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temptation definition: 1. the wish to do or have something that you know you should not do or have: 2. something that. Learn more.
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Our religious beliefs may define who we are as spiritual people, but this article described how an outside source can push those thoughts away and look to benefit us in a way that may include disregarding religion. Temptation is usually used in a loose sense to describe actions which indicate a lack of self control.

Temptation is something that allures, excites, and seduces someone. Successful endeavors of goal-driven activity is threatened by the tempting nature of immediate pleasure [1] Infatuation can also lead to temptation as someone might do something for love in spite of one's better judgement. In advertising , temptation is a theme common to many of the marketing and advertising techniques used to make products more attractive.


Temptation is measured through indirect and implicit methods. Research has found that components of an assessment that would allow for an individual to precisely understand the influence of self-control and other potential or protective variables on the process, experience, and resolution of temptation.

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Generally individuals experience temptations in both positive and negative terms. In regards to Spiritual struggle, research argues that the struggle can be looked upon as a gift, as an opportunity for growth, and as a means to improve one's life. There are valenced effects on a variety of outcomes from temptation. Such as the health and well-being of an individual.

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There is also the relief of stress that an individual may be experiencing. When an individual is attempting to address or resolve a complex experience of temptation, including transcendent levels and potential negative and positive expressions.


Self-control is commonly used by an individual to resist temptation. Skinner stated 9 methods for achieving this. You are aware that to give in to this thought would be to sin; to do what you know to be wrong. That is the temptation, not sin you have committed!

It has to do with your attitude: What do you want more? Eternal life with Jesus, or the passing pleasure of sin? That always has to be in your mind, then you will never agree with the thought that is coming into your mind. I am weak, but You are strong! Give me grace to overcome. You need His grace to be victorious.

And then of course He gives you that power. Even when the temptation lasts for a long time. That is your flesh trying to assert itself.

The Temptation Greatest Hits

It can feel like the temptation is going on and on and on, but it is important to understand that as long as you are fighting it, you are not sinning. I will not do this thing I am tempted to. No matter how long the temptation lasts. Then you are living in victory! But then sin will die, and when it is dead, it is dead.

You have to understand that. How far can I go? Is it really so wrong?

The Temptation of the Sorting Hat - Scientific American Blog Network

Thoughts like that prove that you are not serious about overcoming, and sooner or later you will give in to sin. Satan has no power against the Word of God. Matthew Keep scrolling for more More from Merriam-Webster on temptation Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for temptation Rhyming Dictionary: Words that rhyme with temptation Spanish Central: Translation of temptation Nglish: Translation of temptation for Spanish Speakers Britannica English: Translation of temptation for Arabic Speakers Comments on temptation What made you want to look up temptation?

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