.

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When the critical period ends, wolves, and to a lesser extent dogs, experience something like the onset of stranger anxiety in human babies, when people outside of the family suddenly become scary. The odds of being able to pin down genetically the shift in this crucial stage are still long, but both Dr.

Lord and Dr. Sign Up Log In. Home Industries Associated Press Get email alerts. Scientists discover frozen puppy believed to be 18, years old. By Associated Press. Comment icon. Text Resize Print icon. While trying to rebuild her reputation, Maggie works at the family business, Pie in the Sky. Unfortunately for both of them, Maggie finds his body behind the shop before he can release the information. Maggie is such a wonderful character.

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Even though she is down on her luck, she is very sweet and kindhearted, especially to aunt Clara. I really liked aunt Clara too. She had such a positive personality and always saw the good in everything. Although he and Maggie get off on the wrong foot, things soon get heated after a surprise kiss goodnight. What I liked the most about Ryan was that he never used Maggie. This author duo has definitely got it going on. Together they have built a pleasant little town with touching characters. Everything flowed beautifully from beginning to end at just the right rate. I would recommend this lighthearted novel to anyone who enjoys curling up with a nice, cozy story.

Did I mention that it also includes recipes? You can make the same pies that Maggie and aunt Clara made in the shop. So gather up your baking supplies, get out your favorite blanket and enjoy the treat of both this loving story and the yummy pie. Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book, at no charge to me, in exchange for my honest review.

Jul 05, Chelsey Wolford rated it really liked it. Maggie has just been accused of stealing an enormous amount of money from the bank where she used to work. Maggie is beside herself with joy, hoping that she will be able to go Maggie has just been accused of stealing an enormous amount of money from the bank where she used to work. Maggie is beside herself with joy, hoping that she will be able to go back to her old life in New York, and possibly take her Aunt Clara with her.

This was one of the best cozy mysteries that I have read this year! I absolutely fell in love with Maggie and her Aunt Clara. Not to mention, Durham, North Carolina is only about four hours away from where I live. Maggie was a genuine heroine who I liked right away. She was real and confident, yet she had this innocence about her.

She was the perfect person to go around trying to solve a murder.