Guide I know who you are: A confused life

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You know when you feel really unsure about what to do? As confused as you may feel in those moments, you're not. You have much more clarity than you think.
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I have always dealt with choice paralysis by test driving ideas. I am a cautious potentialite. I try them out and if it seems that it will work for what I want it to, I phase in interest B and phase out interest A. I have done this multiple times career wise and am in the process of doing it again. The transitions, of course, keeps me busier sometimes than I want to be but I am working on that. Thanks for this comment.

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I am a undergraduate now, my major is insurance but I have some other interests that can aslo be a living career, such as language and data analysis, but I can not sure which one I wanna it to my career in the rest of my life, so now I am justing trying to experence in different industry to figure out what I really want. But I just can not be settled until I get the answer eventually, I am so happy to find there are people have the same issue.

Even the road will be difficult and uncertain, I would like to accept every undergo in my life and meet the one I most wanna to be. Most of the words matches with my current situation. I study English Translation at university, and I teach English to young learners and teenagers. At first, I enjoyed my job, and I was one of the best teachers at the institute I teach. It really bothers me. And these days, I even think that teaching is not the right position for me. Is there really any way? However, I firmly believe there is nothing wrong with that as Emilie and Neil says.

My father, 63, a banker and accountant all his life, asked me today to explain to him the Photoelectric Effect, you know the thing that gave Einstein his Nobel Prize. He is one of us too. There is more that can be done today so we evolve to do more. Just because I was interested in all of them at the same time. And when you do, observe everything so that your mind stays occupied with what you are doing. Doing a number of things is great but while you do one you need to focus on that. One need not even have one single career.

Just try thigns and connect the dots. As I was reading them, there was a smile on my face, thinking that there is someone here who has understood me and my thoughts. Actually, I was living in the world of the characters of the book for about a week.

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As you said, trying to do different things is a courage worth having, and being a multipotentialite is a fact worth spreading. Your perspective is very useful. I asked my husband and he told me he has 3: music, fishing and cars. It was very useful to combine groups of compatible items and that has resulted on fresh, innovative ideas. But I am not confident enough to follow any of them because I am terrified of quitting again.

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Thanks for this post Neil. This helps, a lot. Drilling down or coming up a bit does help.

Will try to think this way when I have to choose from many doors. Thanks a lot Neil for this amaising post, truth be told it has opened my mind, as I always face a lot of difficulties in finding what i want. Now i have a starting point after reading this marvelous post. Thanks Emilie, Neil and all the contributors above. All resonates with me indeed! But it is challenging and difficult.

So remember to congratulate yourself on trying things out and having the courage…. I just discovered I was a multipotentialite! This relieves me from feeling depressed about having no idea of what to do with my life, and being accused of being dispersed, while focusing on one subject in my studies gives me anxiety about leaving other subjects. Name required.

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Email will not be published required. A Home for Multipotentialites! Photo courtesy of Vivian D. Written by Neil Hughes Topics: Goals. The Answer Lies Within I sometimes feel like a broken record. Discovering our aspirational wants may help bring some clarity to the other layers.

Your Turn How do you tease apart the different things you want? Andy Firth says:.

  1. The Teaching Ministry of Mark Ballenger;
  2. 4 Ways To Find Direction When You Are Feeling Confused | HuffPost Life;
  3. Post navigation;
  4. Tangents of Love;
  5. About Emilie?
  6. June 13, at am. Neil Hughes says:. June 13, at pm. June 14, at pm. Ranya says:. Anna says:. June 14, at am. Ethan Harrison says:. Cas Yates says:. June 16, at am. Felicity says:. June 17, at am. Sourav Saha says:. Fariba says:. June 21, at am. Bish says:. June 26, at pm. Anxiety is the feeling that rushes through your chest when you are about to miss a step on the staircase or you catch your foot on a crack in the pavement, and you think, for a moment, you are going to fall.

    I Don’t Know Who I Am Anymore: grief and loss of identity

    Having depression and anxiety is very physically and emotionally draining. It feels like you lose your true self and no matter how hard you try you can't find who you once were. Anonymous September 22nd, pm. Having depression and anxiety feels incredibly lonely.

    what to do when you feel totally lost and confused - Your Courageous Life

    And the frustrating thing is that things that could help make things better such being physically active, talking to someone, going out with friends are so much more difficult to do when you feel depressed and anxious. Depression is like being coated in a thick tar, which makes it difficult to do anything.

    It can be so difficult to even get up in the morning, let alone have the motivation to do anything with the day.