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Table of contents

Bai, Qianshen. Barnhart, Richard M. Wang Collection. Harrist Jr. Li Kung-lin's Classic of Filial Piety. Photography by Platon. China: Through the Looking Glass. Bower, Virginia, and Robert L. Campbell, Thomas P.

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New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, Capa, Cornell, ed. Chi, Li. Schub, and Priscilla Tucker. Chow, Fong, Elizabeth K. Grancsay, Morrison H. Chow, Fong. Earl Morse. Colin, Ralph F. Lefkowitz, Joseph V. Noble, and Theodore Rousseau. Fong, Wen C. Hearn, and Richard M. Fong, Wen, and Marilyn Fu.

Sung and Yuan Paintings. Fong, Wen, ed. Bagley, Jenny F. So, and Maxwell K. Fong, Wen. Summer Mountains: The Timeless Landscape. Foong, Ping.

Galitz, Kathryn Calley. Gregory H. Centeno, Janet G. Douglas, Christina Hagelskamp, John T. Haynes, Robyn E. Hodgkins, Edward A. Kennedy, Sarah Kleiner, Michele D. Thomas, and Anna Vila. Hammer, Elizabeth. Harrist, Robert E.

Silent Poems - Modern Award-winning Silent Poetry : All Poetry

Hartman, Charles. Hatch, Michael J. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, Hearn, Maxwell K. How to Read Chinese Paintings. Smith, eds. Chinese Art: Modern Expressions. Along the Riverbank: Chinese Paintings from the C. Wang Family Collection. Hoi-chiu, Tang. Nobility and Virtue. The latest album Sun was released after 6 years gap in the end of From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article includes a list of references , but its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline citations. Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations.

December Learn how and when to remove this template message. Namespaces Article Talk. Which the MSM lap up in their churnalism that poses as informed debate.

Silent Poetry

Hot off the press. The Guardian ought to be ashamed. Questionable whether the pope is still required. Capitalism is shite the world over Capitalism shites over the world Capitalism is over happy emoji So is life sad. We are here, in groups, in homes, on Facebook pages, on blogs, in our own social media pages providing daily updates for others who are struggling to keep up with the pace of change,. We have jobs, children, activism, community stuff to DO. As one of the older types you mention I can see and agree with you, but I tend to see a whole swathe of younger people, not just poets who seem detatched.

I am out of touch with who these modern poets are or their worth so tend to fall back on ones I rubbed shoulders with in the late sixties and seventies, Sorley MacLean ,Norman McCaig, Alan Bold and always going back to ,when I have the time A Drunk Man looking at his thistle, you know who I mean. Exhaustion, yes. A need to re-charge and re-tool, which takes a while. Can poetry really be it a counter-balance — a feather-weight song against a ton of noise? Or must poetry be recruited by some cause of other, and the poets blamed when radical!

I think about these things often. This is simply not what happens. We have committed, engaged, questing students of all ages seeking to find ways of shaping deep thought and fresh perception into creative expression, so they, and we, can live meaningful and fulfilled lives, despite the howling nonsense around us. Through Brexit storms Cabinet un-shipshaped — all at seaborne. Bordering lunacy In contempt Incompetent.

They are few, but they are enough. In Brexit storms the Cabinet unshipshaped — all at seaborne. Bordering on lunacy incompetent, in contempt. In Brexit acid constitutional bonds dissolve — and Scots can knots untie. Bordering on lunacy Incompetent, in contempt.

A magazine for poetry and artwork protesting against abuse in any of its forms

In Fascist acid, bonds dissolve — and Scots can knots untie. Haunted Albion, unmoored drifting away drifting away. Bordering on mutiny, incompetent, in contempt. In Brexit storms all bonds strain — but Scots can knots untie.

Silent Poets - Asylum For The Feeling

England — haunted, unmoored drifts off dreaming of Unicorns and trade winds. George Gunn has major points to make. Will our poets really stay silent on Brexit? Mathew: you hog the thread. Is that the effect you want? Computer programming combined with the Internet produced a vast open source movement where demonstrating ownership or authorship of lines of code is not the point of publishing them. Perhaps poetry may return to its open source roots. Perhaps vast algorithmic output by artificial intelligences will commodify all but the most specialized human efforts.

Perhaps poetry generated on the fly to give dialogue to computer game characters will set a technical standard beyond most professionals. Perhaps poets trying to own a Brexit poem, where the phrases have already been generated amongst the big data of columns, soundbites and comments could be migrating into a hostile environment, attempting to take control that never was theirs in the first place, claiming they invented everything, smacking of protectionism, crossing one border too far, planting a colonial flag. Perhaps poets generally know better, that they have not really anything more to say that the public has not already said.

Perhaps we are all poets.