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Thesis (M.A.) from the year in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Literature, grade: 2,0, University of Regensburg (Anglistik), entries in the bibliography, language: English.
Table of contents

The former term, coined by James Wood, refers to the style of novels such as White Teeth that try to portray thousands of things at the same time in a manner which is similar to that found in soap operas and situation comedies: This is not magical realism. It is hysterical realism. Storytelling has become a kind of grammar in these novels; it is how they structure and drive themselves on. The conven- tions of realism are not being abolished but, on the contrary, exhausted, and overworked. Appropriately, then, objections are not made at the level of verisimilitude, but at the level of morality: this style of writing is not to be faulted because it lacks reality — the usual charge against botched realism — but because it seems evasive of reality while borrowing from realism itself.

Wood n. Merrit n. Non-arbitrarily, White Teeth sets the background for understanding present-day multiethnic and multicultural British society by establishing a genealogy for British society which moves back to the British colonial period and uncovers, especially in the case of the life of Hortense Bowden, the history of British colonial rule and postcolonial policy.

Accordingly, White Teeth is organised following the categories of time and space. As Massey argues, recognising the existence of alternative spaces entails the acknowledgment of plurality itself: The argument is that the very possibility of any serious recognition of multiplicity and heterogeneity itself depends on a recognition of spatiality. The political corollary is that a genuine, thorough, spatialisation of social theory and political thinking can force into the imagination a fuller recognition of the simultaneous coexistence of others with their own trajectories and their own stories to tell.

Zadie SmithNW - London Fictions.

These families can be said to account for the main flows of migration groups that came to England from the s onwards: Asian, Afro-Caribbean and European. In the United Kingdom, at that period of time, there was a reassertion of the notion of family as an attempt to counter the disruptions that were taking place at a social level Smith ; Smith A series of events such as the world-wide oil crisis, the numerous strikes by British miners, together with the economic crisis of late capitalism marked the coming to an end of post-war British stable society.

2. Toni Morrison (born 1931)

The Chalfen family is presented as being the true incarnation of Britishness: white, middle-class and educated. Initially, the fates of Archibald Jones and Samad Iqbal are united during the Second World War when they are located in the same military division. The rejects of war. The bond between both families will strengthen on the basis of their ethnic diversity. White Teeth, however, moves away from such a binary tendency of thinking about who is considered to be inside or outside the realm of British identity by further exploring the outcomes of multicultural interaction and presenting the three families after the encounters as equally de-stabilised and similarly dis placed in the city of London.

For Irie and Millat the encounter with a different family organisation and family rela- tion puts into question their sense of identity and prompts a collapse of their own family boundaries. The Iqbal household is divided the moment Samad separates the twins and sends Magid back to Bangladesh with the hope of strengthening his roots and turning him into a proper Muslim.

White Teeth

This separation brings about dramatic effects in the whole family. Joyce overesti- mates her role in this new school programme and considers herself to be a kind of saviour for these two teenagers who have gone astray. Irie and Millat develop, thus, from being merely the exotic complement in their idyllic lives to becoming the missing complement in what turns out to be their dull, predictable lives.

The moment relations are established, boundaries among the three families begin to fade away and new social networks and alternative space s of interaction are created. In this process social lines of division and integration are constantly drawn and removed and spa- ce is moulded and contested. White Teeth engages with this view by presenting different spatial realities in the lives of characters belonging to the same family, the same neigh- bourhood and the same ethnic community. White Teeth portraits three multicultural families whose members, in despite of belonging to the same family unit, are heterogeneous and with their own stories to tell.

White Teeth depicts a dynamic representation of the city of London that allows the cha- racters to negotiate and produce alternative spaces. This third space displaces the histories that constitute it, and sets up new structures of authority, new political initiatives, which are inadequately understood through received wisdom.

The process of cultural hybridity gives rise to something different, something new and unrecognisable, a new area of ne- gotiation of meaning and representation.

Archie is given luncheon vouchers by his boss as a compensation for not being allowed to attend a company meal on a racial basis owing to the fact that his wife, Clara, is black. Archie is, thus, banned from a space on the grounds of his newly acquired mixed identity and he is sent to a space which turns out to be the epitome of hybridity and mixture.

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  1. Zadie Smith’s NW or the art of line-crossing.
  2. His Body Craves Black (BWWM Older Man Younger Woman First Time Pregnancy Interracial Romance Story).
  3. Find Your Fabulous: Coping With Your Inner Fattie?
  4. Zadie Smith;
  5. Trick and Treat;
  6. Writing and Capitalism: Zadie Smith Ponders “Why Write?” – Willa Rubin.
  7. Smith, Zadie?

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For Rushdie, the term has only become a euphemistic synonym for the malfunctioning process of integration []. He gives the following definition:. In our schools, this means little more than teaching the kids a few bongo rhythms, how to tie a sari and so forth.

Willesden Fast-Forward - London Review of Books

Multiculturalism hides certain problems caused by cultural variety, such as discrimination, social, political and juridical injustice, criminality, unemployment and housing problems []. This superficial interest in other cultures is also described as 'culinary-cynic' [] multiculturalism as people are willing to accept and profit from foreign restaurants, food [] , musicians, shops etc. Rushdie also criticises the fact that "the mainstream never sees itself as part of the equation as one of the multi's.

The pot itself never melts only the ingredients as they get chopped up" []. This means that the mainstream group firstly has to accept the ethnic groups and secondly has to be willing to take part in the process of transformation into a multicultural society as every ethnic group is part of it. If multiculturalism can work, both sides have to assimilate and integrate into this new environment, both have to give and take at the same time. Confrontation in general with other cultures can have a negative effect and is not always a blessing as many multicultural programmes claim.

Some people think that multiculturalism is a danger for the stability of national identity []. The concerned person no longer knows where he or she belongs because he or she stands between the cultures and is no longer sure even about the culture into which he or she was born. Consequences can be the creation of stereotypes, prejudices and racism towards different ethnic groups and a sometimes voluntary segregation between the cultures []. This is the reason for the creation of ethnic parallel worlds that are in some countries hidden behind the concept of multiculturalism.

It is therefore important that both sides, the immigrants and the locals, are willing to create equality, to work together and to form a unity.

White Teeth Archives - Literature Essay Samples

Some conservative parties are against multicultural politics as they regard it as a potential for conflict and tensions due to cultural differences and contradictions and fear the expansion of terrorism as a consequence of a too tolerant multicultural society []. In their opinion, the fears of the "original" society about the change of their country are not taken into account enough as the main emphasis lies on the migrants and not on the locals [].

What Is Magical Realism?

Other critics argue that multiculturalism has only been successful because it is an important means for politicians to win the votes of immigrants []. Federal funds for cultural festivals as well as for television or newspapers can encourage immigrants to support the political party that stands for a multicultural policy []. The fact that Britain is an immigration country and its society multicultural [] has been widely accepted [].

Organisations like the Commission for Racial Equality [] or The Parekh Report [] are proof of the acceptance and importance of a multicultural policy in Britain. Nevertheless, the concept of multiculturalism has been the subject of many debates over recent years. Under the Conservatives [] , multicultural policies were limited to left-leaning councils [].

But since the election of the Labour government in , these ideas have been accepted in the government policies [].