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Gabe Lyons, in his book The Next Christians , shares the stories of numerous individuals and groups which are looking for the darkest and dirtiest places on planet earth, and then going there intentionally to share the love of Jesus with the people they find. Quite to the contrary of running away, Craig Gross argues in his book, The Gutter , that as followers of Jesus, the church is not supposed to simply go to the downtrodden and outcast, but actually live there.

Ministering, loving, and serving those in the hellish places on earth is not a church program where we descend from our gleaming white steeples once a week or so to hand out food and pats on the back. No, as followers of Jesus, we leave our homes of comfort and ease, and go live with those who are alone and hurting in the gutters of life.

The church is called to go to hell.

highway to hell , but as a gospel song

We must feel the heat of its flames, smell the smoke of its fire, see the tears of its victims, and hear their cries of pain. We must camp out at the gates of hell, and not leave until every person has been rescued.

What Did Jesus Teach about Hell?

This is the radical mission of Jesus. And if the church is going to join Jesus in this task, some of the radical changes which have been suggested in this book may be necessary. Some of these changes may result in the destruction of the church as we know it. It may feel like your church is dying. But if these changes allow us to accomplish the mission of Jesus and live out the gospel as followers of Jesus in this world, then the church has not died, but risen to new life.

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Sproul Sinclair Ferguson W. Robert Godfrey Sproul R. Sproul Books That Influenced R. Blog Home. Well, give them the Law of Moses and strip them of their self-righteousness and bring them to the foot of a blood-stained cross. Because the Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul. Think of the woman caught in the act of adultery John —11 : violation of the Seventh Commandment.

The Law called for her blood Leviticus She found herself between a rock and a hard place. Paul spoke of being shut up under the Law Galatians ; it condemns.

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  5. Hell’s Best Kept Secret.
  6. Heaven’s Gates & Hell’s Flames© @ Grace Gospel Church.
  7. Christ's "Descent" to Hell - Study Resources.

So you dust it clean; all the dust is gone. Then you draw back the curtains and let in the early morning sunlight. What do you see on the table? What do you see in the air? Did the light create the dust? No, the light merely exposed the dust. In other words, the Law showed him sin in its true light. That will offend you. First the natural, then the spiritual.

Lloydminster Gospel Fellowship | Heaven's Gates & Hell's

The precedent in Scripture is given in John 4 for personal witness. He started in the natural realm, swung to the spiritual, brought conviction using the Seventh Commandment, and then revealed Himself as the Messiah. Get to know them; maybe joke here and there, and then deliberately swing from the natural to the spiritual. The way I do this is to use gospel tracts. One example is our optical illusion tract. This is neat…Whoa! We have a machine that does this. We buy the pennies new from the bank, nice golden-looking pennies, and we feed them into a machine that presses them.

It will do your thumbnail if you want to hold still. But it presses them with the Ten Commandments. I appreciate this. Ever told a lie? Specifically , what does it make you? Ever done that? The Bible says if you hate someone, you are a murderer 1 John God has given light to every man John The Holy Spirit convicts them of sin, righteousness, and judgment John : sin which is transgression of the Law 1 John ; righteousness which is of the Law Romans ; judgment which is by the Law Romans ; James His conscience accuses him—the work of the Law written on his heart Romans —and the Law condemns him.

All the evidence is here.


Have you anything to say before I pass sentence? And the very thing that sinners are hoping will save them on the Day of Judgment—the goodness of God—will be the very thing that will condemn them. Because God is good, He must by nature punish murderers, rapists, thieves, liars, fornicators, and blasphemers. We broke the Law; He paid the fine. Because it will drive sinners to faith in the Savior, to everlasting life. Man, I never, ever would have believed this could happen. Pretty heavy. You have a terminal disease. How am I going to handle it? Probably like this. Sit down. I show you the poison seeping through your system.

I speak to you for ten whole minutes about this terrible disease. Not long at all. Your knowledge of the disease and its horrific consequence has made you desire the cure. How many non-Christians do you know who are hungering and thirsting after righteousness? It says they love the darkness, they hate the light; neither will they come to the light lest their deeds be exposed John , The only thing they drink in is iniquity like water Job What must I do to be made right?

The Law put salt on my tongue. It was a schoolmaster to bring me to Christ. To overlook this in instructing souls is almost certain to result in false hope, the introduction of a false standard of Christian experience, and to fill the church with false converts. I believe in discipling him—biblical and most necessary.

The Ethiopian eunuch was left without follow-up. How could he survive? All he had was God and the Scriptures. If God has saved them, God will keep them. You see, the problem is that Lazarus is four days dead John He needs to hear the voice of the Son of God. And the sinner is four days dead in his sins. The Law works; it converts the soul Psalm It makes a person a new creature in Christ, that old things pass away; behold, all things are become new 2 Corinthians So find yourself a sinner, and experiment on him.

But as you do so, remember this one anecdote. Thank you for your attention, and thank you for flying with this airline. Man, am I glad to be wearing this parachute! Put the parachute on. It will be better than the movie. If you want him to put it on and keep it on, tell him about the jump.

Thank you very much! God is love.

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