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In the Middle Ages , drama in the vernacular languages of Europe may have emerged from religious enactments of the liturgy.

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Mystery plays were presented on the porches of the cathedrals or by strolling players on feast days. Miracle and mystery plays, along with moralities and interludes, later evolved into more elaborate forms of drama, such as was seen on the Elizabethan stages. Another form of medieval theatre was the mummers' plays , a form of early street theatre associated with the Morris dance , concentrating on themes such as Saint George and the Dragon and Robin Hood.

These were folk tales re-telling old stories, and the actors travelled from town to town performing these for their audiences in return for money and hospitality. Mystery plays and miracle plays are among the earliest formally developed plays in medieval Europe. Mystery plays focused on the representation of Bible stories in churches as tableaux with accompanying antiphonal song. They developed from the 10th to the 16th century, reaching the height of their popularity in the 15th century before being rendered obsolete by the rise of professional theatre.

There are four complete or nearly complete extant English biblical collections of plays from the late medieval period. The most complete is the York cycle of forty-eight pageants. They were performed in the city of York , from the middle of the 14th century until Having grown out of the religiously based mystery plays, the morality play is a genre of medieval and early Tudor theatrical entertainment, which represented a shift towards a more secular base for European theatre.

The plays were most popular in Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries. Like John Bunyan 's allegory Pilgrim's Progress , Everyman examines the question of Christian salvation through the use of allegorical characters. The English Renaissance and the Renaissance in Scotland date from the late 15th century to the early 17th century. The spread of printing affected the transmission of literature across Britain and Ireland. The first book printed in English, William Caxton 's own translation of Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye , was printed abroad in , to be followed by the establishment of the first printing press in England in Latin continued in use as a language of learning long after the Reformation had established the vernaculars as liturgical languages for the elites.

Utopia is a work of fiction and political philosophy by Thomas More — published in The book, written in Latin, is a frame narrative primarily depicting a fictional island society and its religious, social and political customs.

List of English-language poets

In the later 16th century, English poetry used elaborate language and extensive allusions to classical myths. Poems intended to be set to music as songs, such as those by Thomas Campion , became popular as printed literature was disseminated more widely in households see English Madrigal School. During the reign of Elizabeth I — and then James I —25 , a London-centred culture that was both courtly and popular, produced great poetry and drama. The English playwrights were intrigued by Italian model: a conspicuous community of Italian actors had settled in London.

The linguist and lexicographer John Florio — , whose father was Italian, was a royal language tutor at the Court of James I , and a possible friend and influence on William Shakespeare , had brought much of the Italian language and culture to England. He was also the translator of Montaigne into English.

Early life

Highly popular and influential in its time, The Spanish Tragedy established a new genre in English literature theatre, the revenge play or revenge tragedy. Jane Lumley — was the first person to translate Euripides into English. Her translation of Iphigeneia at Aulis is the first known dramatic work by a woman in English.

William Shakespeare — stands out in this period as a poet and playwright as yet unsurpassed. Shakespeare wrote plays in a variety of genres, including histories , tragedies , comedies and the late romances , or tragicomedies. Shakespeare's career continued during the reign of King James I, and in the early 17th century he wrote the so-called " problem plays ", like Measure for Measure , as well as a number of his best known tragedies , including King Lear and Anthony and Cleopatra.

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Less bleak than the tragedies, these four plays are graver in tone than the comedies of the s, but they end with reconciliation and the forgiveness of potentially tragic errors. Marlowe's subject matter is different from Shakespeare's as it focuses more on the moral drama of the renaissance man.

His play Doctor Faustus c. Beaumont and Fletcher are less known, but they may have helped Shakespeare write some of his best dramas, and were popular at the time. Beaumont's comedy, The Knight of the Burning Pestle , satirises the rising middle class and especially the nouveaux riches. After Shakespeare's death, the poet and dramatist Ben Jonson — was the leading literary figure of the Jacobean era.

Jonson's aesthetics hark back to the Middle Ages and his characters embody the theory of humours , based on contemporary medical theory, though the stock types of Latin literature were an equal influence. A popular style of theatre in Jacobean times was the revenge play , which had been popularised earlier by Thomas Kyd —94 , and then developed by John Webster — in the 17th century. Shakespeare also popularised the English sonnet , which made significant changes to Petrarch 's model.

A collection of sonnets , dealing with themes such as the passage of time, love, beauty and mortality, were first published in a quarto. Besides Shakespeare the major poets of the early 17th century included the metaphysical poets John Donne — and George Herbert — Influenced by continental Baroque , and taking as his subject matter both Christian mysticism and eroticism, Donne's metaphysical poetry uses unconventional or "unpoetic" figures, such as a compass or a mosquito, to achieve surprise effects.

George Chapman? This was the first ever complete translation of either poem into the English language and it had a profound influence on English literature. Francis Godwin 's The Man in the Moone recounts an imaginary voyage to the moon and is now regarded as the first work of science fiction in English literature.

At the Reformation , the translation of liturgy and the Bible into vernacular languages provided new literary models. The King James Bible, one of the biggest translation projects in the history of English up to that time, was started in and completed in It continued the tradition of Bible translation into English from the original languages that began with the work of William Tyndale. Previous translations into English had relied on the Vulgate.

It became the standard Bible of the Church of England , and some consider it one of the greatest literary works of all time. The metaphysical poets continued writing in this period. Both John Donne and George Herbert died after , but there was a second generation of metaphysical poets: Andrew Marvell — , Thomas Traherne or — and Henry Vaughan — Their style was witty, with metaphysical conceits — far-fetched or unusual similes or metaphors , such as Marvell's comparison of the soul with a drop of dew; [36] or Donne's description of the effects of absence on lovers to the action of a pair of compasses.

Another important group of poets at this time were the Cavalier poets. They were an important group of writers, who came from the classes that supported King Charles I during the Wars of the Three Kingdoms — King Charles reigned from and was executed in They "were not a formal group, but all were influenced" by Ben Jonson. For example, Robert Herrick was not a courtier, but his style marks him as a Cavalier poet. Cavalier works make use of allegory and classical allusions, and are influenced by Latin authors Horace , Cicero , and Ovid.

John Milton —74 is one of the greatest English poets, who wrote at a time of religious flux and political upheaval. He is generally seen as the last major poet of the English Renaissance, though his major epic poems were written in the Restoration period, including Paradise Lost His later major works are Paradise Regained , and Samson Agonistes , Milton's works reflect deep personal convictions, a passion for freedom and self-determination, and the urgent issues and political turbulence of his day. Writing in English, Latin, and Italian, he achieved international renown within his lifetime, and his celebrated Areopagitica , written in condemnation of pre-publication censorship, is among history's most influential and impassioned defences of free speech and freedom of the press.

William Hayley 's biography called him the "greatest English author", [40] and he remains generally regarded "as one of the preeminent writers in the English language". Thomas Urquhart — translation of Rabelais ' Gargantua and Pantagruel into English has been described as "the greatest Scottish translation since Gavin Douglas's Eneados ".

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  • The Restoration of the monarchy in launched a fresh start for literature, both in celebration of the new worldly and playful court of the king, and in reaction to it. Theatres in England reopened after having been closed during the protectorship of Oliver Cromwell , Puritanism lost its momentum, and the bawdy " Restoration comedy " became a recognisable genre.

    Restoration comedy refers to English comedies written and performed in the Restoration period from to Although other women had translated or written dramas, her translation of Pompey broke new ground as the first rhymed version of a French tragedy in English and the first English play written by a woman to be performed on the professional stage.

    Aphra Behn one of the women writers dubbed " The fair triumvirate of wit " was a prolific dramatist and one of the first English professional female writers. Her greatest dramatic success was The Rover Behn's depiction of the character Willmore in The Rover and the witty, poetry-reciting rake Dorimant in George Etherege 's The Man of Mode are seen as a satire on John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester — , an English libertine poet, and a wit of the Restoration court.