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MeSH terms. Attitude to Health*; Australia; Consumer Behavior*; Evidence-​Based Medicine*; Humans; Practice Patterns, Physicians'*.
Table of contents

For over a hundred years, millions of Americans have joined together to fight a common enemy by campaigning against diseases. In Common Enemies , Rachel Kahn Best asks why disease campaigns have dominated a century of American philanthropy and health policy and how the fixation on diseases shapes efforts to improve lives.

The Pharmacist: Smuggling Medicine More Dangerous Than Running Guns

Combining quantitative and qualitative analyses in an unprecedented history of disease politics, Best shows that to achieve consensus, disease campaigns tend to neglect stigmatized diseases and avoid controversial goals. But despite their limitations, disease campaigns do not crowd out efforts to solve other problems.


Instead, they teach Americans to give and volunteer and build up public health infrastructure, bringing us together to solve problems and improve our lives. She studies political responses to social problems, focusing on how advocacy and culture shape whose concerns are addressed and whose are ignored.

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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Academic Skip to main content. Yet these attacks were countered by moments of humorous, even gentle treatment from his tormentors. And the captive would in fact co-operate because he understood himself to be observed by the sun-god during his trial.


Though Christian Europeans shunned the cannibalism of the New World, they themselves in fact practised cannibalism more systematically than any tribes in Canada or Brazil. Until around , human fat, flesh, bone and blood preferably drunk warm were widely used and esteemed forms of medicine.

Frank Lestringant tells how, around , a French Protestant was killed and eviscerated by Catholics. Elsewhere such savagery might be inspired by social antagonisms. Historian Piero Camporesi tells of violent aristocratic feuds in early-modern Italy. In a third instance, a man was tortured and killed before being disembowelled. Given the trade in cannibalistic medicine, the inference looks all too plausible.

In these incidents the aggressors do not actually eat, but enact their dominance by cannibalistic gestures.

  1. The Enemies of Reason - Wikipedia.
  2. Mirage: Mrigtrishna.
  3. Medical personnel?
  4. My Summer in France.
  5. Jungle Doctor's Enemies #5 – Christian Medical & Dental Associations.

Such gestures violently break taboos, yet avoid the possibility of being contaminated by the substance of their victims. Aristocratic revenge feuds, by their nature, have a certain amount of history behind them.

Jungle Doctor's Enemies #5 – Christian Medical & Dental Associations

Yet some startling episodes of cannibalism in the twentieth century involved a hostility that developed over a very short space of time. At a school in Wuxuan Province, students turned against their teachers. The head of the Chinese department, Wu Shufang, was condemned as a class enemy and beaten to death. In another incident, a young man was tortured because he was the son of a former landlord.

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  • As Oreskes and Conway demonstrate, an essential ploy of these merchants in creating doubt is to manufacture debate in a way that gives rise to the impression of controversy. The tobacco, energy, arms, and chemical industries work to make sure debate is kept alive by developing false dichotomies.

    Once established, they insist that the media cover both sides of the debate with balance. This is justified using the so-called fairness doctrine, even though, as we know with climate change, the number countering what is now accepted scientific fact is very small indeed.

    Common Enemies

    Over many years the corporate players and their scientific generals have used myriad highly creative framing techniques. These include insisting that the problem is very complex and so cannot have a simple solution; insisting it is premature to suggest remedies; assuring the public that technological advances will obviate the need for regulation; claiming that the marketplace is the only way to solve the problem; diminishing the perceived severity of the problems e.

    As they take us though these intriguing and discomforting stories, Oreskes and Conway provide illuminating discussions on the nature of science; the role of uncertainty, evidence, peer review, and the consensus of experts; the role of scientific institutions and academics and informative short expositions on the economic positives of regulation; the role of market failure; the origin of the fairness doctrine; the power of fear to drive nonsensical policies; and the influence of economists who simply do not believe in prevention.

    It will be welcome news if Merchants of Doubt experiences the same rise in sales. PMID: The Relentless Enemies of Science. Affiliation A.