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He has a moustache and always smokes a cigar which the other moles hate since it makes the tunnels smell I Only Gush for One Man (Taboo Club Universe).
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The words man and woman are top nouns! People need those nouns to describe their experiences! Imagine if the patient in the hair dryer story were obsessed with the fear not just that she might accidentally leave her hair dryer plugged in unattended, but that that someone might do so, and that it would burn down the whole city. In this slightly modified scenario, insisting that everyone in the city put their hair dryers in the front seat of their cars doesn't look like an appealing solution. It's important to stress that this should not be taken to mean that transgender identities should be rejected!

Bad arguments can be made for true propositions just as easily as false ones. As Alexander briefly alludes to late in the post "I could relate this [ So a natal female who presents to the world as a man, and whom other people model as a man on a System 1 level with no apparent incongruities, might be said to be a man in the sense of social gender but not in the sense of "biologically male adult human" , because that's the mental category that people are actually using for him, and therefore, the social class that he actually functions as a member of.

Essentially, this is the argument that offers a photograph of a passing trans person, and says, "C'mon, do you really want to call this person a woman? Well, no. But the point is that this is an empirical argument for why successfully socially-transitioned trans people fit into existing concepts of gender, not a redefinition of top nouns by fiat in order to avoid hurting someone's feelings. It works because and to the extent that transitioning actually works.

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To the extent that this fails to be true of self-identified trans people or some subset thereof—for example, insofar as physical transition isn't always effective, or insofar as people do have legitimate use-cases for biological-sex classifications that aren't "fooled" by hormones and surgery 2 —then the conclusion is correspondingly weakened.

Another factor affecting the degree to which trans people form a more natural category with their identified gender than their natal sex is the nature of transgenderedness itself. If gender dysphoria is caused by a brain-restricted intersex condition, such that trans people's psychology is much more typical of the other physiological sex—if the "woman trapped in a man's body" trope is basically accurate—that would tend to weigh in favor of accepting transgender identity claims: trans women would be "coming from the same place" as cis 3 women in a very literal psychological sense, despite their natal physiology.

On the other hand, if gender dysphoria is caused by something else, that would tend to weigh against accepting transgender identity claims: however strongly felt trans people's subjective sense of gender identity might be, if the mechanism underlying that feeling actually has nothing in particular in common with anything people of the identified-with sex feel, it becomes relatively more tempting to classify the subjective sense of gender identity as an illusion, rather than the joint in reality around which everyone needs to carve their gender categories.

Of course, the phrasing If gender dysphoria is caused by But different people might want to transition for very different underlying psychological reasons. What categories we use may not be a question of simple fact that we can get wrong, but if, empirically, there happens to be a sufficiently robust statistical structure to the simple facts of the cases—if some people want to transition for reason A and tend to have traits W and X , but others want to transition for reason B and have traits Y and Z —then aspiring epistemic rationalists may find it useful to distinguish multiple, distinct psychological conditions that all happen to cause gender dysphoria as a symptom.

Analogously, in medicine, many different pathogens can cause the same symptoms e.

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For example, a bacterial illness will respond to antibiotics, but a viral one won't—or today's treatments might be equally effective against two different species of bacteria, but future drugs might work better on one or the other. As it happens , I claim that the evidence that gender dysphoria comprises more than one etiologically distinct condition is quite strong.

For the rest of this post, I'm going to focus on the male-to-female case for reasons of personal interest, 5 quality of available research, 6 and because no one cares about trans men. A minority of male-to-female transsexuals exhibit lifelong sex-atypical behavior and interests, are attracted to men 8 , and transition early in life typically no later than their early twenties.

Essentially, these are physiological males whose psychology is so far outside of the male normal range along so many dimensions that they find themselves more comfortable and socially successful living as women rather than as extremely effeminate gay men. This likely is a brain-intersex condition: along with non-gender-dysphoric gay men , they have a statistical preponderance of older brothers which is theorized to be due to the mother's immune system response to male fetuses affecting the development of later pregnancies.

However, the majority of male-to-female trans people in Western countries do not fit this profile. They are attracted to women or are bisexual and, while reporting a desire to be female dating back to puberty or earlier in childhood, they don't exhibit an unusual number of female-typical traits compared to other males. In contrast to the "early-onset", androphilic type, who couldn't fit in to the world as men if they tried, this second group of "late-onset", non-exclusively-androphilic gender-dysphoric males can function socially as men; we 9 just—aspire to a higher form of existence.

The covertness of late-onset gender dysphoria explains why someone like Caitlyn Jenner can have a long, successful public existence as a man—winning men's decathalons, racing sports cars, marrying women and fathering children—before eventually deciding to transition at age This proposed two-type taxonomy of trans women is very controversial, probably in large part because it's part of a theory that claims that the late-onset type is rooted in an unusual sexual interest termed autogynephilia "love of oneself as a woman".

Anne Lawrence, herself a self-identified autogynephilic transsexual, iconically describes autogynephiles as "men who love women and want to become what they love. A review of the empirical evidence for the two-type taxonomy is beyond the scope of this post. To interested or skeptical readers who only have time to read one paper, I recommend Lawrence's "Autogynephilia and the Typology of Male-to-Female Transsexualism: Concepts and Controversies" ; for a more exhaustive treatment, see the first two chapters of Lawrence's monograph Men Trapped in Men's Bodies or follow the links and citations in Kay Brown's FAQ.

I am , however, supposing that the late-onset type or types is either not an intersex condition, or at most , a very mild one: we could perhaps imagine a gender identity "switch" in the brain that can get flipped around explaining the eventual need to transition without much affecting other sexually-dimorphic parts of the brain explaining how transition could be delayed so long, and come as such a surprise to others.

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This hypothesis is weaker than the autogynephilia theory, but still has implications for the ways in which transgender identity claims might or might not be validated by natural, prediction-motivated categorization schemes. If most trans women's traits are noticeably not drawn from from the female distribution , that's a factor making it less practical to insist that others categorize them as women.

To this it might be objected that there are many different types of women. Why should "trans" be different from any other adjective one might use to specify a subcategory of women? What makes this difficult is that— conditional on the two-types hypothesis and specifically gender dysphoria in non-exclusively-androphilic biological males being mostly not an intersex condition—most trans women aren't just not part of the female cluster in configuration space; they're specifically part of male cluster along most dimensions, which people already have a concept for.

This doesn't mean that we can't get away with classifying them as women—there's nothing stopping us from drawing the category boundary however we want. But it isn't an arbitrary choice —the concepts of women -as-defined-by-biological-sex, women -as-defined-by-self-identity, and women -as-defined-by-passing are picking out different though of course mostly overlapping regions of the configuration space, which has inescapable logical consequences on the kinds of inferences that can be made using each concept. In less tolerant places and decades, where MtF transsexuals were very rare and had to try very hard to pass as cis women out of dire necessity, their impact on the social order and how people think about gender was minimal—there were just too few trans people to make much of a difference.

This is why experienced crossdressers often report it being easier to pass in rural or suburban areas rather than cities with a larger LGBT presence—not as a matter of tolerant social attitudes, but as a matter of base rates : it's harder to get clocked by people who aren't aware that being trans is even a thing. Nowadays, in progressive enclaves of Western countries, transness is definitely known to be a thing—and in particular subcultures that form around non-sex-balanced interests , the numbers can be quite dramatic.

For example, on the Slate Star Codex reader survey , 9. So, if trans women are women, I can't say this causes any problems, because that would depend on how you choose to draw the category boundaries around what constitutes a "problem. A cis female friend of the blog, a member of a very "Blue Tribe" city's rationalist community 13 reports on recent changes in local social norms—.

There have been "all women" things, like clothing swaps or groups, that then pre-transitioned trans women show up to. And it's hard, because it's weird and uncomfortable once three or four participants of twelve are trans women. I think the reality that's happening is women are having those spaces less—instead doing private things "for friends," with specific invite lists that are implicitly understood not to include men or trans women.

This sucks because then we can't include women who aren't already in our social circle, and we all know it but no one wants to say it. But this is a terrible outcome with respect to everyone's values. One can't even say, "Well, the cost to those bigoted cis women of not being able to have trans-exclusionary spaces is more than outweighed by trans women's identities being respected," because the non-passing trans women's identities aren't being respected anyway ; it's just that cis women are collectively too nice 14 to make it common knowledge.

I think of women's restrooms as safe havens. If a suspicious looking man is following me on the street, or I am concerned about someone male being a danger to me because they are loud and shouty and sexist or catcalling, I will sometimes make a beeline for the nearest women's restroom because I know that is a safe haven. Other people might not intervene if someone is just suspiciously following me, but there is a strong taboo against men in women's restrooms and I feel confident that the men will either not follow me in there due to that taboo or other women will intervene if they do.

It's also got useful plausible deniability: I, and potential bystanders, may not be willing to say "you are a possible instigator of violence and we feel unsafe" because that's rude, but we can say "you're not allowed in here, this is a woman's bathroom" because coming into the wrong bathroom is ruder. It would likely cause me to not go to some of them. Of course, the existence of these complaints from women don't necessarily imply any particular policy position.

One could say, "Cis women who don't want trans women in women's spaces need to unlearn their bigotry. But it's important to at least recognize that this is an issue with real stakes on the "anti-trans" side as well as the "pro-trans" side. Critics of gender-as-self-identification aren't just being arbitrarily mean to trans people for no reason. A lot of women believe that they have an interest in having hospital wards and domestic violence shelters and sports leagues and some social events without any obviously biologically-male people in them.

Telling them that "the categories were made for man, not man for the categories" is not addressing their concerns —concerns that are about the actual distribution of bodies and minds in the real world that can't be changed by calling things different names.

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People should get what they want. We should have social norms that help people get what they want. I don't know what the optimal social norms about transitioning would be. As a transhumanist and as an individualist, I want to protect people's freedom to modify their body and social presentation, which implies the right to transition. For the same reasons, I want to protect freedom of association, which implies the right to be able to have sex-segregated spaces that are actually segregated by biological sex should there exist demand for that kind of space.

Social science is hard and I want to try to avoid politics as much as I can. What I can say is that whatever the right thing to do is, we stand a better chance of getting there if we can be honest with each other about the world we see, using the most precise categories we can, to construct maps that reflect the territory. My model of the universe doesn't stop at the boundary of your body, and yours shouldn't stop at mine. This is definitely compatible with transitioning.

It is not , I claim, compatible with the ideology of gender-as-self-identification that is rapidly establishing a foothold in Society. Consider this display at a recent conference of the American Philosophical Association note, the people whose job it is to use careful conceptual distinctions to understand reality —. But this isn't how anyone actually thinks about gender! The subconscious perceptual systems by which we notice people's sex aren't going to turn off because a sign said so. If you need a sticker to get people to gender you correctly, your transition has failed.

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In a free Society, everyone should have the right to express themselves, to modify their body and social presentation however they see fit. But having done your best to present your true self, you can't—not even shouldn't , but can't —exert detailed control how other people perceive you. This is the other problem with gender-as-self-identification: passing is hard and not-passing hurts, so kind-hearted people try to protect their trans friends from the pain of not being read the way that they would prefer—with the inevitable result that the laudable instinct to be kind gets corrupted into universal socially-mandatory lies.

She is still the mother of one of us, she can still become the mother-in-law of the other.

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Besides, Clorinda, that is the only way of keeping the secret in the family. You are a humbug. So am I. United we stand. Separated, you fall. Your experience of me should have taught you different. High as you are, I can raise you yet higher if you will only lift me up to you. Profound meditation on the philosophy of modern society has convinced me that the only way left for acquiring notoriety is to do nothing.

Every other way has been exploited and is suspected. It is only a year since the discovery flashed upon me, it is only a year that I have been putting it in practice. And yet, mark the result! Already I am a known man. When there was no premiere anywhere, I went to see you—not from any admiration of you, but because the Lymarket is the haunt of the best society, and in addition, the virtue of Shakespeare and of yourself attracts there a highly respectable class of bishops whom I have not the opportunity of meeting elsewhere.

Had I met your advances, you would have repelled mine. My theories have been completely demonstrated, and but for the accident of our having a common mother——". When we are one, I shall continue this policy of masterly inactivity of which I claim the invention, though it has long been known in the germ. Everybody knows for instance that not to trouble to answer letters is the surest way of acquiring the reputation of a busy man, that not to accept invitations is an infallible way of getting more, that not to care a jot about the feelings of the rest of the household, is an unfailing means of enforcing universal deference.

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