Outdoor Hill Workout: Hardcore Circuit Training for Men

This book revolutionizes the way circuit training is viewed by men all over the of the workouts were designed to be done outside of the gym (e.g. on a hill, at a.
Table of contents

What's more, research shows that you're more likely to stick to a workout program, enjoy yourself more, and have stronger intentions for future workouts when you exercise outdoors. These four routines can be programmed into your existing workouts or just used as one-offs to provide a fresh spark. They speak to the heart of you, the Bodybuilding.

These workouts require little more than your body weight and a willingness to smash through limits. They hold real-world, tangible benefits to your body, including strong muscles, decreased body fat, and improved performance.

  1. The Park Circuit.
  2. 4 Sizzling Outdoor Summer Workouts;
  3. Catholic Social Teaching, 1891-Present: A Historical, Theological, and Ethical Analysis (Moral Tradi.

You can still be a creature of habit, but now, you'll be one with more strength and conditioning tools at your disposal. Before getting started, remember that training in hot weather requires some precautions. Heat and humidity affect body temperature, and hydration becomes more important as well.

Hardcore Outdoor Workout

This little circuit is much more sinister than it looks. It goes beyond using your body weight and requires you to test your muscular endurance in a circuit setting, elevating your metabolism and caloric burn. Pull-ups and dips combine to work a heap of upper-body muscle. Varying your hand position on each round of pull-ups will emphasize different areas of the lats. An underhand grip, for example, will activate your biceps to a higher degree; a wider grip involves less elbow flexion, forcing your lats to work harder.

  1. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: A Guide for the Practising Clinician, Volume 2.
  2. .
  3. Wertkonflikte in Unternehmen: Eine erweiterte organisationstheoretische Analyse von Korruption (Germ;
  4. The Sleep of Reason (Strangers and Brothers Book 10).
  5. !
  6. 4 Sizzling Outdoor Summer Workouts.
  7. ?

Dips are also very versatile. By keeping your elbows tight and your body upright, you emphasize the triceps, while a slight forward lean and flared elbows set your lower pecs on fire. Bring gloves if you have trouble gripping a bar that may be smooth. Cut everything in half.

Play Outside: 3 Outdoor Workouts For Anywhere

Do 5 pull-ups, 5 dips, 5 hanging leg raises, and 5 jump squats, followed by a second run. Rest no more than 60 seconds between rounds. Challenge yourself by performing as many rounds as you can in 15 minutes, forgoing the prescribed rest between sets. Strive to complete more rounds each time you tackle this workout. Download the GymBoss app for free on your SmartPhone and set it for 10 second sprints with 45 seconds of recovery.

High-intensity interval training HIIT remains the preferred choice of serious athletes when it comes to burning more fat while sparing muscle tissue. And while HIIT can take many forms, sprinting is one of the best-researched methods at your disposal. Studies also show that it provides muscle and performance adaptations similar to traditional endurance training. This high-powered, condensed workout calls for a bit of explosive activity before diving into a Usain Bolt-like series of sprints. Three minutes of jumping rope serves as a more active warm-up than cold stretching, which is not advisable before exercise.

Dynamic activity such as jumping rope better prepares the joints and central nervous system for more rigorous activity while also raising core temperature. The rope also has the benefit of preparing the tendons of the feet and calves for the ballistic nature of the sprints. A low-volume jump squat routine follows, further encouraging the fast-twitch fibers of your lower body to fire quickly when called upon during your sprints. This is the result of a phenomenon known as post-activation potentiation, an underused tool for HIIT devotees. The sprints call for a max-effort run for 15 seconds at the top of each minute.

This relatively short effort allows you to work up to and briefly maintain top speed, unlike longer sprints seconds that start to abuse multiple energy systems. You'll build speed and burn body fat without sacrificing a shred of your hard-earned muscle. Reduce sprint times to 10 seconds while increasing rest walking to 50 seconds. Perform the entire routine twice per week.

Each time, add one sprint, and decrease the work-to-rest ratio by one second on each end. For example, your second workout would call for 11 second sprints with 44 seconds of rest. Next time, it'll be 12 sprints of 17 seconds with 43 seconds of recovery, and so on. If you have access to stadium steps, lucky you—you're living near a strength-and-conditioning gold mine. This time-tested method of training builds lower-body power and coordination while putting a wicked hurt on your glutes, quads, hammies, and calves. For this workout, you won't just "run" to the top of the bleachers each time—you'll alternate between traditional, fast-and-furious bleacher sprints and deliberate step-ups that emphasize your glutes.

The traditional bleacher sprint calls for you to run as you might on the street; that is, by landing on the balls of your feet so that you can quickly "bounce" into the next step. These require a high degree of coordination, as anyone who has shredded a shin bone on a step can attest. So as you fatigue, focus intently on landing with at least half of your foot on the front of each step. After walking to the bottom, knock out a set of push-ups to failure. Not only does this serve as active rest, it provides a boost to your performance on this foundational movement. She's also quick to note that there's less pressure on the joints, tendons, and ligaments when going uphill, making the added elevation perfect for those with achy knees.

This makes them the ultimate fat-burning and conditioning combo. A photo posted by Karina Baymiller kbaymiller on Sep 8, at 8: Looking to train cardio like Baymiller? First, find a moderately large hill, ideally about 40 yards long with a percent grade. Then, begin with a good, dynamic warm-up consisting of a short jog, high knees, and squat jumps to get your body mobile and ready for the task ahead.

By the time you really tie down your sneakers to start, expect to go full force. Time will vary depending on the hill grade and size, as well as external factors such as wind resistance, but it should take you about 10 seconds. Fitness pro Jen Jewell loves outdoor workouts. For her, they're a fun, fresh way to bust out of a gym rut.

But bypassing the brick-and-mortar facility doesn't mean skipping a workout.

The Mountain Man

Instead, Jewell hits the beach or opts to stay in her neighborhood for an effective training session close to home. A photo posted by Jen Jewell fitnessjewell on May 18, at Park benches make for great training tools and can be used to create a killer workout. Here's one of Jewell's favorite circuits to perform. After she completes it, she runs to the next bench and repeats the circuit again.

Play Outside: 3 Outdoor Workouts For Anywhere

If she's looking for an added challenge, Jewell integrates walking lunges—alternating between them and jogging between each bench. Benches play an integral part in added motivation as markers that help you push a bit harder when running or lunging, because you always have a goal in clear sight. IFBB pro Craig Capurso has recently taken up early-morning outdoor cardio, since it works best with his schedule and allows him to stay consistent. For Capurso, getting bored with the usual steady-state cardio was more than enough reason to head outside, run on the track, and do some bleacher work.

After warming up, he hits the track and performs one lap around— meters—at a slightly-faster-than-jogging pace. Once finished, he sprints up the bleacher stairs as fast as possible.

4 Outdoor Workouts You'd Actually Try

After he's reached the top, he returns down at half the speed. A video posted by Capurso then jogs to the next set of stairs and repeats the process. This continues until he reaches the starting point of the track again. He completes four meter laps and four stair runs.