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Searching for Wahiduddin (Trilogogy of Wahiduddin Book 1) eBook: Shaikh Barkat Ullah: Kindle Store.
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The same person who is considered gentle and good by one is considered the opposite by another. If this can be so in connection with a living being, it is equally possible that various ideas of the deity should be formed in each heart, and that each soul should mold his own deity according to his own evolution and according to his way of idealizing and understanding. Therefore the deity of every heart is different and is as that person has imagined; but the God of every soul is one and the same, whatever people imagine.

It is the same God that they all imagine, but their imaginations are different and it is the lack of understanding of this that has caused the differences in religion. The divine message of the eternal truths and how to succeed on the path to enlightenment are locked within the Natha tradition. The roots of this venerable heritage stretch back beyond recorded history, when awakened Natha mystics worshiped the Lord of lords, Siva, and in yogic contemplation experienced their identity in Him.

The Natha Sampradaya has revealed the search for the innermost divine Self, balanced by temple worship, fueled by kundalini yoga, charted by monistic theism, illumined by a potent guru-shishya system, guided by soul-stirring scriptures and awakened by sadhana and tapas. Thus has it given mankind the mechanics for moving forward in evolution.

Today two main Natha streams are well known: the Nandinatha Sampradaya, made famous by Maharishi Nandinatha ca bce , and the Adinatha Sampradaya, carried forth by Siddha Yogi Gorakshanatha ca Yea, there is infinitely more to know of the mysterious Nathas.


For the monistic theist, the soul is an emanation of God Siva and will merge back in Him as a river to the sea. For pluralists, God pervades but did not create the soul; thus, God and soul remain separate realities forever. Pluralistic Siddhantins teach that Siva pervades the soul, yet the soul is uncreated and exists eternally.

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It is amorphous, but has the qualities of willing, thinking and acting. It does not wholly merge in Him at the end of its evolution. Rather, it reaches His realm and enjoys the bliss of divine communion eternally. Like salt dissolved in water, soul and God are not two; neither are they perfectly one.

For monistic Siddhantins the soul emerges from God like a rain cloud drawn from the sea. Like a river, the soul passes through many births. The soul consists of an uncreated divine essence and a beautiful, effulgent, human-like form created by Siva. While this form—called the anandamaya kosha or soul body—is maturing, it is distinct from God.

The Straits Times, 31 March 2002

Even during this evolution, its essence, Satchidananda and Parasiva, is not different from Siva. Finally, like a river flowing into the sea, the soul returns to its source. Soul and God are perfectly one. Monistic theism is the synthesis of monism and dualism. It says God is transcendent and immanent, eternal and temporal, Being and becoming, Creator and created, Absolute and relative, efficient and material cause.

EDC Mexico: Avicii, Krewella, Steve Angello y más confirmados

Both strict monism and dualism are fatally flawed, for neither alone encompasses the whole of truth. In other words, it is not a choice between the God-is-man-and-world view of pantheistic monism and the God-is-separate-from-man-and-world view of theistic dualism.

It is both. It is the view that embraces the oneness of God and soul, monism, and the reality of the Personal God, theism. As panentheists, we believe in an eternal oneness of God and man at the level of Satchidananda and Parasiva.

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But a difference is acknowledged during the evolution of the soul body. Ultimately, even this difference merges in identity. Thus, there is perfectly beginningless oneness and a temporary difference which resolves itself in perfect identity. In the acceptance of this identity, monistic theists differ from most vishishtadvaitins. He is within all that is, yet is also outside.

EDC Mexico: Avicii, Krewella, Steve Angello y más confirmados

The man who sees all beings in the Self and the Self in all beings is free from all fear. December 16, Comments Off on Do not take the example of another. How few there are in this world who stop to think whether the actions of another are right for him! We are so ready to accuse another, and we are so ready to hide our own faults. Did we but look at right and wrong from his standpoint, we should find that the meaning of right and wrong would change. It is wrong for a little child to go out without asking its parents, because perhaps it will meet a motorcar from which it cannot protect itself.

He is result oriented. The love and peace that the Sufis exemplified in their lives proved to be an. A prolific writer, many of his writings can be accessed on www. What is my purpose in life? Is there any meaning in life? A most perceptive and practical book of suggestions on how to spend one's life, supporting each suggestion w.

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So the changes after the release of the books have been external in the sense that I finally have freedom to pursue my passion and make a living out of it. Now I find a lot more time to do the kind of things I want to do -- travel a lot more, read a lot more. I was always a voracious reader but couldn't get time to read. Let's be real I am not that famous where people recognise me on the streets. That doesn't happen. Yes, but that has to do with the fact that you aren't like Chetan Bhagat who is out there.

But you are one of the bestselling authors in the country I need to have that reality in my own head Yes the books have sold well but I don't think I am famous. I don't care what others have to say but I believe the books are a blessing from Lord Shiva. I had never written even a short story in school; yes I came from a family of priests and a family that encouraged reading but it is like saying I have all the ingredients for a meal so I can cook a meal.

It doesn't work that way. I honestly believe the moment I start thinking 'Oh it is my brilliance etc' the blessings will stop. O k let me take you back to the Jaipur Literature Festival where you were being mobbed. After your first session, you went into a marathon book signing session that took you almost an hour to get out of!

That sort of thing is unheard of! You almost missed lunch. I understand the mobbing that happened in Jaipur doesn't happen in Mumbai. But I am certain at some point in Jaipur you must've realised, "Oh boy No, of course there was. But the point I am trying to make is that it is important for me to remain humble. It is in a skewed way in my selfish interests to be humble. I genuinely believe that someone is blessing me. So if I start developing ego about it, it will go. Most religions will tell you that if you want to attain a higher self you have to control your ego.

What do you make of this need to retell the myths? When you are not confident about yourself you'd like to run away you're your past or irrationally defend it. On the other hand if you are confident you are more willing to look at your past and want to understand it. The way I see it, as a society, we have been growing more confident about our selves and our identity.

Secondly, people are realising that people are turning to religion. But they'd like to have religion packaged in a modern manner. Perhaps that desire shows in the kind of books that are coming out now. So books that reflect the philosophy in our religion but are written in a way that you and I can relate to are becoming popular. Well they always did. Ancient scientists or artists like Michelangelo were all polymaths But the way I see it the pendulum then swung to the other extreme where religion and spirituality was disregarded entirely.

Now, I think we are coming to some sort of a balance with the pendulum swinging back slowly. The masses are now realising that the talk of 'matter' in physics is something that has been spoken about in our scriptures. We are realising that religion and science can go hand-in-hand. There are various concepts of god. There is one concept of god being formless; another one is of god taking a form as in Bramha or Vishnu and the third concept is where god comes to earth in the human form.

So you have Vishnu coming to earth as Rama or Krishna where god takes birth does his duty and moves on. There is also a fourth concept where human being becomes god -- Gautam Buddha for instance. He was a man who discovered god within him.