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Organization Theory and Governance for the 21st Century (NULL) [Eric K. Austin, Sandi Parkes Pershing] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
Table of contents

European Journal of Marketing. Hatch, M. Organization Theory. Modern Symbolic and Postmodern Perspectives. Oxford: University Press. Isett, K. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. Jenei, G. Drechler eds. Moliterno, T. Network Theory of organization: A Multilevel Approach. Journal of Management. Pestoff, V. Governance and Third Sector. In St. Osborne ed. The New Public Governance. London: Routledge.

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Peters, B Guy. Meta — governance and Public Management. Dvivedi, O. Bruxelles: Brulyant. Raipa, A. Kaunas: Technologija. All publishing rigths reserved to Mykolas Romeris University. Executive editor: Assoc. Aleksandras Patapas. User Username Password Remember me. Font Size. Keyword Cloud New Public Management civil service civil society corruption decentralization e-government efficiency governance innovations local government local self-government management municipality new public management privatization public administration public policy public sector public service strategic planning sustainable development.

Abstract The analysis of public governance modernization and reform shows that public governance reform for each region and country has universality and specific features. With these questions in mind, we could study HRM practices critically by studying the kind of behavior and action that these practices produce among actors.

Many HRM practices are based on technologies, for instance tests, interview protocols or surveys. The question for a critical approach would be to investigate what kind of action, meaning and subjectivities they produce, besides the intended outcomes. We think that the various ways of using critical performativity is a good starting point for a critical and engaged turn in HRM studies and that contributions in this special issue aim at doing exactly that.

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Therefore, such studies could have a more radical deconstructionist aim, i. This has a constructive critical performative potential, because it short-circuits the espoused purpose of HRM policies with their actual consequences, opening up for the improvement of practices measured by their intentions. Gouldner and associates were allegedly looking for ways that bureaucracy could come to work in emancipating ways Hallett and Ventresca, That is basically taking a position of progressive pragmatism that supports the development of organizations, which work to a larger extent to the benefit the interest of their members and the broader civil society.

The contributions in this special issue begin such an endeavor by addressing HRM critically and engaged along five important characteristics:. This special issue features four articles, four notes, as well as a four book reviews. Below, we give the reader a brief overview of the different contributions. To start with, Mogensen takes a critical look at the authentic individual at work.

It is, however, not authenticity as such which is at stake, she argues. Rather, the concept seems to distract the discussion from a more relevant and interesting discussion. Mogensen both identifies with — and distance herself from — critical management studies, as she argues that the focus on control and identity should be replaced by a focus on work tasks and work coordination.

According to Mogensen, this would provide an opportunity for critical management studies to get closer to the everyday practices and challenges of the modern employee. In the second paper, Stjerne distances herself from the rational perspectives that currently dominate analyses of selection processes in HRM literature and develops an aesthetic perspective on selection. Stjerne bases her analysis of aesthetic selection in a practice-based study of selection decisions in the Danish film industry.

Although her analysis is built on empirical data from the film industry, it is argued that the findings go beyond the film industry and have more general applications for both theory and practice. The paper argues that the rational selection theories are supplemented or partly replaced by an aesthetic element, which is a non-rational and non-measurable part of the selection process, and Stjerne argues with conviction that such an aesthetic experience is an immanent part of any selection decision.

It does not imply that the aesthetic experience is and will be the same for all selection decisions.

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On the contrary, it will always be contextual, but aesthetic experiences necessarily influence any selection decision. The third article, by Taskin and Ndayambaje, is based on a textual analysis of nine popular HRM textbooks English- and French-language. The textual analysis has a particular focus on one specific HRM practice: Performance evaluation.

The purpose is to analyze whether HRM is as amoral as most critics suggest. The authors suggest that HRM is the bearer of a univocal political project marked by objectification and subjectification. Objectification is about how humans are reduced to consumable objects, and subjectification is how the production of subjectivity is in line with the company strategy. In this way, the employee in the HRM textbooks become a normative foundation of the HRM theories and practices by being a resource that is and works to accomplish the strategy of the company.

A theory of participation for 21st century governance

Taskin and Ndayambaje applies a phenomenological perspective to distance themselves from the most prevalent theories and critiques of management. The authors offer a different perspective to the normative foundation of HRM theories and practices, which both shows how humanity in HRM is currently constructed and develops the means to reflect upon it. The paper focuses on a teaching model in three steps: Telling, challenging and engaging, which also structures the analysis of the teaching practice and how it has developed.

The teaching practices of the authors has in accordance with the ambitions of the teachers developed to be more critical and engaged, and simultaneously developed students to become more responsible professionals. The paper also discusses how the teaching practice might be developed further.

The note section is equally rich in contributions addressing the problematics around ways to manage the human. Pedersen relates resilience to habits and highlights that resilience is not a character trait of the individual, but a complex dynamic process.

Therefore, he finds that practitioners should focus on three features of habits that all stress the dynamic nature of habit which at the same time counters our commonsense view of habits as something stable. Pedersen uses the note to highlight the following features: Habits are dispositions, habits are plastic, and habits are social to underline the dynamic aspects of habits and how the three features of habit inform contemporary employee resilience. The main learning is that a theory of resilience has to take habits into account if it is to understand the complexity of what it means to create a resilient workforce, which seems to be a major purpose for HR and organizations at the moment.

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In the second note, Moon focuses on undisclosed or off-reference-list reference checks. Moon illustrates this briefly by examples from a university institution. Moon criticizes the HRM literature for not addressing this, as it is an immanent part of recruitment in many organizations maybe even most organizations , and therefore ought not to be absent in the HRM literature.

Moon also discusses the paradox that the information is suppressed or hidden in a process, which ought to be transparent in order to be considered ethical and legitimate. Gerard finds that psychoanalysis is unique among the critical approaches to HRM, as it emphasizes experience, and the note is a rather convincing argument for this positive view on the critical potential of psychoanalysis.

The last note, written by Kirkegaard , makes an allegory between contemporary working life and elite sport. Kirkegaard does so by looking at the many and very explicit similarities between consultants and elite sport people. Kirkegaard has interviewed 25 consultants from the Danish department of an international consulting firm, where some of them has been within elite sports before they became consultants.

The similarities are many, but Kirkegaard has a focus on the fact that both elite sports people and consultants are very focused on success, which means that performance management is essential in all aspects of their lives.

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  7. The point with the comparison is that the consultants cannot distinguish between personal and professional norms as it is all about performance and success. The note illustrates this by providing two personal narratives from the consultants and how performance management is an integrated part of their very being. His research is focused on HRM, professions and management.