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Your Heavenly Father loves you and wants you to be happy. Young women, in a world ever growing in moral pollution, tolerance of evil, exploitation of women, and distortion of roles, you must stand guard of yourself, your family, and all those with whom you associate. You must be guardians of virtue. What is virtue and what is a guardian?

It includes chastity and [moral] purity.

Guardian Heart Crystal Series

A guardian is someone who protects, shields, and defends. Virtue is a requirement to have the companionship and guidance of the Holy Ghost. You will need that guidance in order to successfully navigate the world in which you live.

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Being virtuous is a requirement to enter the temple. You are preparing now for that time.

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Personal Progress and the standards found in For the Strength of Youth are important. Each week he walked the distance of 22 miles from his home to the temple. It was not easy and he had many obstacles to overcome. At one point, he was kicked in the leg by one of his cows. Because it would not heal, he had to have this leg amputated. But that did not stop him from his commitment to the prophet and to work on the temple. He carved a wooden leg, and after many weeks he again walked the mile distance to the temple to do the work he had committed to do. The young women in the Cedar Hills Sixth Ward decided to walk that same distance for an ancestor and also for someone who was their inspiration to remain worthy to enter the temple.

They trained each week at Mutual, and as they walked, they shared what they were learning and feeling about temples. They began their walk to the temple early in the morning with a prayer. As they started out, I was impressed with their confidence. They had prepared well, and they knew they were prepared. Their eyes were set on their goal.

Each step they took was symbolic of each of you as you too are preparing now to enter the temple.

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Your personal training has begun with your daily personal prayers, your daily reading of the Book of Mormon, and your working on Personal Progress. As these young women continued to walk, there were distractions along the course, but they stayed focused on their goal.

Some began to feel blisters forming, and others felt knees starting to protest, but they kept going. For each of you, there are many distractions, hurts, and obstacles along your path to the temple, but you too are determined and keep going. The route these young women took was mapped out by their leaders, who had walked and driven the course and determined the safest and most direct way to go. Along this journey to the temple there were fathers, mothers, family members, and priesthood leaders acting as guardians. Their job was to ensure that everyone was safe and protected from danger.

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They made sure each young woman stayed well hydrated and had enough nourishment to maintain her stamina. Guardians of The Galaxy various runs : vol. Notable Comic Books — Solo Titles. Drax — Gamora — Groot Rocket Raccoon various runs : vol. Live-Action Film. Theme Park Attractions. Video Games. Ultimate Marvel vs.

Western Animation. Guardians of the Galaxy — present. The Classic Series.

  1. Black Panther (2005-2008) #33.
  2. Illusions Gate: What we see, depends on the clarity, with which we look;
  3. Chapter 7 - The functions and powers of guardians;
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  5. This Version Contains Examples of: Absolute Cleavage : Very popular in the future — used by the women and some of the men. Action Mom : Rancor. Adult Fear : Starhawk and Aleta once retired and settled down, only for Aleta's father to find them and kill their children in front of them. All for Nothing : Vance Astro spent a thousand years travelling to Centauri IV, giving up everything and everyone, and going a teeny bit mad on the way there Guardians in a nutshell. The team do what they can to find out what's wrong with time, only for it all to come to nothing when the Final Incursion destroys all reality.

    Alternate History : When they go back in time to team up with The Avengers , they change Major Victory's history, making their future an alternate timeline. Incidentally, this makes him the only person to be an Avenger twice as two separate people rather than just having one person with multiple identities.

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    They've even technically met in JLA vs. Avengers, although we don't see them talking to each other. And for some reason, they have slightly different powers and even different hair colours. Artificial Limbs : Yondu, after Interface from Force uses his power to transmute matter to turn Yondu's hand to gas. Yondu gets a replacement, and still managed to remain an archer despite missing a hand. Lampshaded when Martinex points out he was there, and he can remember what happened.

    Ax-Crazy : Yondu tends to go ax crazy at the drop of a hat. This concept has been quietly dropped in his modern depictions, though he's still pretty ruthless. Bad Future : By and large averted, but the late 21st century sucked, what with the Martian invasion killing off most of Earth's heroes, and the Badoon invasion of the 31st century dramatically reducing mankind's numbers and turning Earth into a crapsack world. Beast Man : The first issue of the 90s series has the team saving a planet of dog-people from the Stark. Body Surf : Korvac manages to cheat his first death by doing this, throughout multiple eras of history.

    It takes four tries for the Guardians to finally catch him. Boom, Headshot! Of course, since this is Korvac , he doesn't stay dead. In the middle of a fight with the Stark. It's so he can get Fire-Lord's attention, but he doesn't bother explaining these things ahead of time. Call-Back : In , due to a spot of time-travel, the original team meets the modern day Guardians, and they bicker about the shared name, along with the fact that the modern team had their own version of Major Victory.

    In issue 7, the two Guardian teams trace the temporal disturbances to Forest Hills, Queens. Casual Time Travel : The team can hop back and forth between the 30th and 20th century easy.

    Defied in , where the Badoon have found ways to prevent that. The team have to find a work-around using Galactus. Cat Girl : Talon is a Cat Boy. Catchphrase : "Earth shall overcome! Clingy Costume : In order to survive a thousand-year space journey, Vance Astro had to be vacuum sealed for his freshness. If his suit is breached, he'd age and die in seconds.

    She's also incredibly snarky. Except when it's being shot out of the sky. Then it was replaced with the Freedom's Lady. Which also got shot out of the sky. In , the Star-Lord of the 31st has inherited his predecessor's living ship, Ship. Conservation of Ninjutsu : When the Stark attack the Guardians, they have a harder time fighting them than the scout that attacked the team only the issue before. Crapsack World : It's a Marvel Comic. The 30th century is pretty awful.

    The Guardians version manages to be worse. The Badoon are killing off or have already killed off almost every empire out there, and no-one seems to be able to stop them. Cute Monster Girl : Despite her ridiculous hair and bad temper, Rancor is actually good-looking when she takes her mask off and stops snarling. Cyborg : Michael Korvac, one of the more dangerous enemies of the Guardians, had his legs removed by his Badoon overseers and replaced by a computer bank.